01 April 2009

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


for APRIL 2009

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s
4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Don’t be shy in speaking your mind. You have held back long enough and now it is worth saying something so that the immediate impact is felt by those who need to know. Your turbulent times are not completely dealt with, but you are coming into a more stabilise time in your life and so can continue in the way you need to go on.

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
It is make or break time for you now as planetary aspects show favourable changes which need to be administered for optimum impact. It has not been an easy ride. Now you can reap all that hard effort you have been putting in all these months. You are being saved at every corner and as your confidence grows you will rely more on your capabilities.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Now the relaunch to your career has arrived and big decisions need to be met and they will be. Once you feel the power that surrounds you, you will never look back. Be grateful it has taken this long. You have had to learn a lot to survive. It has now paid off. Well done to you, see yourself emerge in a very strong position.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
It is no good feeling sorry for yourself. You needed to make those decisions long ago. However there will be another chance to rectify the situation. See the difference to your life from then on. You are entering a phase of uncertainty, so best to get matters off your chest before you make this vital decision. It’s your life here so it must be right.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Changes coming in with avengence. What you have been waiting for to arrive will. There will be no looking back. You will be upset and relieved all at the same time. That heartache now fully over and the way forward is there for that new beginning. It has to change your life forever, but it will be for the better, that is for sure.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
It is all happening around you mayhem and confusion. Out of this chaos the true purpose of your life will be revealed. What was once a sticky mess is being sorted out and with the new tide of life coming in you will be transformed and much better positioned to make a go of it. A new front of expertise is now on offer.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
No need now to worry all that hard work and effort is now paying off and you will be in a much better position to go forwards. A dream come true, you have waited long enough and it is your just desserts. So learn to relax and enjoy what is so rightfully yours. You are that shinning star you always thought you would be.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
If it’s peace and quiet you want you are on the wrong planet. All that chit chat is going on in your brain you need to calm down in order to hear yourself think. Now as difficult issues come towards you, you will be able to glide over them in a much better way. Your worries are not founded. You are out of the woods now.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
These are your finest hours. See the explosion of episodes suck you into what is your destiny. You always said you wanted to make an impact. Well this is your chance. Your day in history revealed and you won’t let yourself down or anyone else. It’s a powerful position you hold and you must act wisely. This you fully understand. Just go with the flow.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
You are about to make a massive turn about in your life and for once consider others above yourself. As a result of this action a new purpose for living can transpire. There are golden opportunities about to befall you and you will see that reason for living once again. Keep your head. You won’t regret. It the sun will shine in your life again.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
A very generous offer is coming your way and you won’t be able to refuse it. It is well earned and it will make matters in your life more meaningful and productive in a way not thought possible before. Now you are on the up you will have no difficulty staying there. You have achieved a lot in preparation so reap all that you have sown.

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Many congratulations this is harvest time for you. What has been a complicated difficult few months is now evening out and you are seeing all that effort being put to good use. So stop your whingeing and see the benefits coming in one by one and be happy. No longer is life an ordeal. It is to be celebrated and a fresh start begins now!

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Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


for MARCH 2009

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s
4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
This is soul searching time. Are you happy with what you have or is there something better in your life? While there are so many planetary changes around you there is much confusion, so doing the right thing doesn’t seem so easy. Wait until the third week of this month to show you the direction you need to take. It will be interesting and positive.

Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Being chatted up in the way that you want isn’t always possible. You need to exert yourself more in order to get the required response. They cannot read your missed signals and that’s why there is such confusion. Put it right and see the benefits to you immediately. A new awakening will see you prosper and grow. Don’t feel down hearted get out there and live.

Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
It’s all happening around you, so you do not know which way to jump. It’s great and at the same time a little scary. Hold on to your hat as the tide is now turning in your favour and you will have no choice but to go with it. It’s fun and laughter, a whole new ball game. Enjoy the ride you deserve it.

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Start counting your blessings. It was a close shave and you came out on top. Look to your future and be thankful you took that advised step. See an entire pattern of opportunities start to unfold all because you were brave enough to take that opportunity. You can now only go from strength to strength. A purchase at knocked down prices will come to you.

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Your thinking time and contemplation is now over. You need to act and act swiftly to take full advantage of this planetary window that has now opened up for you. So deliberate no more and see the profits come in. It has been a while in coming. It’s never easy to start with, but it must happen now to make that difference to your life.

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Crying won’t make any difference to your life. What is needed now is strong decisive action so that matters can turn around for you and you can finally accept what you are worth. Until you learn to speak your mind then nothing can ever be achieved. You have it in you to make that difference in your life. You just have to believe you can.

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Life is sweet enough for you right now if only you would believe it. All that hard effort on your part now brings its own rewards. So see that lift in your step and see just how truly marvellous you are! A trip abroad to come out of the blue will bring a further sparkle to your eyes, something you never thought possible before.

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
It’s a shame you decided to take the wrong route. With the planets all converging together you really didn’t have much choice. Now that matters begin to straighten out for you a new path will emerge and this will prove most satisfactory and peace of mind can at last be restored. So see the very positive side come out of the negative and be happy.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Now that difficult decision comes to you, do you take the right course or the left one? The way ahead is still unclear. Have patience that window of opportunity has not arrived yet and you still need to see if you want this in your life or not? As the circumstance begin to change then you will decide what is right for you with no regrets.

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Now that you are truly in the fast lane of life and loving every minute of it, you will need to rest as much as possible. You will be thrown from pillar to post, but with many assurances for your long term welfare and peace of mind. The work testing, the life exciting and you will reach a high point in your life never before achieved.

Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Systematic progress with everything that you do from here on. An expensive but profitable time in your life will see you start to change direction in a way not thought possible before. Trust your instincts and be guided by the planets, who will arrange that opportunity that wasn’t there before. You really cannot afford to waste a moment. All is geared up for this change.

Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
The excitement in your heart is growing daily. Now all those important promises that were given to you arrive at your doorstep. Are you able to cope? Of course you will. The subject of many changes and advantages the likes that you have never seen before will see you mighty indeed. No one can take it away from you. Your disadvantaged state is to change immediately.

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