01 December 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa




Mustafa's Death Mask

A clairvoyant's approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Try not to bother yourself with too many incidentals. The time has come to take the bull by the horns and run with it. So you will need all the time you can muster to get yourself fully into gear for the off. You are in a very advantageous position as planetary objectives determine the outcome, which of course is especially favourable. You are on course.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Please be patient. Your time has almost arrived for you to make something of yourself at last. You have been thrashing about in the dark for far too long and so the tide has finally turned for you and the way ahead to make a difference in your life is clear ahead. See the mounting enthusiasm as you start to go forwards at a positive pace.

19 Feb-20 Mar

The time now is all change as the full realisation of your dreams unfold nicely. Never before have you felt so in charge of your life as you do now. It will be systematically going forwards in every direction. The time here and now, be positive, as all is in place before you and it is for you to decide exactly how you wish to proceed.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The home fires are burning, so you must now look to your roots and begin to change those things that have been niggling you for months. Everything that you thought was lost will start to appear in a way not thought possible before. It will be to your detriment if you don't clear it all out now. For the new to manifest, the old must go!

20 Apr-20 May

Turn around and see what is behind you. You appear to be floundering in the dark not knowing which way to turn and you are exposed. For eventual happiness to come into your life you have to see the other side of the coin, a different angle and not how you wish it all the time. Take a step into the unknown. You won't be disappointed.

21 May-20 Jun

You are going from strength to strength, so well done. It has been a hard task these past few months and you have come through it all with flying colours. Start to now cash in on your progress and begin to feel alive again. It is all going smoothly for you, so chin up at last. A break away very soon will see you happy indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now as your life turns full circle you actually come into your own. All that hard work and effort have finally paid off and you should be well pleased with yourself. There will be a new avenue of work and self promoting, so take it up at the earliest opportunity. You really cannot afford to delay. What you once thought couldn't happen is about to.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The settling down of your life begins to happen in earnest. There are a few little niggling things that need to be addressed. Begin to take your time in sorting these matters out. It can be long and drawn out and really can't be rushed if you want to achieve your ultimate goal. Much help on offer to you. Be cautious as to who you ask.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Don't feel rushed or pressurised into taking up an offer which is not right for you, as you will come to regret it. It seems right on the surface but you are not privy to all the facts, so bide your time and learn and then you will see that I am right. Another better offer will come in, which will be more to your liking.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Be at peace and find your place in the scheme of things. What appeared hopeless to you some months ago is starting to edge forwards with much positive interest. The planetary aspects are in your favour and all will be revealed to you in a short space of time. It does mean a rethink of the situation, but you will succeed no matter what the odds.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Do not turn your back on the past. I know there is pain there, but there is also much love. Learn to see what can be salvaged from those situations. A better understanding of why things had to be will present themselves. You can begin a fresh start and a better way of living in a practical but loving way, which can at last be realised.

22 Nov-21 Dec

You must really start to live. It's no good being complacent. That has got you nowhere fast. Take up the opportunity which is about to come in and begin to see the difference to your life. Stop that infernal moaning as you are more fortunate than you realise and begin to be thankful for all that you are now given. Otherwise you might lose it.

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