01 January 2017

Clairvoyant Horoscope for January 2017

22 Dec-19 Jan

As life becomes easier and easier for you, you will be able to reflect back on the past year with pride and pleasure that all the pain and suffering was well worth the wait.  You enter this month into exciting times, where your elevation from an unknown into a known and respected product is what this is all about.  Your destiny to unfold before your very eyes and a joyous time for all, especially you!

20 Jan-18 Feb

Look now to this new life and with new found friends by your side you cannot fail to achieve what has been your life’s plan for many years in the making.  A tidal wave of anticipation and support is now all around you, where you will be able to make those necessary inroads into your life as never before.  Courage is no longer needed, action on so many fronts are.

19 Feb-20 Mar

A heavenly time ahead, where you will be able to see your life’s purpose unfold before your very eyes.  See your increasing rise and where you will be consulted at the highest level from many who still do not know you, but are now in the position of being told.  Swift and effortless delivery will see you reap rewards beyond your wildest dreams.  It really is your time to shine.

21 Mar-19 Apr

 A march up the aisle of love is what is now planned for you, with so many promises of good things to happen will see you happier than you have been in years.  You will be brighter and lighter, as you take centre stage, which you have always felt was your rightful place to be.  The increased work load will be fun and positive and you really start to see what you are made of and with great satisfaction.

20 Apr-20 May

Your finances are on the way up as you start this year on a positive note, where everything comes to you at once making you feel overwhelmed at first until you get used to it.  Know you are well respected and the time has come for new prospects, which will see you grow substantially.  A new home to come in for you this year and this will be when you least expect it.  The good life is coming.

21 May-20 Jun

Make new plans this month and you won’t regret it.  What was already in the pipeline is no longer necessary, as a new plan of action will overtake the old one.  This is the new beginning you have been waiting for and it won’t disappoint you.  You are now on the up and succeeding on so many levels.  Put your trust in a higher being and see the rewards coming to you.  You won’t be disappointed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As new important opportunities are now being presented to you, you must fulfil all obligations to get the bigger prize.  All that has been promised is yours for the taking and where you will feel you have finally made it in your life for all time.  You will have security finally being offered to you and where you will make the necessary decisions to establish your own life as never before.  These really are exciting times.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The necessary turning point to your life has finally happened, where you are in a commanding position as never before.  The important headway that you have already established is taking on a life of its own. The big time and big league are yours for the taking.  Never under estimate your talents to make a name for yourself.  All is now in the pipeline for these events.  Cherish this important time.  Your lift off is now.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Never think that your life is on hold.  That is not the case.  Important significant events are now coming in this month, where you will need to consider which way you wish to go.  A new pathway is now opening up for you and where you will no longer be alone.  That time has now passed and where friendship grows to new heights and where happiness is what is in store for you.  This is your time!

23 Sep-22 Oct

As you appear a little off balance, do not feel disturbed as important opportunities are there for you to enjoy and to re-establish yourself in ways that were not opened to you before.  An interesting proposition will be to your liking, where guaranteed success is at the very heart of this project.  You have to take up this offer and run with it.  This is your time for personal advancement and achievement in so many ways.  You won’t be disappointed.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Take stock of your heart and your feelings, which have not let you down.  A new and important discovery of a loved one will see you fall in love even more.  It is now time to decide on your futures together and to see the sun rise on a new beginning.  The obstacles are being removed one by one, allowing you to go forward at a rapid rate.  This is your destiny to do so.  Listen to your heart and act accordingly.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you begin to see your life’s path open up for you, there will be no regrets.  Your energies have already been adjusted to accommodate all these new and important achievements.  Laughter and fun is what this is all about, where you are able to live with complete confidence that what you are doing is necessary in the scheme of things.  Look now to your new future and be happy.  The timing is perfect for this to happen.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk