01 December 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2020


22 Nov-21 Dec

 As you go through this month with a happier note, you will begin to see how all your preparation in recent months has now developed fruit. You can hold your head up high, as all that hard work has stood you in good stead for all the benefits you are now receiving and there is more to come, so well done!  A very cheerful time, which you will be well surprised.

22 Dec-19 Jan

 Where everything appears messed up at times, this time all is being straighten out for your benefit and lasting happiness.  A good time for celebrations, in spite of the difficulties incurred by so many.  This is not a time to feel gloomy but positive, so that you can see all those very good things around you.  Know you are truly blessed and where there are special treats to come.

20 Jan-18 Feb

 A time for forgiveness is now necessary, so that you can begin to hold your head up high again.  By leaving the past behind, allows you to embrace the new beginnings being offered to you and more besides.  This time is a time for adventure and where you will be able to meet those challenges head on and you won’t be disappointed, so be brave and go for it.  You owe it to yourself to do so!

19 Feb-20 Mar

 This is not a time to be cautious but to be optimistic, as those happy times are here to stay and where you will be able to trust your instincts in ways not thought possible before.  There will be some major decisions to make, which will see you riding high and where dreams really do come true.  Celebrations are on the way and where you can comfortably say you have arrived.

21 Mar-19 Apr

 The doom and glooms from the past have no bearing now on what is to come.  You have turned a massive corner and where expenses you were worried about are not as bad as you first imagined.  This is a time for sheer contentment on your part and where you play an active role in another’s happiness.

20 Apr-20 May

 Going out and about for your own amusement is necessary provided you look to those safeguards.  This time is to re-establish yourself in ways that were not possible before and where you will take an active interest in another close to you, which will prove dividends in the long term.  See their happy face and you will be as touched as they are.

21 May-20 Jun

 The time for redecoration has come.  You have managed to survive this long without doing much so far.  Now the necessity for a better establishment is required and where you will see the enormous benefit to your life and the lives of others, who seek your guidance and approval.  It will not prove to be too difficult and you will actually enjoy it once you get started, so bite the bullet and go for it!

21 Jun-22 Jul

 A shock surprise will keep you enthralled and where you will see your life going from despair to a better quality once again.  The situation you are currently in is but temporary and so the better thing can be established, which will give you the long-term security you are craving for.  It is on its way and be grateful when it does come in again.

23 Jul-22 Aug

 As you continue to go from strength to strength, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how much you are sought after.  This will give you the confidence in yourself, which has been grossly lacking and where you can begin to safeguard a position of both strength and reassurance that you are both wanted and admired for the long term.  This new beginning is your just desserts, so be happy!

23 Aug-22 Sep

 As a new and important door begins to open up for you, so you will be able to see the reasoning behind what has already transpired, where you thought you were all at sea without a paddle.  This in fact was not the case, as the safeguards were already in place to establish your future, even if you could not see them at the time.  Time for rejoicing is on the way.

23 Sep-22 Oct

 A call for action is on its way to you and where at last you can feel saved from the total doom that you have been in for months at a time.  The action will be necessary to secure your future as never before.  This will allow for personal freedom and advancement in a professional way, which was not possible before.  The life is bright and cheerful.  You have waited a long time for this and now it is offered to you, so do not delay.

23 Oct-21 Nov

 The rescue package that you have been praying for has arrived on time to allow you to feel safe once again.  The Christmas cheer will be felt by the entire family and where you can begin to hold your head up again with pride and conviction.  Learn to enjoy it all and be thankful that you are so very much thought of.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk



01 November 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2020


23 Oct-21 Nov

As you enter this new month, you will feel the impetus to do more and to feel more capable of doing what is important to you now.  Matters that you had put off will suddenly feel right to address them and where there will be a clearing of the way of so many things left undone and unsaid.  Now is that time to do it and feel relieved.  It is finally over.

22 Nov-21 Dec

 Important decisions will be addressed this month, all within your capabilities and where you will feel stronger in having dealt with them.  This is a time for a fresh and important start and where you can see remarkable results in the making and where you can finally go forwards with your head held high.  Well done indeed.

22 Dec-19 Jan

 All appears bearing down on you and where you at times feel overwhelmed with life itself.  This transition is not for long and the outcome is great indeed.  This is all necessary in the scheme of things, where lasting satisfaction on a higher scale will prove to you that life really is worth living after all.  A lighter more energised time to come, you will be delighted to hear.

20 Jan-18 Feb

 Life now is more peaceful for you than it has ever been and where your necessary adjustments have proven to be infallible and where comfort to you is your prime concern.  The situation you are in is of your own choosing and where you are able to deal with all aspects without any worries is a wonderful thing.

19 Feb-20 Mar

 What you are fighting against all the time is exhaustion on many levels, mental, emotional, and physical.  You seem to get on top of matters only to be pulled down once again.  This rollercoaster of issues will not last forever and soon enough you will be able to see the path ahead clearer than you have before.  Full recognition in all things are given to you, so that you can sustain upliftment on a more even keel.

21 Mar-19 Apr

 Beautiful things are coming to you ahead of the Christmas activities.  Surprises you had not even considered are there for you.  All that you have given to others, now awaits you and where you can see just how much you are loved by so many for so long.  You deserve it all.  This will be the answer to your prayers.

20 Apr-20 May

 You have been feeling rather anxious during this period of uncertainty. You will see that not all is doom and gloom and there are major respites where life is really good and worthwhile for all concerned.  You are the driving force for so many and where you have been relied upon maybe too much lately.  See more help and support being given to you, so that you can restore balance to your mind once more.

21 May-20 Jun

 Feeling overwhelmed and undervalued at this time is not healthy for anyone, especially you.  It is time that you took a good look at what you have already achieved and how much you are in fact regarded.  Not everything is voiced, but many things are shown.  It is only now you can begin to see just how much you are valued and respected.  A surprise emphasising this will be given to you soon enough.

21 Jun-22 Jul

 All appears buoyant to you now.  You have waited a long time for this full recognition to come to you.  It was never in any doubt, but we are living in difficult times and good news sometimes takes a little longer to get through.  A new and important position will be given to you and you will be able to take it up immediately, where before it was actually impossible.  Better late than never as they say.

23 Jul-22 Aug

 Do not feel dismissive, as if life never makes remarkable results in your favour.  An outstanding claim of gratitude will be returned to you with much more acknowledgements coming in behind that.  This is what you have been working and praying for.  Your prayers now are being answered in ways not thought possible before.  You are that rising star. Nothing will ever pull you down again.

23 Aug-22 Sep

 Learn to enjoy this rest period, as all will be fully charged in the next day or so.  You will be asked to do a project that is not only entertaining but uplifting to you in so many different ways.  Lasting relief is now there for you and where you can begin to fulfil all those promises that were not possible before.  You have finally made it and there will not be any complaints.

23 Sep-22 Oct

 Life for you will take you in a completely different direction to what you had originally aspired to.  It will come out of the blue and be Heaven sent.  Without warning like a bolt from nowhere, you will be contacted to perform at the highest level.  This will enable you to have long term security as never before and to capitalise on your own independence, which has been long overdue.  Life can only now get better.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk


01 October 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2020


23 Sep-22 Oct

 As you enter into an economic phase, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how well you are actually doing and how much you can achieve in this time period.  The adjustment will not prove difficult for you, as you will be able to see soon enough.

23 Oct-21 Nov

 Now is the time for a massive clear out of many things and issues, which are no longer relative to your life and wellbeing.  This is necessary, so that you can take full advantage of the many good things now coming your way and where you will need to prioritise what is relevant and what now is of no further use.  All this will be to your liking and peace of mind.


22 Nov-21 Dec

 As you start to embrace the new beginning being thrust upon you, you will be able to see the relevance of it all and where you can make that necessary impact you have so long talked about.  Decisions on a high level will be asked of you, which will not faze you but will excite you all at the same time.  This is your time to make an impact.  See that you do!


22 Dec-19 Jan

 The coming together of a year’s hard work and dedication will see you in clover for the rest of this year and the next.  It has been owed to you and you will not be disappointed as to its outcome.  The new beginning is what has been promised to you and is now becoming that reality.  You will be able to take it all in your stride.  You are certainly ready for it now!


20 Jan-18 Feb

 A quiet time is envisaged, which will help you to recover from the onslaught of work you have been currently engaged in.  This will allow for your delicate batteries to recover their strength and fortitude.  All now is adjusting nicely, so that you can feel free once again of the constraints of hard labour.


19 Feb-20 Mar

 As everything starts to open up for you nicely without any effort on your part, you will be pleasantly surprised but also grateful, that it comes at a time when you are able to manage it perfectly well and without any worries clouding your mind or your judgement.  This is where you are able to shine in your own right as never before.  All is being strengthened around you, so everything flows easily and to your liking.


21 Mar-19 Apr

 The master of your mind is you.  You need now to focus on what is important in your life and how you have already taken unfair advantage of others, who have contributed to your life and where necessary recognition has not be forthcoming.  You owe it to yourself and others to show appreciation when matters have been given so generously and where you have ultimately benefitted from it.  Do the right thing if you wish to receive again!


20 Apr-20 May

 The time for that new and interesting project is now and where the planetary situation urges you to take full advantage of what is there on the table for you to achieve by.  All has been a struggle before, but the constraints have been lifted giving you a clear chance to do what you have longed to do these many months.  Do not delay.  Take this matter up now to accept the full advantages coming to you.


21 May-20 Jun

 All that you have been praying for comes easily.  The constraints that were blocking your progress have miraculously disappeared.  This will allow you to take on this next big project which has been staring you in the face these past few months.  Having the faith, as you have had, allows for many difficulties to be swept away and where now you have a clear run to accomplish your dream.  You deserve it.


21 Jun-22 Jul

 A longing to express yourself in ways not thought possible before is being given to you.  All those in favour of your impending rise now salute you and you will be given the opportunity to excel once again.  Take up this opportunity at your earliest convenience and see that you can smile once more, as others are already doing to you right now.


23 Jul-22 Aug

 As you are given this challenge that nobody else is willing to take it on, do not be afraid as you already have the skills to succeed, where others do not.  Your expertise over a long period of time together with your natural talents will always find a way to achieve over others.  Rejoice as you will see the accolades and fruits of your labour, which nobody can deny.



23 Aug-22 Sep


All those misgivings, which you had before, pale now into insignificance.  You have achieved a great milestone and it is for you alone to recognise that fact.  Never doubt in your ability.  It is far greater than you can imagine, as these last few months have now proven to you.  You can still go further and make that necessary name for yourself.  It is all up to you believe you are great and great you will become!


 FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk