01 June 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

JUNE 2011

A clairvoyant’s approach channelled by Jenny Ayers from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

21 May-20 Jun
Now you face a very important test in your life and decisions you never thought possible have to be addressed and worked through.  There is no point is trying to get away with it as it will come back to haunt you until you deal with it.  The outcome is long and hard, but very well worth it so go for it.  You really have no choice now.

21 Jun-22 Jul
Every cloud has a silver lining as they say and in your case this will prove to be the point.  What you thought was a terrible ordeal is now bearing fruit and a more positive outlook is envisaged.  Remember you still have to work for it as your path appears unclear for the moment.  It will materialise and happiness is certainly there for you.

23 Jul-22 Aug
Take another step backwards before you can go forwards again.  There are major opportunities coming to you left, right and centre and a new contract of working and living is there for the asking.  Do not be afraid to take up these very valuable opportunities and defend your case, which is of course cast in stone. A newer improved outlook is yours for the taking.

23 Aug-22 Sep
As you enter into the big league of life you need to think clearly as to how you are going to manage.  There will be much demand on your time and energy.  A strategy not thought possible before will be required.  It takes you up to the next level career wise and needs careful planning and reorganisation.  No time now to contemplate.  All is fast moving and effective.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Take time out for yourself and study what was to be your destiny and where you fell short of what you were meant to be.  It is time now to sort matters out and begin to be yourself and not what others expect you to be for them.  Until you decide no one can help you.  It is your decision that brings in the relative changes to your life.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Stepping carefully over hot coals will get you nowhere fast.  Seize the opportunities and free yourself from the mundane that still haunts you even now.  You have been given this chance to expand and to fully stretch you beyond the limits of your comfort zone.  Take this experience and appreciate the opportunity for doing so.  You will be able to manage it with no regrets.

22 Nov-21 Dec
Seeing the world as you do is a terrible strain for you.  Try to be more philosophical and begin to see a Higher Intelligence out there sorting all matters out to the highest degree with total control and effectiveness.  Start to believe in the concept of your life and begin with knowledge already gained.  Then a broader canvass can be achieved and the greater outcome reached.

22 Dec-19 Jan
It is now that you go at high speed as all is given to you at once and that everlasting sacrifice is no longer required.  The door opens wide and you are thrust forward at a remarkable pace with safety and enthusiasm the likes you have not seen before.  So complete all matters.  It really is show time now – a very swift recovery in all things.

20 Jan-18 Feb
From now on there will be many changes in your life which will need to be rectified to keep you afloat and running.  Nothing will be wasted, but you will need to reorganise your life in a way not thought possible before.  You will be thrown in at the deep end and expected to swim, so start to think positively and you will make that necessary difference.

19 Feb-20 Mar
Coming from the rear and facing all difficulties head on is your speciality.  Your rewards are great indeed and you will be able to see on a practical level how much you have achieved.  The phasing out of the old and entering into the new unknown aspects of life to take you now onto the next degree of ultimate achievement.  Can you take it?  Of course you can.

21 Mar-19 Apr
You seem fraught with anxieties and complications.  None of these appear to be your fault.  Another avenue of work and finance being offered to you, so count your blessings and see the very hard work that you have put in in the past to make this all possible.  The change around of events planetary wise will see you make the right decisions instead of the wrong ones.

20 Apr-20 May
The time for expansion has come in and what you once thought of as hopeless is proving to be fully productive and ongoing.  It is due to your hard work and unstinting loyalty to the cause which has kept you going against intolerable odds.  Welcome the new prospectus with open arms and begin to see a pattern of working and finances coming in to secure the package.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org