01 September 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for September 2020


23 Aug-22 Sep

As you continue to go forwards in your life, you will notice a peculiar energy forming around you, which is additional strength at this time to allow for further growth to occur.  You are entering into a different phase and so must be equipped with the right frame of mind, so as to tackle all issues pertinent to your future.

23 Sep-22 Oct

A very exciting and liberating month for you, which will see many important things accomplished.  Do not be afraid to take a chance on things this month, as all planetary issues are there in alignment to accommodate all of your needs.  Be happy this is a very productive month for you and others besides.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Believing in yourself has added to you a new and important confidence, which allows for personal and professional growth in all matters of a high calibre.  You do not need to seek anybody’s approval anymore - just being yourself is enough.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you step off into the abyss, you will notice that you are being helped on every aspect.  Fear no longer is a part of your mindset and so it is that success breeds success on every issue being on offer to you.   Now you are able to rely on matters.  Where before you were wary this no longer is the case.  Enjoy your newfound freedom from fear.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Being big and powerful means that you have to believe in it both mentally and physically.  You are being stretched into pastures new, where you will be making an impact not only in your life, but in others as well.  You can finally believe and trust in your inner strength, which will not let you down.  This is a fabulous time to be alive and succeed.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Promises which were made to you and were not forthcoming are now heading your way.  This time there are no problems and where your mind can rest easily, knowing that you can take full advantage of the situation before you.  All work can now be completed to your satisfaction and peace of mind.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The time has come for you to be catapulted onto the world stage.  All has been in preparation for some time and it becomes a necessity, which will see your eyes wide open with disbelief and belief at the same time.  This time the right approach is offered to you and you will know instinctively that this is right!

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you begin to venture forth, you will see the path opening up for you in ways that were not possible before.  All will be of interest to you and where you are able to extend your knowledge without sacrificing your integrity is what you have been calling for for some time.  The burden of life is being lifted, so you can easily see the light at the end of the tunnel.

20 Apr-20 May

As the situation becomes abundantly clear to you, so all your worries now fade away into nothing.  Yes, it has been a hard slog and you have had to put nose to the grindstone in order to facilitate all your needs.  That now has been accomplished, so you do not need to worry anymore. Life eases up from now on.

21 May-20 Jun

The time for expansion is now.  You have been given the green light, so there is no more time to lose.  Pick up all that you need and get to it.  You will not be disappointed with the progress that you will make and where you can obtain complete satisfaction from yourself and others besides.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being patient is not always your strong point, but just recently you have had to be.  It has paid off in dividends.  As many situations begin to open up for you again, you can be well pleased that all has stood in your favour and where much appreciation of your work is being voiced sincerely.  Be happy.  Your achievements are certainly high.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As more interesting work is offered to you, you will find that you are stretched but in a positive way.  The way is clear for you to make that name for yourself beyond your wildest dreams.  The air is in your favour and where you will be called upon to make a significant announcement that all that you have done has been worthwhile.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk