12 November 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2019

23 Oct-21 Nov

As this month stares you in the face, you will feel very overwhelmed with outstanding issues, many of which all appear to need dealing with at the same time.  Know that you will miraculously get things done in quite a short time, much to your amazement and relief.  The bigger projects need dealing with carefully but are not to be hurried, as they will require expert help in getting matters finalised.  So be kind to yourself and only do what is absolutely necessary right now!

22 Nov-21 Dec

As circumstances begin to change for you in a different way to what you have been used to.  You will be pleasantly surprised and also thankful in an odd sort to way.  Everything will appear upside down but still in place making you wonder what is actually happening here.  The planetary changes are bringing chaos into order, but done in an extraordinary way that will start to see the Universal energies working for you and for all to see and wonder at!

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t ever take life for granted for there are upsets along the way, which must be dealt with to stop matters going array.   You have left too many things undone, so now is the time to stop the rot and get matters sorted out before you are over your head.  Help will be on hand, but you must still take the initiative to allow for a peaceful transition.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Stop fighting with yourself and begin to relax.  All that you have invested has not been lost or is scuppered in anyway.  All now is effortlessly being put into place for your benefit and for the benefit of those close to you.  The changes that you have made recently will bear the fruits that you had hoped for and where finally peace of mind can be restored.

20 Apr-20 May

As you begin to take that giant step up the corporate ladder, you will begin to see the enormous benefits that you will come to enjoy.  Never forget with improved status comes responsibility, which you will take in your stride and thoroughly relish in.  It is what you have been praying for but now have fully earned.  See that with your benefits that others are also brought into the equation, for nothing is ever achieved fully alone.

21 May-20 Jun

It is a simple task, yet to you it appears a mountain.  Look at the situation again and begin to see more clearly that the problem is only half of what you thought it would be and therefore not the worry you have been concerned about these past few weeks.  With gentle application on your part the entire situation can and will be resolved, giving you finally peace of mind and where you can look at life in a happier way.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The pressure on you is mounting and where you feel enough is enough.  The entire business that you are involved in is far too big for the number of staff that are involved at this time.  A new strategy is being formulated for the entire organisation to adhere to and where breathing space for many is an absolute necessity.  See that you get the necessary respite that is so important for your welfare.  You will come out on top again.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The many difficulties that appear around you are already starting to ebb away and where you can see the road ahead is actually paved with gold and all to your liking, but complete amusement.  The new project will play out nicely into your hands and where actual spin off will occur giving you the necessary lift off you have been craving for.  It is not a question of giving up but recognising that all that is right and good is now yours with full recognition.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you continue to go from strength to strength a new important impetus starts to take over and where you can see the fruits of your labours being appreciated for the first time in a long while. You are being favourably talked about and so your reputation is growing exponentially.  Many things have been promised to you, but it is only now that you will see those benefits coming your way.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Stop worrying about money.  All appears in short supply right now, but a necessary unexpected windfall is due to you and you won’t be so much surprised as more relieved.  Nevertheless, it will go some way into closing that enormous deficit and where you can begin to plan ahead once again.  That all important trip away is still there for you, so chin up and be happy!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk