A clairvoyant's approach channelled by Jenny Ayers from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
A clairvoyant's approach channelled by Jenny Ayers from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
As you start to see and feel your life changing so completely, you will wonder what all the fuss is about. It is now that you fully come into your own and can begin to see a path opening up for you, which is your true destiny after all. It will shock and surprise you all at the same time, but it is truly heaven sent.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
A major change in tactics, which now comes to you, will see you on top form again. You have doubted yourself in so many arenas, but confidence now seems to come back to you and you are riding high on adrenalin. What was once a hard slog is no more, the mind more able to cope and address issues not thought possible before.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
You have braved the storm and you are in a very good place at the moment. Those decisions you made in the past now stand you in very good stead, so that plans for the future can be pressed ahead with and you will see a different attitude is sparking off from you. Go ahead with your business plans and see a productive time ahead.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
It is now or never with this final decision fast approaching you. You have put it off for far too long now and the situation will break unless you come to terms with what is really important in your life and what isn't. Do not deliberate any more about the past. It has long gone and cannot benefit you any longer. See everything work out for you.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
To trust in your judgement has been a hard fought for affair, but you are in striking distance now of clinching that important deal, which will make all the differences to your life and love. So do not deliberate any longer and take the bull by the horns. Your time is now and it must be seen through whether you like it or not.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
You are walking a very tight path at this time and are unsure of making those decisions that not only affect your life, but the lives of so many others. You are on the cusp of sorting all matters out financial and economical. You cannot fail. The new moon in your solar system will allow this window of opportunity to expand making it all worthwhile.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
To pretend to be something you are not is pointless. So many people can see through you already. Start again and begin anew. You can change yourself for the better, but at the heart of it you must be true to yourself. Then you are able to finally move on. The world gives you back your dignity. Believe in the new you and carry on.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
The problems of yesteryear are no longer there. You are just depressed into thinking they are still with you. Notice visible changes and opportunities now coming forward and accept a pay rise that will come out of the blue. It is there as a taster of bigger things to come. Notice the difference not only to your income, but to your status as well.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
It is now or never. You cannot put this deal off any longer otherwise you could well lose the lot. It has already been touch and go and you are not out of the woods yet. See the positive outcome in all this and do not delay any further. You owe it to yourself that a better brand of optimism can come in and fully function again.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
See a whole new product range of expensive items coming in to assist with your merchandise. It has come in at the exact right time and it will enhance the entire production in every way. You have been questioning your judgement, but now you are able to see it as it truly is, stunning yet practical. It will sell and you will be on top form again.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
What was a little uncertain in your life is no more. You are actually able to make those long term plans you always hoped you could. So start to learn to breathe again and put all those cares and woes to one side. They will be long forgotten and in time even forgiven. It is now that the lasting breakthrough occurs and it must be swiftly dealt with.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
Step aside and let the bigger operation begin. You need to just focus on what is necessary and leave the rest for the powers that be to influence the outcome. By trying to keep control all the time you put up a barrier and allow it all to be held up. Have a little faith and see the outcome get sorted out in a much better way.
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 07919 08 22 41 or email and for spiritual guidance see