02 May 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for May 2020

20 Apr-20 May

As you appear to go from strength to strength, be mindful of the various pit falls that are still around you.  Keep your mind focussed on what is important right now and you won’t be disappointed at the results.  Many good things still coming your way.  You have already achieved a lot and there are more marvellous things still coming your way.

21 May-20 Jun

Giving up hope is not a proposition that you can entertain here, but a necessity that must be guarded and maintained for your safety and peace of mind.  You have already established a motion of precedence around you and this has already stood you in good stead. Keep up that policy and see you come out of this ordeal in a better way than even you imagined.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now, as that lasting good will that you have imposed on so many is finally returned to you, you will be well satisfied that all is going according to plan. With the outcome, from a fragile state of existence to a more solid and worthwhile working practice, as all comes right for you in the end.  Then you are able to hold your head up high and rejoice in so many ways.

23 Jul-22 Aug

You have not been let loose or forgotten. A more worthwhile strategy, which you will comfortably be able to manage, is set there before you and where your speciality of work and finance is proportionally approved.  This is the starting block of a whole new way of working and where you are able to come to the fore and be recognised once and for all.  You are doing well so recognise those facts.

23 Aug-22 Sep

That expensive time you were dreading is almost over and where a more manageable policy is given to you, which you will well appreciate under the circumstances that you have already lived through.  This quiet time will not be there for much longer and a more interesting life materialises, which all the family can finally enjoy.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Setting up home in a different environment is never easy but, in your case, it is a gift from Heaven all at the right time for you to enjoy and to flourish under your own steam and ingenuity.  You will not be alone in this venture and there are outside forces assisting you in every possible way.  You are on a vast learning curve just now and all help is at hand to achieve your amazing goals, so well done to you.  Peace of mind is now restored for all time.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The motion to move on is now and there can no longer be any delay on this matter.  It is for your benefit, where the new start allows for you the freedom of movement and delivery in so many ways.  Start to believe in yourself and your ability to change matters as never before. You have already asked for this and so it is being given to you to enjoy and so be grateful it has at last come.  You will thank yourself that you have done the right thing soon enough!

22 Nov-21 Dec

The way is now open for you to start with a clean slate and where there are no more false hopes or upsets to harm you.  This amazing offer to re-establish yourself, as never before, is your right to have and to see just how far you can go with it.  Where you alone can realise that this opportunity is yours for the taking and nobody will now stand in your way.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

All that has been promised and appears to have failed you is not true.  The new way forwards is still there and will be introduced to you in ways not thought possible before.  It will be handed to you on a plate and where your ingratitude over these past few months will vaporise into thin air and then you can send out thanks to the Universe, who see to your every need.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Gathering of information has never been your strong point, but it is necessary now in order for you to establish yourself on the world stage.  Your impatience has been noted and now a stronger force beckons you to take on that mantle and to run with it.  The way is clear for that to transpire and where only fear will hold you back.  Listen to your instincts and see that all is already in place for your transformation to occur.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk