01 December 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2015

22 Nov-21 Dec

Moving on up with your life will not prove difficult to you as you are being helped by the planetary changes to bring about positive productivity throughout this month.  These next few days are the growing periods of success and much momentum to enhance your career and your life in general.  This will be happening.  A change around of events will see you push ahead with all speed.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A big headache is being lifted from your life for all time.  You will be able to see your way clear for the first time and make plans not thought possible a few years ago.  See your life emerging out of the shadows of despair into the glorious light.  See your important role in all this happening, where your input is vital for its success on all levels.  The ball starts rolling with all happiness for you!

20 Jan-18 Feb

The time will pass now very quickly for this breakthrough of events to come to fruition and expectation of success and immediate progress.  The floodgates of success are all around you and never will you have felt so satisfied in such a long time.  Take all your courage and conviction knowing you are riding high now and where you can see salvation is ahead for the first time.

19 Feb-20 Mar

An inner glow of complete satisfaction is being given to you, where you now know you are on the right track for success on so many levels.  You are being spoilt for choice.   Now you will realise your destiny has at last come to you and where you will be recognised the world over and your name linked with love, honesty and integrity, not always recognised in the world today.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Changing your mind is not the answer to this immediate problem.  You have to see the course through, so that you can sustain a viable outcome for your long term plans and aspirations.  This will not be difficult for you in the long term planning of things.  Try to see the whole picture and to see where your hard work has already paid dividends and will continue to do so.

20 Apr-20 May

Never think you are finished in your field of excellence.  Start to see your input is proving worthwhile and where you have that special something extra, which puts you head and shoulders above the rest.  The new chapters of your life are being played out as we speak and where you will be able to dictate policy in ways not thought possible before.   The future is now bright and rosy.

21 May-20 Jun

Never think that you can’t win this battle of minds.  You have an intellect which goes beyond the norm and where you are able to be head and shoulders above the rest.  This turning point will have substantial progressive aspects for you, so you are able to venture into the unknown and survive in a better way than before.  You have been in this position before and succeeded and so you will be again.

21 Jun-22 Jul

A difficult time ahead will be short-lived and a better outcome not envisaged will emerge with long standing benefits all around.  Never give up on your own capabilities, which are now growing at a phenomenal rate.  These will pull you through where you can emerge the victor in so many ways.  Your life is changing dramatically, but for the better, where you will at last have the upper hand.

23 Jul-22 Aug

What you thought of as impossible is now showing the important signs of possibility and permanence in your life.  It will give you what you have always wanted, to be your own boss and to be able to excel in ways not thought possible before.  All the barriers are down and the new way is shown to you to allow you greater control over your entire life as never before.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Never underestimate your own power of persuasion and control.  You are living in the moment and this is a good thing, as it allows you to move freely and to be seen as something special in so many people’s lives.  The long awaited breakthrough is there for you and the outcome is as positive as ever.  You are flying now!

23 Sep-22 Oct

Speak gently to those you love, as you need to rebuild bridges that were once broken and where for lasting peace a better outcome is given to you.  By being more flexible and less obstinate the new pathway will be given to you.  This is not about saving face, but about learning what life is really like if you wish to still succeed in your chosen career. That turnabout is coming!

23 Oct-21 Nov

Never think you need to be totally on top all the time to succeed and be noticed.  There are many ways where those who are important around you are able to see you for what you are and for what you do to inspire in others to achieve.  You are being talked about with great enthusiasm and favour, so lighten up a little and let the Universe do its bit for you.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 November 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2015

23 Oct-21 Nov

It now that the major changes occur in your life. There is no point in trying to stop them as they are coming anyway. You will see a dramatic change in finances, which will please you and where a diversity of talent and experience will be called upon, which will be able to set you up in business in different ways to what you thought was possible – a great time ahead.

22 Nov-21 Dec

There is no point in looking back on the past, as that has long gone.  Your future is not looked at in trepidation, but with an open heart and mind. Understand there is a breakthrough in events, which must be got through to allow you a greater stability and leverage over your finances, all of which will have a positive outcome. See your path ahead clear and exciting, which is so important to you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The time has come where you will approve of life in ways not thought possible before. An opening of some significance will see you both buoyant and happy again. It is high time that you take centre stage and are able to believe in your destiny as never before. It has taken its time in coming, but you will feel richer for it. Never look back at the past, embrace your future as never before.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The crossroads that you think you are still in is no more than the gathering of momentum, which is unstoppable and you have to see through these last stages to become totally fulfilled and satisfied that you have won through the day. The lightning events will take you by storm and all is gathering at a speed that is difficult to stop, but it will be to your liking now!

19 Feb-20 Mar
Peace is very much on your mind right now and it is prosperity in all things that are the next stages to your life. It will come in at quite a pace and will take a little while to get used to, as the rollover stages are quite exhausting, but exhilarating all at the same time. Know your own strengths and determination won’t let you down, as the new dawn will openly show.

21 Mar-19 Apr

A major shift in policies will see you up and running again. What you are going through is a temporary dip and it is worth mentioning that you did learn from it. Trust in the better deal coming your way, so that you can expand your business in ways that were once blocked to you. You will need to adjust on a massive scale to be able to push ahead and keep these projects going.

20 Apr-20 May

The time to shine is now and it will be your elevated position within the industry that you are working in, which will see your just desserts rewarded from the highest in the land. This is not a fake promise, but a prediction of some merit, where you will need to give a helping hand to another, who has already secured your position in this deal.

21 May-20 Jun

Open up your heart to what is now being given to you. You have shunned away from the limelight for far too long now and this situation must be broken to allow you to step up to the plate of greatness of which you were always destined to have and own. There is no time for deliberation, but to act when the call comes in as it comes for you!

21 Jun-22 Jul

Know your worth and begin to expand on what is necessary for you to have that life. You have not wasted it, but this time to move on is imperative for you to make the impact that is important to you. You are well-loved and admired. See just what you need to do to get that life at long last. The planetary changes beckon you on and so you will be swept up and on.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Be very pleased with yourself. You have made the necessary impact, which is duly noted by those in charge and by those who have your best interests at heart. The way is no longer barred for you, but open to all your brilliant ideas and, those who work alongside you, will equally benefit. That leap of faith is assured, where you will make that giant leap and become acknowledged in your own right.

23 Aug-22 Sep

It is for you to now have that spring in your step, as you come through this mighty ordeal and are able to tell the story and become known for it. Never will you feel afraid again, as the situation is now long gone and you have emerged the victor in all things. Take time out to understand the consequences of your actions and begin to see a better life from now on.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you begin to see your life’s path change for you, without you even lifting a finger to do it, you will be well pleased that you have had this patience to see the job through and come out a better stronger person. No more hardship, but a glorious beginning of which you can be well proud. There is now safety all around you, so there is no need to worry anymore!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 October 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2015

23 Sep-22 Oct

There are very good energies around your solar planetary system at this time bringing in many positive, but mostly creative situations around you.   If you are thinking of starting up a business, now is the time to do it as everything is favourable for you.   There will be additional help with finances to create a better way of managing these ideas and making opportunities.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Coming out of the doldrums is never easy for you and so it is right that you take your time to do it.  Favourable aspects, which were not there before, have started to come in to secure your future when you feel you are right to move on.  The planetary energies have not been sustaining.  That is why you have felt out of sorts and been fearful of your future.  This is now no longer the case.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Keep going, although the road ahead seems difficult and tiresome.  It has been a heavy time for you and finances have been short in so many ways.  Start to see a break in the pattern of life and where you can become more self-reliant, so that you are able to bring yourself back to a more sustaining environment.  The time is to move on and out of your situation, which you won’t find difficult.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you have your wisdom around you and start to see clearly the way ahead, it will give you the confidence that you have been lacking just recently.  All that has been promised is well on track to its eventuality and where peace of mind is the prime objective here.  Know that you will be leading this expedition.  You need to remain fit and healthy, so as to carry the way forwards.  You are entering into exciting times.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Do not feel forlorn or dishearten.  All that is now set in stone will work for you.  It is just a matter of getting to grips with what has already been offered to you and to know that it will secure many things that were not there before.  You are riding high on the crest of a wave and you will see sudden subtle changes, which are the signs that your security is assured.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Now that you take centre stage and all your worries are behind you, you can act with total confidence that all will continue well for you without any glitches to take it all away.  There are many safeguards to protect you and what it is you need to do to become that recognised figure that has constantly eluded you.  Your time has come enjoy it all and be thankful it didn’t come any earlier, as you weren’t ready for it!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Mountains of work and finance are coming your way.  You will be spoilt for choice.  Think carefully of your priorities, so that you are able to sustain your wealth in ways not thought possible before.  You still have to be cautious, as the method for these happenings are still in their infancy until a more robust system is put in place according to your liking.  You are indeed getting there!

20 Apr-20 May

What was once a bitter disappointment has evolved into a triumph and it is time now that you realise it and so you are able to benefit far more than you thought possible. The golden opportunity for personal advancement has already been recognised and so it will be offered to you with no strings attached.  You have deserved this opportunity and so it shall be for all time.

21 May-20 Jun

Never think you do not deserve better than you already have.  The mountain of discontentment is not forever and it is now being slowly removed, so that you are able to start again, totally unencumbered and with different policies, which will sustain your needs for all time.  The new start will see you thriving once again and there will be no regrets.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Allow yourself the upper hand in this policy of one-upmanship and begin to believe again in your strengths of persuasion, which have never really left you.  You just lost faith in your ability to apply it.  The new road ahead is full of surprises all of which you will favour.  Do not think you are stepping into the unknown without a paddle.  Outside energies will sustain all your needs and more, should they be needed.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you allow yourself a necessary respite, you will see that your wisdom of working has indeed come to fruition and justification on so many levels.  Learn to trust your instincts and begin to now follow through on those necessary requests and see the enormous benefits coming your way.  All has been born out of sheer determination and so the rewards are immense.  Well done, you have earned it all.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Allow yourself a little leeway in how you operate.  You are steering a difficult ship and there is no real room for error or complacency.  The job in hand is worth all the hard work and energies that you can muster and it must be delivered on time and to the highest level of competency.  You will not regret this time, as you have learnt much which will stand you in very good stead with the next project.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 September 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for September 2015

23 Aug-22 Sep

Changes that you have already made in your life, which appear not to be going too well, will turn dramatically around making new headway for a satisfactory conclusion to the project in hand.  It will then be that you are able to see how the overall effect to you and others will be justified.  Keep going along this path. Do not defer and see the good aspects coming your way.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As a major ‘U’ turn is now needed for personal advancement, you are required to put your interests aside to make way for this advancement, which will come to you in a strange way that you will not recognise.  This way you gain without doing anything to influence procedures and so a better smoother transition comes about.  You will be well pleased.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Stop brooding over matters which you cannot do anything about.  The tide to your life is now changing anyway and it allows for new friendships and partnerships to arise, where you can begin to believe in a life outside your own that is both stimulating and far reaching.  It is time that you tasted unconditional love and to recognise it when it fully hits you.

22 Nov-21 Dec

That long awaited breakthrough it there for all to see and admire. You deserve all that now comes your way and where you will be instrumental in the many good things in life once again.  Do not feel that you have missed out on life and that you are already too old to enjoy it – that is not the case – a very interesting and worthwhile time ahead!

22 Dec-19 Jan

You are allowed to jump for joy as the long awaited time you have been expecting takes you by storm.  It has been a long time in coming and so appreciation on every level is now given.  See how you have instigated it by your own will, which has proven to be both positive and powerful indeed.  A newfound structure to life will now aid you in so many ways.

20 Jan-18 Feb

It is now that the changeover begins and, where you thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel, new life is clearly there.  You have not lost faith in how matters have turned for you.  You are able to see clearly the way events worked their way out for you.  Learn to be happy and see success coming in as never before.  You will be well pleased.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Please do not think that you are still stuck in this old life when in fact you are not!  Situations have already turned for you and there is lasting happiness and peace to come.  See the many opportunities coming to you without any questions being asked and where you are in a position to deal with all aspects, singlehandedly if possible.  Powerful you will become.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you begin to rise dramatically and your feet do not touch the ground, you will feel that you have finally arrived.  It is now time to take stock of the many things you have already achieved and to be thankful that all turned out alright in the long run.  The transition has been a difficult one.  You have had to pull on your inner strength to achieve it all.

20 Apr-20 May

No longer can you afford to hold your head in shame.  What has happened cannot be undone and so a different path will be shown to you, whereby you can become more reliant on your own resources and not on the promises of others, who did not have your best interests at heart.  This has been a strong learning curve for you and one you will appreciate later on in life.

21 May-20 Jun

Tomorrow is literally another day and a day from which you can grow and achieve once again.  What was supposed to be a great dream did not come up to your expectations and allow for you to take the centre stage to bring about a successful conclusion.  All the hard work has not been in vain, as there is always another solution that can be born out of the ashes of a failed one.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you continue with your heavy programme, you will soon see an opening, which was not there before, but will allow for you to bow out gracefully.  This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to determine a life on your own merit, where others can see your full potential and will be in a position to help you climb from the dregs to a higher more profitable life. 

23 Jul-22 Aug

The instruments of success are now in your hands and where you are in a wonderful position to instigate matters as never before.  It was all in the pipeline waiting for the exact moment that your life could take off and where you can name your price for services rendered.  Do not leave yourself short.  You know you are worth it and so do they.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 August 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for August 2015

23 Jul-22 Aug

It is a fine month for getting what you want finally and being able to achieve matters, which were beyond your control before.  You will feel an upliftment that has eluded you these past months and where you will feel more in control and powerful than before.  A very productive month, where all those little jobs that were put off can finally be achieved – all in all a very good time for you.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Don’t look too far into the future as there are many changes coming your way, which will allow you to pause for thought, as to how you got to this point and how you could do better with your present career.  A shuffle around in the work place might see you surprised and a little niggled.  Do not worry, as it will be to your benefit soon enough.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Trying to keep everything stable and balanced is never easy, so it is worth thinking about that you can only do so much.  Start to arrange your life to suit your needs and not be at the behest of everybody else all the time.  You know it makes sense.  A change of tactics, which has long been overdue will see you smiling once again.  Guess what?  You are in charge!

23 Oct-21 Nov

Never think that you won’t make it.  There is some startling news coming your way, which you have longed for, for a very long while.  See yourself being cock-a-hoop, as there will be an amazing party for you to enjoy of which there will be a follow up after that.  Intrigued?  You should be, as the new venture becomes possible at long last.  The time is really for living and you deserve it.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Being patient is not always your strong point, but being sensible is.  A new situation, which has appeared out of nowhere, will be your saving grace, in what was originally thought of as a delicate situation, has been ironed out into a smooth running operation for all to enjoy, especially you.  Take the lead in all this, as it allows you to be the kingpin and for others to follow you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The time is approaching for you to take up your ideas and begin to invest in them.  You have been thinking of doing it for some time and now the time is right for that breakthrough, which will beckon you to greater times.  This temporary lull is all that it is and a very busy time ahead is already forecasted.  It will meet all your requirements and more besides.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As the true fame time is here to stay, do not feel that you must always be in the limelight, as there are others beside yourself who should be sharing in your glory.  A new proposition to your liking will allow you to make money, but in a different way to what you first thought was necessary.  There will be more outlets for your expertise and a greater capacity to find them.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As your tiredness begins to fade and the new impulse for greater things transpires, you will be well pleased and finally see the tide turning in your favour as never before.  You are totally out of all the mess you were currently in and so a fresh invigorating start becomes possible.  Learning to live the good life takes only moments, but in your case you will relish it for all time.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Never think you are stuck in life.  The offer of a new start is firmly on the table and nothing can shift this from your life.  It is entirely up to you as to how you play it to get the most benefit for you and others, who are in your life right now.  Being selfish has got you nowhere and it has been a bitter exhausting lesson for you to learn.

20 Apr-20 May

Happiness, which is always there for you, should you begin to recognise it for yourself.  Stop putting off tomorrow what you should be doing today and begin to see a slow start taking a giant leap of energy and upliftment.  You are really going places now and the results will be difficult to disprove.  See many old friends coming back into your life to wish you well.  They are all sincere.

21 May-20 Jun

A heavy heart won’t stay long.  The time now is to turn over a new leaf and leave the past behind finally.  You have carried too much baggage for too long and it is necessary to offload as never before.  Before you are able to see ahead, allow yourself some fun and laughter and know that you are truly blessed and what had to happen was in your best interest anyway.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Picking yourself up is never easy, but in your case it is a must.  You can no longer expect great things of yourself while you allow others to control your destiny.  Take that leap of faith and see the safety net appear.  Yes, it has been a struggle and you deserve better and you know it.  The life changing criterion is there for you and the struggle is no longer necessary.  It is counterproductive.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 July 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for July 2015

21 Jun-22 Jul

A month of extreme pain and discomfort or this is how it will seem to you.  This necessary pain is a form of re-birth that you need to go through to re-establish yourself in your chosen career.  Many doors will start to open up for you and bring in the creative skills that you need in order to express yourself more thoroughly.  So chin up.  These are exciting times.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A longed for idea will now start to move for you, where before it was stuck and stagnant.  The energies around you are rising up to bring in new impetus so that action can finally start to come in.  Your dreams and aspirations are not dead in the water, but are now gradually making ground, so that a realistic target can be reached with little effort on your part.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you begin to believe in yourself much more, you will start to see a pattern of ideas moving swiftly in your direction.  This will create a better format for your work and pending career.  Those doors are not quite open yet but are well on the way, so that you can be in an environment that suits you better than you are in so far.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The world is your oyster if only you would realise it.  You keep harking back to the past to see how you can improve the present – that will never happen.  What is needed here is for you to think positive and follow your heart that always speaks the truth to you.  From that revelation you will be able to master your fears and go forwards in a more productive way.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Start to practice your acceptance speech.  The call that you have been waiting for is coming in and it will be to your liking and contentment.  All that has been hovering around in the breeze with no concreate action has now changed around completely, bringing to you the task that you have asked for and is now being answered.  It comes in, in a strange way, but you will recognise it instantly.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Many happy times are ahead, which will allow you to venture out into pastures new and exciting.  No longer will you reap the woes of the past – they have long gone.  The new beginnings are your birth right and they will start to sustain all your needs from now on.  Think in a constructive way and believe in your destiny as never before.  Proofs of these happenings will truly amaze and uplift you.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Being brave is no longer required.  All that has already happened will not repeat itself.  You are long clear of problems and can actually begin to relax and enjoy life as never before.  Yes, it has been a hard slog, but the wheels of fortune smile gently on those who are brave and who stare down all that is unjust and disloyal.  You have already done that.  The energies of change and fortune bring in all that you need.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Just making do will not do.  You have to face your fears and begin that positive attitude, which will allow for situations to change and where you will at last be comforted and confident that you did the right and honest thing.  Many twists and turns are now in progress, so that you are able to keep afloat no matter what the outcome is.  You will be in seventh heaven before long.

19 Feb-20 Mar

That longed for desire is well on the way.  That important contract of employment to suit all conditions, which will enhance your status, is already in the bag.  No longer will you think you have been forgotten in the scheme of things, even though it has felt like an eternity at times.  The breakthrough has already occurred.  It is the springboard effect that needs to be witnessed and it will be!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Those that you felt had left you in the lurch will appear out of the blue and it will be a transformation for your life and how you learn to live it.  No longer will you be the underdog, but you will be elevated into a position which was out of your grasp, but is being presented to you in ways not thought possible before – a very happy time ahead.

20 Apr-20 May

A mountain to climb for you has not been easy.  It has been a trying and testing time for you and it is about to get easier and where at last you will be in charge regarding your life and the lives of others.  This is an important transition for you and it will turn out right, so that you can obtain renewed confidence in yourself once again.

21 May-20 Jun

Take on board the many delightful opportunities now coming your way.  You will need to make some difficult decisions in order to pave the way for these opportunities coming to you.  No longer will you feel side-lined or ignored.  All is very much in progress, where you benefit beyond your wildest dreams.  The future is bright and the decisions will be helpful and productive, as others will come in to assist in this undertaking.  You are not alone!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

01 June 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for June 2015

21 May-20 Jun

This month will see enormous changes happening all around you and especially in the home. An unexpected visitor will come to see you and it will be a reunion, which was not thought possible in the past.  A happy outcome from all this that is already set in motion will see you more settle than you have done in a very long time.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The way is now clear for you to make that drastic split from an undesirable person, who is getting under your skin and has no intention of contributing to anything, good or successful. You have to be constructive and proactive in a way that suits you and not what others always expect of you. You have your own agenda and it’s time to put matters into a constructive form, so that all can benefit and not just a few.

23 Jul-22 Aug

That heavy burden you thought you were carrying for everybody and yourself has now surprisingly just been lifted and you are able to see a way out of this dilemma, which has plagued you for years. Now you can finally stand up and express your opinion to the delight and amazement of others. Know you are well-loved and situations are now turning in your favour.

23 Aug-22 Sep

It is no good bleating about situations, which are impossible to rectify at this stage. A period of calm reflective thoughts will see situations beyond your control sort themselves out and in a better way than you had imagined. All your energies need to be put in place for a new strategy and game plan, where you see yourself heading a team of productive workers, which will allow a dream to come true for you.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you begin to believe in yourself more, so new challenges are presented to you, which will see important decisions go your way. A luxury holiday or trip away will of course be to your liking and there will be a further positive outcome from this to occur. Hold onto your hat. You are certainly going places from now on.  Many aspects will of course need to be discussed, which are all favourable.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Stop prevaricating. The policies that you implemented are just not working and a new strategy with more finance can finally achieve what you perceive as impossible. This new working method will allow for a greater degree of flexibility, which will suit all those around you and the outcome will be of a higher degree of efficiency than you ever thought possible before.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The turning point for your life has arrived and those who had doubts in you will see they were unfounded. Keep your belief systems up and running for they have allowed you to keep your position and where respect at all time is now given. Important news of a positon you have wanted for a long time is there for you and instruction of this will see you alright and happy.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As major events appear to turn your world upside down, you will see the structure of happiness beaming right in your face. The upside of life you are certainly in and where you felt so downtrodden. Now the good life comes in and all fears and disappointments are no more. It is the way in which it happens which will see you smile, as if a knowing that you were looked after – in your heart you knew it to be so!

20 Jan-18 Feb

The last battle is over and the new beginning is starting to shape up nicely. All those memories of injustice are no more. The important start is what this is all about. Know you deserve the best and, as the situation begins to change, you will see that life is for living and happiness is there for all time. No time for being negative, as all is positive around you from now on!

19 Feb-20 Mar

The closer you come to victory, the greater the facts are shown to you.  There are no mistakes. You are being carried on a great wave of triumph and will be hailed as so. The policies for acceptance of your work are being distributed around in so many ways that even you cannot comprehend the extent of such an undertaking. You will see close up the magnitude of important work, which is already set out before you.  Trust on your part is not needed, delivery of the tasks are!

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you gather your thoughts and see all the good things being given to you, you won’t need to grumble anymore. The ideas you have, have made giant inroads into a new format of working and performing. You are streaming ahead and out performing colleagues, who cannot keep up with you. Know you are being watched and tested and from that a new contract of employment will be offered to you. You won’t be disappointed.

20 Apr-20 May

As an individual you are streets ahead of so many people. You just lack the confidence to take you onto the next level of working and performing. A mighty performance is expected of you and where you will be able to see that breakthrough that has eluded you for so long. Trust in your ability to bring about this successful result and where you will not doubt yourself again. 

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk