01 October 2014

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2014

23 Sep-22 Oct

The position appears to be hanging there in the balance and where you feel distraught and severely handicapped. See out of the blue a saving grace, where all begins to fall in your favour and where new decisions can be commanded. This is your time to make the necessary advances on a better more economical level and where finally you are in the commanding position.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As the new found vocation is yours for all time, you will feel both liberated and uplifted. At last you have the impetus and the position to exercise your will and expertise. From this position you can command a better outlook than ever before. The career change has been both fortuitous and welcoming and has come at the right time to make a significant difference to your life.

22 Nov-21 Dec

There is no need to throw caution to the wind as new active opportunities for you are delivered. There will be a career change bringing you lasting benefits and much finance, which is always needed in your case.  What was promised some months ago is well on target and nothing has been lost in holding you in preservation for what is to come. All is for your benefit.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As your dreams finally come true and nothing is left to chance, you will feel strangely uncertain that although it was always meant to be, you still felt you were not worthy, which of course you always were.
Taking the bull by the horns on every level will free up any anxieties you may be harbouring. This big step is in preparation of better things to come.

20 Jan-18 Feb

What you thought was impossible has become possible without your input. The Higher Intelligence has paved the way for the renewed contract to occur. As you realised just how blessed you are, you can begin to chart matters in a better way. The old ways will no longer be productive. It is the new that needs to be addressed for all to gain at the same time. 

19 Feb-20 Mar

As the stimulating new work begins to shape up your future and your role in society, do not think you cannot achieve it. Your strength and wisdom will out shine anybody who feels they can challenge your judgement. The role you hold is one of supremacy over others and where your advice will stand the test of time always. Respect and admiration will become the norm.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Have a care as to how you handle situations around you.  Nothing is that straight forward and careful consideration for other people’s feelings needs to be taken into consideration if you are to benefit from the new plans shown to you. This is no longer a one band operation, but a collective and so it must be discussed by all for the consensus to benefit and gain.

20 Apr-20 May

Although you feel troubled, don’t be. The opening has already happened and you are finally thrust into the limelight. It is what you have been asking for and so now it is yours to command and to prosper by. The situation is not entirely straight forward, but is easy for you to fit in and make it your own. You have gained where others have failed.

21 May-20 Jun

To bring about certainty, where before was doubt, will amaze and please you. The new structured opportunity will allow swift passage to enjoy what was rightfully yours. You have come a long way and the time is right for you to take centre stage and become that fully fledged professional. Nothing can hold you back and the new team will be at your disposal to guide you in.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you jump from one career to another, you will be amazed at how simple it all is. What you felt and dreaded before is no longer worth thinking about. Your transformation will be quick and decisive and many will benefit from your expertise and dedication. As new important clientele begin to realise your talents, so more are directed to you and business becomes a dream at long last.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never think you can’t make it. The breakthrough you have been waiting for is at last at your door and you can begin to take steps for your career, which has been a long time in the making. At last you can realise your true worth and where finance will go hand in hand with productivity of which there will be no shortage as far as you are concern.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The simple things in life give the greatest of pleasures and where your will to begin again is never far from your thoughts. Long ago when you had a dream that has been with you for all time, that dream becomes the reality. Your happiness guaranteed and the welcoming changes will see you positive as never before. Taking chances is no longer necessary. The reality is here to stay.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org