01 July 2014

Clairvoyant Horoscope for July 2014

21 Jun-22 Jul

The career you are presently involved in has too many strings attached and a breaking away will be made possible, so that you are able to address new career prospects, which will be in keeping to your needs and desires.  It has been an interesting path and where you have learnt a lot and are now able to apply it to matters more close to the heart.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Never feel heavy burdened, because life moves in mysterious ways.  What seemed like a drag will gently ebb away for you to finally achieve your destiny for what it is worth.  Important contracts of work, which were not there before because of the status quo, will appear, giving you time to reconsider your options before you make the decisive move – an interesting time and profitable as well.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A chance meeting will set up a dialogue, which will amuse you.  It opens up an entire industry of work and contacts, which allow you more growth in finance – the start of something big, where much energy on your part to help make it work is necessary.  Full admiration of what you do becomes the norm.  Allow yourself to be swept up in a tide of euphoria.

23 Sep-22 Oct

No need to be shy, as it won’t get you anywhere, it’s time you were in charge and robust in your delivery of what you want, in the way that you want it.  You have been beating about the bush for long enough.  Now is the time for boldness and in speaking your mind if you are to break through this deadlock in the situation that surrounds you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As the time starts to press on very quickly indeed, you need to make drastic decisions towards your immediate future and prospects.  Uplifting situations will come in with a bump to help you to decide what action you need to take.  Loyalties are no longer applicable, but where your interests primarily must come first.  You cannot afford to sacrifice yourself for others.  It is your time now!

22 Nov-21 Dec

Open your eyes see the success you have achieved.  Realise that more is on the way.  You are unstoppable.  Contracts and signings will see that you have come a long way.  The new scheme of working is your way of delivering sound and effective work.  All will love you for it and admire your steadfastness in getting projects off the ground.  Your name is in the frame!

22 Dec-19 Jan

The days are coming now for your big launch onto the world stage from which you will feel no trepidation, but a comfort that all will be well and your role will be significantly improved in all dimensions.  A starting block from which you will be selected to do chosen work for the greater good – a dream come true.  Preparation needs to be in place for that move.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Hungry you might be for personal advancement, but until all things are in place for that to happen, you can but sit back and watch.  The planetary changes are still in motion to bring about a favoured motion.  Gather up your strength for the off and be wary of whom you trust, as there is conflict on the horizon and you cannot be found wanting.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Gently you are eased into your role of greatness and a completely different life to what you have been used to.  With greatness comes responsibility and you will not be short of doing what is right for the advancement of Mankind.  See that all work is up to date as fast lines of movement are already afoot.  It will seem as if it will never arrive, then it is there.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Being too cautious is never a good thing, as you hold back your own personal advancement.  By remaining free and going with the flow you will enhance your progress and the dam of negativity is removed for all time.  Then the advancement to your credit can finally be given.  Trust in your instincts and be patient.  All is there for you.  Failure is not an option.

20 Apr-20 May

Wake up to good things now coming to you with quick results and effortless acts on your part to bring about healthy outcomes of which you will be well pleased.  There will be many undertakings of which you will need to seek further advice in a commercial way and signatures by a law firm will be required to give you peace of mind.  All then can be safeguarded.

21 May-20 Jun

Begin to take stock of what is important in your life.  You will begin to understand that control was never a part of your life, but a symptom that another takes into consideration for what is important to you.   What can be achieved when you no longer interfere?  It has taken its toll and until you begin to see reason you will be battling with the odds of life.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org