A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s
4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
This is the fast lane for all who are under this sign right now. A feeling of being pushed from pillar to post but with much joy and enthusiasm. It is high time you came into your own and this is the start of these months’ activities. So take the bull by the horns and run with it. It really is breathtaking. Well done.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
No need to save face. All that was spoken harshly will be long forgotten and forgiven. So go about your business and begin again in a much more forth right way. Many pleasant changes around you will see you up and running again. So your time is now and on going. There is too much to do and precious little time to do it.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Now is make or break time. All the significant efforts that you have invested in yourself will now start to reap those precious rewards. See you over come those difficult times and stride ever forwards. You are unstoppable now and you have earned it. No more the uncertainties of the past. It is all there for you, so grab it with both hands.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Many times you have cried, “What if?” Living in the past is not the answer. You have to turn the clock around, start where you mean to take off. What was is no longer relevant in your life. The breakthrough is now and must be taken up, as it will be a long time before planetary conditions are right for you appear again.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Now as you begin to consolidate all your hard earned efforts you will have a smile on your face for all to see. Yes, you told them so and they will have to eat their words. Continue to do your bit, be brave as there is more upheaval to come, the outcome good for all. You are a natural leader so trust your instincts more.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
You must make those very important decisions in your life now as the planetary aspects are in your solar system and will push you forwards so that you can achieve your destiny, which has been mapped out for you. It is not about getting cold feet. It is all about positive action. Fear just does not come into it. All is to your benefit anyway.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Now is not the time for the miseries. Now is the time for reconstruction of your life in every way. A breakthrough not thought possible before will be shown to you, so you can see matters in a different light and see that things are really not that bad after all. Control on your part has not been lost, so cheer up and be thankful.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
That sticking plaster you keep putting on things will never work. You have to root out the problem and deal with it head on. Then positive results can come about and you won’t continue to feel so dragged down and depleted. The time for swift action is now. It’s in your best interest to deal with this long term problem. Then it will get better.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Impatience is not the answer. It’s by slow but steady progress that you will get there. Then the situation becomes lasting and productive and not superficial, where you have to start it all up again. Until you start to learn this concept you will continue to feel and act frustrated when in fact there is no need. Proof is out there. See it for yourself.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Why do you keep on worrying so much when the outcome is already beginning to feel rosie? You must remember all that effort put in a couple of years ago is starting to bear fruit now, but it does still need a little more time to really get going. A change of life style will bring in more positive results wait and see.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Now contentment after hard labour and extreme happenings will be bestowed on you. Although you feel not out of the woods yet, you are! No more lost in a sea of uncertainty and turbulence. Calm waters with much profit are here to stay. Begin to see and feel the urgent rumblings of better things coming your way everyday. No more regrets just long term happiness.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
The system is all change for you from here on in. Until you put your mind to the present upheavals not going according to plan and never will, you cannot go forwards which of course you must. Dragging your feet of what might be will never make it happen. All is unsavoury and must be quoshed so that the better things coming to you can.