A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
All changes are now in operation to bring about a productive and worthwhile year. This will need to be got through in order for you to sustain the very needs that you now have. It will jet propel you into another dimension of working and sustenance, which will be absorbed by the way it is devised. Start to see how it all manifests at one fell swoop.
23 Sep-22 Oct
What was a little problem will manifest into a big one until you start to voice what is unjust around you. You have put up with this situation for long enough, so it is high time you took the moral high ground and protect yourself from this disharmony which surrounds you. Then, and only then, will the situation change and peace of mind can finally come in.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
Don’t throw your life away with what is an impossible situation. The time now is to start anew and begin to breathe new life into another game plan, which will become fruitful and positive. You owe it to yourself to try and then as if by a miracle, it all starts to work for you without even much effort on your part. You have nothing to lose.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
When you think all is lost and there is no more that can go wrong, that is when new life and vigour is born. See a very important opening coming up for you and begin to believe again in your own abilities. You have more in you than most people think, you just must believe more in yourself to get these great results.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
What has been a very difficult month for you, in spite of everything that appears to be working you are still in the doldrums of despair and indifference. See how far you have come and begin to see the new path now approaching with everything laid out just as you wanted it. It is all there for you. See it. You don’t have to believe it.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
Another exciting phase of your life to come, what was a master stroke of planetary action on your behalf has induced a situation not thought possible before. So start to appreciate this time of great upliftment and joy. It has been well worth the wait. You are now able to make lasting plans for your future. All can now go smoothly and according to plan.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
See the brightness coming back into your life. All that hard work and efforts have not gone in vain. The turning point now into something spectacular and unusual is approaching. It has not been tried or tested before, but it will increase in dividends because it has been a labour of love from the beginning. You will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
It is catch-up time. You have to work that bit harder in order to make the deadline. You owe it to yourself to be more practical in your approach so that the better outcome can come in. Start to see what is possible and how the new pathway can become a positive aspect towards getting your life underway again. There can be no let-up.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
Learn to be more patient with yourself. You have done everything possible to make this project the most remarkable in your life. You will be able to taste the sweet flavour of success in a short time as the feedback from what you have done will be on its way to you. This is only the beginning of even greater things to come.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
Now the deadline has come in and you are wondering how it will all go for you. Remember you have worked your guts off and the development had its sticky points, but the success rate is high and your efforts have now at last paid dividends. Know that you are home and dry and accept all accolades coming your way. You have deserved them.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
There are two important decisions that you need to make at this time. Do not feel pressurised into making those decisions. Wait a further two weeks when the Universal planetary aspects become more favourable for you and you will be able to see your way clear into making the right decisions on both. Don’t worry, just to wait. You will be glad that you did.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
Many offers are now coming your way. You will be spoilt for choice, so see just how you feel and start to listen to your own instincts. This will be your guidance as to how to plan the next six months ahead. Do not be too hasty as nothing will be taken away. It is in your best interest that time over these offers is taken seriously indeed.
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see