01 October 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2015

23 Sep-22 Oct

There are very good energies around your solar planetary system at this time bringing in many positive, but mostly creative situations around you.   If you are thinking of starting up a business, now is the time to do it as everything is favourable for you.   There will be additional help with finances to create a better way of managing these ideas and making opportunities.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Coming out of the doldrums is never easy for you and so it is right that you take your time to do it.  Favourable aspects, which were not there before, have started to come in to secure your future when you feel you are right to move on.  The planetary energies have not been sustaining.  That is why you have felt out of sorts and been fearful of your future.  This is now no longer the case.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Keep going, although the road ahead seems difficult and tiresome.  It has been a heavy time for you and finances have been short in so many ways.  Start to see a break in the pattern of life and where you can become more self-reliant, so that you are able to bring yourself back to a more sustaining environment.  The time is to move on and out of your situation, which you won’t find difficult.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you have your wisdom around you and start to see clearly the way ahead, it will give you the confidence that you have been lacking just recently.  All that has been promised is well on track to its eventuality and where peace of mind is the prime objective here.  Know that you will be leading this expedition.  You need to remain fit and healthy, so as to carry the way forwards.  You are entering into exciting times.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Do not feel forlorn or dishearten.  All that is now set in stone will work for you.  It is just a matter of getting to grips with what has already been offered to you and to know that it will secure many things that were not there before.  You are riding high on the crest of a wave and you will see sudden subtle changes, which are the signs that your security is assured.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Now that you take centre stage and all your worries are behind you, you can act with total confidence that all will continue well for you without any glitches to take it all away.  There are many safeguards to protect you and what it is you need to do to become that recognised figure that has constantly eluded you.  Your time has come enjoy it all and be thankful it didn’t come any earlier, as you weren’t ready for it!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Mountains of work and finance are coming your way.  You will be spoilt for choice.  Think carefully of your priorities, so that you are able to sustain your wealth in ways not thought possible before.  You still have to be cautious, as the method for these happenings are still in their infancy until a more robust system is put in place according to your liking.  You are indeed getting there!

20 Apr-20 May

What was once a bitter disappointment has evolved into a triumph and it is time now that you realise it and so you are able to benefit far more than you thought possible. The golden opportunity for personal advancement has already been recognised and so it will be offered to you with no strings attached.  You have deserved this opportunity and so it shall be for all time.

21 May-20 Jun

Never think you do not deserve better than you already have.  The mountain of discontentment is not forever and it is now being slowly removed, so that you are able to start again, totally unencumbered and with different policies, which will sustain your needs for all time.  The new start will see you thriving once again and there will be no regrets.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Allow yourself the upper hand in this policy of one-upmanship and begin to believe again in your strengths of persuasion, which have never really left you.  You just lost faith in your ability to apply it.  The new road ahead is full of surprises all of which you will favour.  Do not think you are stepping into the unknown without a paddle.  Outside energies will sustain all your needs and more, should they be needed.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you allow yourself a necessary respite, you will see that your wisdom of working has indeed come to fruition and justification on so many levels.  Learn to trust your instincts and begin to now follow through on those necessary requests and see the enormous benefits coming your way.  All has been born out of sheer determination and so the rewards are immense.  Well done, you have earned it all.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Allow yourself a little leeway in how you operate.  You are steering a difficult ship and there is no real room for error or complacency.  The job in hand is worth all the hard work and energies that you can muster and it must be delivered on time and to the highest level of competency.  You will not regret this time, as you have learnt much which will stand you in very good stead with the next project.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk