08 March 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for March 2019

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you begin this month with a lighter heart and can begin to see your future unfold quite merrily, you will be surprised at how well you are doing and how well you have progressed in every dimension.  Now is the time for full expansion on so many levels that it will take your breath away.  This is your time for full recognition and accomplishment in all ways.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The heavy heart must be no more as this will only put you back to where you were before.  The push to go forwards with renewed confidence is now there for you and must be reached, enjoyed and utilised for all time.  You have worked hard for this accolade and nothing is going to stand in your way to achieving all that you have already set out to achieve.  Believe and it will be granted to you.

20 Apr-20 May

The time for reflection is now over as you start on this new involved journey of self-discovery and where important decisions need to be made and met.  There is no more time to reflect but to act on what you have already started and so have achieved.  The future is both bright and satisfying but you must also believe and trust in what is being given to you now!

21 May-20 Jun

Now, as you breakthrough all the bounds of success, there is another lesson for you to learn and enjoy.  These will allow you to stretch to the pinnacle of your career and where you can be fully recognised for the accomplished person you have already become and even grown used to.  This is a very exciting but also exacting time in your life and must be appreciated in all its glory, so that you can obtain more besides.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you literally step off the road of success and into another field of adventure, which will exhaust you but bring about another string to your bow of attributes.  You are being considered now for higher, more involve matters and where your opinion counts as never before.  Your strengths are in your ideals and where you have the necessary mindset to see the job through and beyond.  Notice a new team of operatives wanting to work along side you, as they recognise a winner in you when they see one.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Making a name for yourself has never been easy, but with the new planetary changes, those closed doors have now opened, allowing you full access to so much material for personal advancement, which is being recognised and for all time.  The breakthrough for you has already occurred.  It is only now that it gathers momentum and where you can see and enjoy the benefits being bestowed on you! It is so deserved as you will finally realise.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Taking time out now for yourself is both necessary and important.  By continuingly burning the candle at both ends will not see you getting on any further, so it is advisable to stop and to retrace your steps and your directions of what you still wish to accomplish.  Right now, you are hitting your head against a brick wall getting nowhere.  By holding back for a few days, the direction will be given to you and once again you can proceed.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you begin to trust again in your instincts, that on hold position will be no more and you will be able to personally advance with strength and determination, which is your right and purpose.  Notice more job opportunities coming your way and where you actually will be spoilt for choice.  Your loving side making way for all that is good for you and where everlasting love is your right to have.  This will be a very fulfilling time for you and where lasting happiness is duly given.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Stop worrying about your future.  All is coming right as we speak and where very good news is afforded to you in the next coming weeks.  There is no longer any doom or gloom, but eternal happiness and contentment for all time.  You have waited what has seemed like an eternity for this to come, but come it has and where future plans will fit in nicely with all that has already been discussed and blessed by a higher power.

22 Nov-21 Dec

You keep on worrying if you are going to make it and can you finally have that life with someone special that has so far eluded you.  The time is now right for swift changes to occur and where you will be able to feel young and secure once again.  Not everything goes according to plan, but when it does, it is so much more appreciated and uplifting.  You will be able to have that secure loving relationship once again and cherish in being loved as you so richly deserve.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Now as you step off the cliff into much acclaim and admiration you will begin to see your life changing in so many but marvellous ways that you will have to pinch yourself to believe it.  The build up of planetary energies are for your benefit giving you the strength to meet what is now due to you.  Start to feel great and alive again as never before, having achieved what has been so rightfully yours for all time.  Enjoy this happy time and know it will be long lasting and cannot be taken away and that is a fact!

20 Jan-18 Feb

As situations start to open wide for you, you will begin to see your direction, as helping hands from nowhere are there to assist and protect you always. You are entering a phase of intense productivity and your mind must be fully on the job in hand. Any distraction here will only hold you and others up, so it is important that you keep your mind focussed, so that the outcome will be smooth and long-lasting.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk