01 December 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa's Death Mask

A clairvoyant's approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Try not to bother yourself with too many incidentals. The time has come to take the bull by the horns and run with it. So you will need all the time you can muster to get yourself fully into gear for the off. You are in a very advantageous position as planetary objectives determine the outcome, which of course is especially favourable. You are on course.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Please be patient. Your time has almost arrived for you to make something of yourself at last. You have been thrashing about in the dark for far too long and so the tide has finally turned for you and the way ahead to make a difference in your life is clear ahead. See the mounting enthusiasm as you start to go forwards at a positive pace.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The time now is all change as the full realisation of your dreams unfold nicely. Never before have you felt so in charge of your life as you do now. It will be systematically going forwards in every direction. The time here and now, be positive, as all is in place before you and it is for you to decide exactly how you wish to proceed.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The home fires are burning, so you must now look to your roots and begin to change those things that have been niggling you for months. Everything that you thought was lost will start to appear in a way not thought possible before. It will be to your detriment if you don't clear it all out now. For the new to manifest, the old must go!

20 Apr-20 May

Turn around and see what is behind you. You appear to be floundering in the dark not knowing which way to turn and you are exposed. For eventual happiness to come into your life you have to see the other side of the coin, a different angle and not how you wish it all the time. Take a step into the unknown. You won't be disappointed.

21 May-20 Jun

You are going from strength to strength, so well done. It has been a hard task these past few months and you have come through it all with flying colours. Start to now cash in on your progress and begin to feel alive again. It is all going smoothly for you, so chin up at last. A break away very soon will see you happy indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now as your life turns full circle you actually come into your own. All that hard work and effort have finally paid off and you should be well pleased with yourself. There will be a new avenue of work and self promoting, so take it up at the earliest opportunity. You really cannot afford to delay. What you once thought couldn't happen is about to.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The settling down of your life begins to happen in earnest. There are a few little niggling things that need to be addressed. Begin to take your time in sorting these matters out. It can be long and drawn out and really can't be rushed if you want to achieve your ultimate goal. Much help on offer to you. Be cautious as to who you ask.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Don't feel rushed or pressurised into taking up an offer which is not right for you, as you will come to regret it. It seems right on the surface but you are not privy to all the facts, so bide your time and learn and then you will see that I am right. Another better offer will come in, which will be more to your liking.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Be at peace and find your place in the scheme of things. What appeared hopeless to you some months ago is starting to edge forwards with much positive interest. The planetary aspects are in your favour and all will be revealed to you in a short space of time. It does mean a rethink of the situation, but you will succeed no matter what the odds.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Do not turn your back on the past. I know there is pain there, but there is also much love. Learn to see what can be salvaged from those situations. A better understanding of why things had to be will present themselves. You can begin a fresh start and a better way of living in a practical but loving way, which can at last be realised.

22 Nov-21 Dec

You must really start to live. It's no good being complacent. That has got you nowhere fast. Take up the opportunity which is about to come in and begin to see the difference to your life. Stop that infernal moaning as you are more fortunate than you realise and begin to be thankful for all that you are now given. Otherwise you might lose it.

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01 November 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa's Death Mask

A clairvoyant's approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The breakthrough has finally arrived and you must be well pleased. You can go back to everybody and tell them that you were right after all. Those heavy months of despair, were worth the wait. Now, as the planetary changes dictate, you can go forwards knowing all is alright and you are completely safe and sound. Decisions you never thought possible can now be implemented.

22 Dec-19 Jan

It is justice to you on every level and you must be prepared to stick your neck out to achieve it. It will make no difference to your stature as you are so well thought of already. This blow from nowhere, which will take you by surprise, is worth every aspect of your life and must be treated in the way of reverence and much security.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Now that so many stumbling blocks are being removed from you, life takes on a different level of expertise and personal fulfilment. It is not by chance that these situations have finally changed for you but because they were necessary in order to change and shape your life. So go with the flow, you have no choice the end result will be to your liking.

19 Feb-20 Mar

My advice to you is to stay put and be happy. All that you ever thought of as great value is already there for you. So really appreciate it and come to love those things that people really love about you. You give life to others, now is your turn to receive and accept much love back. The changes of personal fulfilment are already upon you.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Now is your winter of discontent, only if you let it be. Your confused mind has been troubling you unnecessarily. You seem to think that everything will be falling in on you from a great height. That simply is not true. So do not hide yourself under a bushel of despair. See that life can turn around for you even though it looks impossible right now.

20 Apr-20 May

Get out and get going. You can no longer afford to waste valuable time anymore. These chances will not be there indefinitely. They must be grasped with open arms right now. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain. You have only yourself to blame if you miss this opportunity. Allow yourself a little faith and see you benefit at long last.

21 May-20 Jun

Be patient. The wait is almost over, the breakthrough of events already upon you. You can now allow yourself to breathe again and be content with the outcome. Allowing yourself to become wiser after the event has already served its purpose and you won't be put in this precarious position again. Learn to be gracious in defeat and see how you benefit in the long term.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Making a stable home for you is never easy as there are always obstacles in the way. Now a new set of rules applies by which you will seem happier than you have done in years. Planetary changes are very much in your favour. A new deal is already on the table whereby everybody gains. Don't put up anymore barriers. It will go against you!

23 Jul-22 Aug

Now as much contentment is the order of the day, a new found activity, which you never thought possible is presented to you. Think very carefully if you wish to go down this road. It's not all it is cracked up to be. A very interesting outcome of events will take you by surprise. All must be got through in order for the greater outcome for all.


23 Aug-22 Sep

Be at peace and don't be such a misery. The situation was never going to work in a million years. Be thankful that it all went pear-shaped and you, although off your guard, were saved in the face of it. Now as events start to turn in your favour, you will be truly grateful that you came out on top inspite of everything.

23 Sep-22 Oct

This time in your life will either make or break you. You have had to learn bitter lessons and from that much needed strength and advice is given. Trust in the planetary outcome to steer you to the place you need to be, so that you can finally achieve what has for you been a bitter ordeal – that passage through it really is there for you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Be careful with your life. By burning the candle at both ends for far too long has already taken its toll. Retreat from the ordeals that you place yourself in and begin to see what is truly important in life and not what you think is? A situation will appear whereby you'll need to be functioning fully. Be mindful this only comes once in a while.

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01 October 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa's Death Mask

A clairvoyant's approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Oct-21 Nov

It's a month that will see much hardship and an unsettled feeling. Go with the flow and see it turn around when you least expect it. The final outcome is good and positive. This transition is needed to go through, worry not it has been sorted out. Decisions that you faced before but were not finalised will rear its head again, this time for good.

22 Nov-21 Dec

There is no good moping around you knew it was coming, so now you must deal with it. It's to your advantage and it will pave the way for better things in your life, so get this much needed debris out and see the salvation coming in. You owe it to yourself to be diligent and to see just what you are made of.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The opportunities that you never thought were coming are here and here to stay. It's the makings of you now and cannot be ignored. It has been your life's path and you must rejoice in all its coming. You have especially earned it, so excel as never before. It is your right to achieve. Enjoy it. There is no need to be brave any longer.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Now that you are feeling comfortable more than you have in a very long time, you can feel extremely pleased with yourself. All that hard work has now finally paid off and you must be congratulated. Be at peace. It is your right now to benefit and take those much needed rewards. It is not by chance that good news comes to you at last.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Being patient has never been your strong point. Now that you finally have what has been so long promised to you, you can look back and see that it was all worth while. You have soldiered on and have benefitted along the way. Now you can breathe that sigh of relief. You have finally made it and are very proud to be here.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Being here there and everywhere is driving you crazy. Stop for a moment take a grip and see that you can organise yourself better. The time has come for that big change over. You are ready for it and you will make it, so get a grip and don't be afraid. Your time has come. It is not luck. It was meant to be.

20 Apr-20 May

Stop feeling so miserable about yourself. Life really is not that bad anymore. Just because you are in a rut you can do something about it. Start to change the way that you see things and your circumstances will change with your thoughts. All good things are out there for you, so don't be so pessimistic. Take that plunge and renew your energy now.

21 May-20 Jun

That final contract has arrived and you must open it. You will not be disappointed as to the outcome and there is nothing to fear any longer. You are finally recognised for your worth, so seek that higher position and learn to rise to the occasion. You are now opening a new and exciting chapter of your life, appreciate and know you can do it.

21 Jun-22 Jul

It must be love and that's why you are not yourself anymore. All will not come down with a bang. It will just grow. See yourself glow from ear to ear. Learn that this was always meant to be. What was once a stumbling block is no longer, your path straight and true, so wake up to the idea. Your life has now changed forever.

23 Jul-22 Aug

You are now in seventh heaven and everything you ever wanted is now being realised, so be happy and see your life begin to change in a way you never thought possible before. It will be a rollercoaster situation for a few months, but it will be worth it as it is now your time. Forget the past, just live for the present.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The next step in your life now is crucial. How you act will see the makings of you. Your spirit is high and it must remain so in order for you to achieve this great ordeal. Trust in the higher powers to make it all happen for you and there will be no regrets, as you are guided on and upwards.

23 Sep-22 Oct

It is now or never, so be prepared and start to see what is now on offer to you. It has taken a long time, but you will see the benefits already at the beginning of the month. It is what you have been waiting for and it comes in with a bonus. A new car to come, be choosy there are offers around.

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01 September 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa’s Death Mask

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Sep-22 Oct

It will be a testing time for you in the next couple of months so stick with it and it will turn out all right. You are caught between two planetary alignments which are causing disturbances and disruption to your life. Know it is only transitory and that the outcome will be sound in all cases. Learn to pamper yourself during this difficult phase.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you go from strength to strength now knowing that nothing can touch you, spare a little time to go over the finer details of what is needed still to be done and it will help to keep matters on a more even keel. Being spontaneous was never your strong point, but as things stand just now you can be and it will be alright.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Miracles come in small doses and you have had a spate of them just recently. You are mildly amused and so you should be. Where matters stand at the moment you can afford to be frivolous. So do yourself a favour and learn to live a little. You deserve it. You are able to count on situations now which before was not an option.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Being in control is never an easy option. Now that everything is evenly placed in your part of the hemisphere you can at last rely on high yields where before this was not an option. What was so readily sacrificed can now be returned to you and a better way of living and working is given to you. So you need never worry again.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Now as everything appears brighter in your life you can afford to take a well earned rest. Security was never possible but now as the planetary conjunction is in place that which was not possible now is! To be afraid no more is a reality not only to you but many. See good come out of the suffering, know you were right to trust all along.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The vast change is here, the proof is here. You always wanted it so now you have it. You have not been let down but released from all future heartaches. The mission accomplished and delivered to you. Know that you are worth it in all capacities and uphold everything that is gracious and loving. This transformation was not given lightly and you will know this.

21 Mar-19 Apr

It seemed the beginning of the end and now there is a spanner that has caused further upheaval. You are right on track now to deal with it head on and know that this is the final act to deal with. A sigh of relief and then plans at last can be put down and maintained. It is high time and don’t you know it?

20 Apr-20 May

Be cautious and be generous at the sametime. You know it makes sense in order for events to be spontaneous and fruitful. Big decisions need to be given adequate time to deal with. It is long over due and time is running out so do not be afraid sit down, think and deal with it. It really won’t bite you. Life is now lifting off.

21 May-20 Jun

Why keep moping about the past? It is dead and buried. Embrace now what is on offer to you and know that the time is right for this new and exciting start. It has been a cruel way in how it came about, but it is foolproof and you will understand why it had to come in this way. A bitter sweet victory, but sweet indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

That decision you made was the right one. You might not think so just now, the situation will change again. It will come around to your favour so your instincts and judgement were completely right. As you are thrust in the limelight of all that is good and profitable there is a certain responsibility that goes with it I’m sure you know what I mean?

23 Jul-22 Aug

It is a bitter sweet pill you have to take in order to get what you want. See the sense in waiting so that extra profit can be made instead of rushing for rushing sake. Situations will have to turn. They are not in your favour yet so prudence and patience is the name of the game. An effective transaction by the end of the year.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Why do you keep on struggling when there is no need to? You put yourself in this dilemma and can’t get yourself out of it. See reason. Make your peace and make a deal. It is not a capitulation. It is an acceptance that needs to be sorted out and sorted out in a most positive way. This way everybody gains and all are satisfied.

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01 August 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa’s Death Mask

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
What might have seemed a disappointing year for you is now turning into something splendid and will be cherished for all time. So brace yourself for the outcome and see that you are indeed centre stage from now on. You will have to make those necessary changes but they are influential in your future anyway, so you won’t mind. See the results and be grateful.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Now all that hard work has in fact paid off and you will see yourself emerge as the victor. You have had to stand your ground on a number of things and it has now fully paid off, so well done to you. Start to see the positive side to everything. There is that silver lining in all that you do and say. So be happy.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
It had to come and now you have finally made it. You will start to see a vast difference to your life from now on. All that was dragging its feet has been removed and the new and involved life is there for you. Notice the difference. See you shine as never before. You have learnt to overcome major obstacles and can at last breathe again.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Those opportunities that came and went will re-emerge on a much better footing, so that you are able to see a much more positive outcome and you will be able to plan ahead for a future that is now much more assured and profitable. The outcome can at last be relied upon and you will feel more in control than you have in a long time.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
What seems an impossible dream is there for you. Unless you are prepared to acknowledge its existence, you keep it at bay? The final outcome is glorious, is all knowing and will make that lasting difference to your life, whether you accept it or not. The time for its emergence is now ascending and you will accept it even though you cannot see it just yet.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Don’t shy away from responsibilities you have decided to accept to undertake. You have yearned for them and now they are there so make the most of it. You will be transformed in the process and certainly feel the better for it. So start to take an active role and see the outcome more pleasing to your eyes then you first imagined.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Now, as fear comes in, you think it’s all too much for you. I can assure you it’s not. See everything change in a dramatic way. The upliftment to your spirit, all that you stand for which is good and honest. See yourself as others do, a success not a failure. You see doom and gloom when all good is approaching you for all time.

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Now, as the necessary adjustments to you life become possible, so a sequence of events will transpire making what seemed the impossible happen. You have had to work long and hard for this, but as the planetary changes occur giving you much needed upliftment and security of faith as never before, so seek now the dream and learn to start afresh. It is the time.

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
A very big opening is coming into your life. It was always there, but not able to fully materialise. Now as the forces for good come in, the past is now fully swept away so those important decisions can at last be realised and a better playing field is now operational. See and feel those benefits all around you. Know now it is your time and enjoy.

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
See you’re happy and content as never before. What was an illusion is now a formality and you can learn to breathe once again. So stick to your guns as you are now able to change the situation completely around to your way of thinking and working. Take your power and learn to control it for your benefit and see that joy entering into your life.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
It must be disheartening to go through life never knowing you are appreciated for all the loving things that you do. A massive shift of energies will help change that for you. The Universe is showing you its light, from this angle good things for everybody are realised. Those that have always loved you will speak it outright. Don’t feel flattered just take it all in.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
All appears topsy-turvy and impossible to deal with. All is mayhem and uncertainty. You will emerge the victor. You always do in these sorts of circumstances. So ride the storm a little longer. Bite your tongue and see situations turn around better than you had expected. It’s a weird sort of world at times and all must be got through in order to make a difference.

02 July 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


JULY 2009

Mustafa’s Death Mask

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Now that there is much upheaval with the planetary system, a new and involved way of working will come about. This will allow you long term satisfaction and a feeling that at last you are able to express yourself in a way not thought of possible before. You will feel more empowered with your life as never before. So start to believe and see the results.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Stop pussy footing with your life, it is not standing still. It is now a wake up call to get yourself up and motivated. Circumstances that were once bothering you will just fall away nicely, allowing you a clean canvass for your life to get up and running again. Take this chance and go for it. You know you deserve it and see the benefits.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Now that your strength has returned and you are starting to feel more grounded than at any time in your life, you will see a pattern emerge which, if you let it, can start to change your life. It’s a life experience you will never forget and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Start to trust your own instincts and prove it to yourself.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
You are much too tense at the moment to allow anything really good to come into your life. The more you worry the more matters will slip away. Be patient and learn to trust in a high power to steer you where you are meant to be. A new start is coming, so be more at peace and allow circumstances to come your way.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
It is because you are intelligent that you are able to see situations that others cannot. So begin to see why you are so blessed and give others a chance to catch up. They need to see it from their prospective and can’t always see it from yours. Show leadership and patience and learn to be gentle on yourself. You know it makes sense.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Those difficult days are over and you are now constantly in the light of much assurity and calm. Major decisions coming up will turn your world upside down and so be content and learn to be flattered by the process. All is exactly as it is meant to be with no short cuts or mishaps. The World now really is your oyster. Learn to enjoy it.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Be prepared for radical changes to your life. You can’t stop them. It’s only now will you be able to appreciate them. What you have wanted for far too long is on its way to you. Brace yourself for the challenges. It’s what you have been asking for all this time. Be a support to others so that you can obtain maximum benefit to you.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
It’s no mean feat that you have survived this long. Now, as everything turns full circle for you and you are in your comfort zone, you will be expected to perform at the highest level possible. All your achievements are being realised at the same time and to keep you in very good stead. Now everybody will want to know you. You have made it at last.

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
It’s a shame that you keep beating yourself over the head. Can you not see that all is out there for you, but you refuse to take that vital step forwards for fear of falling? Deep emotional issues still hold you back and you must learn to trust when something good comes your way so that full appreciation can make that next step easier.

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
You fear you have lost your way and that golden opportunity that was on offer is now dead and buried. It is only a temporary hiccup and it will return to you when the timing is right and you are more prepared to take on those challenges that you didn’t feel were right for you before. Nothing is lost. All will return to you.

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Promises, promises and nothing seems to be going right for you. All is up in the air and you don’t know whether you are coming or going. Be at peace little one and allow matters to change in a more positive way, so that you can see the reason why it took so long. It will be to your benefit in the long run.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Now that you are entering a most fascinating time in your life, you will be asked to respond and respond you will. What seemed impossible some months ago can at last be realised and new firm commitments on a number of issues are already set up. So be very pleased with yourself. You have finally arrived. What seemed the impossible is now here – enjoy it!

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01 June 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


JUNE 2009

Mustafa’s Death Mask

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Many troubles seem to be around you and you appear swamped under a pile of work with nothing seeming to go right. Don’t despair. There are planetary changes around so a rollercoaster feeling is what you are experiencing. All will slow up and a brighter outlook is there for you. Hold in there, you will be absolutely fine in a couple of weeks.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Feeling out on a limb? Not sure whether you are doing the right thing? Search your conscience. Is this really what you want or are you just kidding yourself? Take time out for you and see what is really out there. You might find you will change your mind before it is too late. Everything that seems familiar does not make it always right.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
It is a topsy-turvy world out there right now and you feel jetlagged to say the least. Try to put matters in order around you and begin to feel more grounded. A major development to occur in your life so you had better be ready for it – everything to be up to date now for the coming good news. You are almost there now.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Stop crying over spilt beer. The situation is not dead and buried. There is new hope out there. You just can’t see it right now. Be patient, what seemed hopeless some months ago is now being released and a new framework to your life is now approaching. It will be what you have been waiting for. So hold in there. You won’t be sorry.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Being pulled from pillar to post is making you feel rather dizzy and out of sorts. Allow the planetary aspects to settle and you will start to feel less bruised and more with it. Now is the time for making those necessary adjustments to your life, which will hold you in good stead as you’ll be up and running again in a very short time.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Now as there is all change in your life, so you need to be prepared to raise the anti. What once was, is no more and it can’t be repeated. What is necessary in your life to make it get up and go is now approaching and must be faced with joy and much hope. You have earned it, so well done to you.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
This is the moment you have been waiting for. Yes, it has taken long enough but you won’t be disappointed. You’ll be ahead of the game in all aspects, a complete new lease of life is there for you. So with the go ahead, do not think twice just go for it. The turning point for all to see and a great feeling of achievement.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Now you face your greatest hour. It has been a long hard slog and you have finally made it through what seemed impossible odds. Achievement never comes easy to you but it has finally. Do not waste the experience, enjoy every moment you have committed to it and now the victory is yours. Don’t look back on the past. It’s the future which beckons you.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Hurray, your time has come at last and all is much joy and pleasure. You will not be able to believe it, but believe it you will. All the sacrifice and sheer hard work has now paid off and you’ll be in seventh heaven from now on. Tired and wilted you most certainly are, but joyous and elated is certainly how you will feel.

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Every time you have tried your best and been bashed down. For what you may well ask? As situations are now changing at a remarkable rate you will be able to see the salvation for all your hard labours bearing fruit at every level. Don’t be disappointed. Keep the faith. You have now made it. Success is sweeter through the turmoil, even you know that!

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
We are almost there. Those trying times just recently have been long and arduous. Now the breakthrough has arrived and you will see many sing your praises. It is never easy to say, “I was right all along” as you are a humble person, but your heart spoke to you and you knew if you stuck it out you would win in the end!

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Those new beginnings are here to stay. So put away those worry lines of yours and see those promises being fulfilled. You have had to bite your tongue so many times. It has now paid off. So keep a cool head and enjoy what is so rightfully yours. An offer you can’t refuse will see you happier than you have been in a long time.

01 May 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


MAY 2009

Mustafa’s Death Mask

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
It will appear a difficult month to start with as there are so many complicated issues around you. Take heart as the month progresses, all will have to fall into line and a better outlook is given. So don’t hold your breath all will be fine. The challenges to you are enormous, but with increased confidence you are able to adjust accordingly – so well done.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
You keep thinking about the past, “What if?” Well, there was never “What if”. It was never going to work out for you in that way. Now a much better approach to life is about to come in that will make you feel so grateful that you never went down that past road and were brave enough to go forwards even though you were guided.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Now is all change and much serenity comes into your life. Never did you ever think you would get this far, but you have. It has been challenging and soul seeking and it has turned your life upside down. Enjoy now this life that you have made for yourself and begin to appreciate it in every way. There are no regrets, all is entirely meant.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Many promises given to you which you feel you still cannot accept. It has been difficult for you to look into your own heart and see that others who love you wish all good things to happen to you. See these promises come to full fruition and begin to trust again in human nature. There really is a lot of good out there for you.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
As you begin to look inside, you will see how powerful you really are. Forget those blue days when life seemed impossible. Now the beginnings of life and adventure are to show themselves. Are you ready for them? I think you are. So don’t feel gloomy any longer, but rejoice in your own peace of mind and begin to see that success coming your way.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
An expensive time ahead, so don’t blow it all on incidentals. Save some for that rainy day as it is definitely coming and you will be out of pocket. This I can assure you. Not everything is needed now. Allow planetary movements to bring in the better things later on. You really won’t miss out, but you will if you blow it all now!

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
It’s all to and fro; you are being pushed to the hilt with no respite. See the situation collapse and see you emerge with your dignity in tacked. It’s no good moaning about it. You saw it coming and chose to take this path. When it all stops you will be able to take positive action from this situation, which you won’t be repeating again.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Now as all change hits you hard, you will be in seventh heaven and your glory will be recognised, not by you but by others who support you. What seemed an impossible task will be so easy, that you will just let yourself go and be satisfied. It had to come and the shock won’t be a shock, just hard earned work rewarded and appreciated.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Make a positive decision to completely change your life now. With planetary aspects proving most favourable to you, it couldn’t be a better time. Difficult decisions from the past no longer hold you anymore. Freedom on every level is afforded to you so take up the challenge. You won’t be disappointed. Certain aspects to your life are opening out so recognise them and act immediately.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
You won’t be able to recognise it until it hits you. It comes in, in a peculiar way and you will be gobsmacked. All your hard earned efforts being fully rewarded to you, it’s been a long time in coming and the surprise is well worth the wait. See yourself elevated in a remarkable way; appreciate the journey of life that got you there finally.

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. What was once coming to you is still on course. There are still fundamental aspects which need to be ironed out. The impossible will get sorted out, so patience here is the nature of the game. You want it right and so do we, so lighten up. We are almost there now, the strangle hold finally released.

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Don’t give up the day job. What seems an intolerable situation won’t get any better at this time. There are changes on the horizon, but not visible to your eyes just yet. This chapter in your life begins to ease up so that it becomes more bearable until that vital change becomes possible. We are not there yet. Hold the course. You won’t regret it.