01 December 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The culmination of a year’s hard work will provide dividends for you and you are able to see a further productive year ahead.  All has its own knock on effect and that is clear in the way that things are going for you just now.  An offer of an extended contract should be taken up as it will culminate in other offers after that.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A busy time ahead but equally a joyous time.  Celebrations on every level are afforded to you.  It gives you the necessary upliftment that you have been craving for.  There is much certainty around you and so that sinking feeling that you have been experiencing will be no more.  Trust not to luck but what is on offer; expect a high yield in every capacity.

20 Jan-18 Feb

New beginnings for so many.  It will be quite a shock as it will come out of the blue a most unexpected surprise, but not in the way that you had envisaged, but more practical in every way.  There can be no going back to the old ways.  The future concerns you and not how it will manifest itself; the planets to decide this glorious outcome.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Take stock of all that you hold dear and begin to see a pattern emerging that will astound you in matters not thought possible before.  You thought you were struggling, but in spite of all this still going forwards.  Now really begin to be on the skating rink and see just how effortless everything falls magnificently into place.  The hard times really are over.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Everything is starting to fall nicely into place.  The purpose for your life was in deadlock.  Now an unexpected opening arrives on your doorstep to take you forth into another dimension of intrigue and mystery.  There can be no holding back and the adjustment to you swift indeed.  Take a positive stance and see the outcome.  There is continued life and it must be lived.

20 Apr-20 May

A sharp awakening to get you back on track, you have deviated slightly off course and understandably so.  The work is long and strenuous, but it is also delightful and you will emerge the victor after all has been completed, which is well on time.  Take a few days off to enjoy life and to bring you back into balance, a new idea to emerge out of it.

21 May-20 Jun

Now the leisure time is well and truly over.  You are emerging into the fast lane of life and all is happening at a very fast pace around you.  Take this opportunity to really excel in ways not thought possible before.  You will be headhunted to do another job and this will be the makings of you. Your wish will come true.  You won’t be disappointed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

There will be a complete ‘U’ turn to your life.  It has had to come in and is at the right time to make the necessary arrangements, so that you are able to contribute more to your life than at any other time before.  You will be able to extend your talents and expertise in ways that were not possible before.  It really is very exciting times.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The sun shines brightly in your planetary system.  Be encouraged now in a new adventure, which was not possible to achieve before.  It comes to you in a strange way and you will be interested in its content – a  marvel of ingenuity for all to see.  Believe in your skills and talents.  They are there for your use and must be utilised at the right times.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A miss-mash of ideas around you will see you feeling out of sorts.  It is quickly over, but must be got through in order for you to see the underlying benefits behind it.  There is a new operation afoot, which will throw a spanner in the works.  Do not be alarmed.  It is primarily for your benefit and wellbeing.  You will come out on top.

23 Sep-22 Oct

You must press ahead with the new concept that you are currently involved in.  There is a partial opening, which will be to your liking and this will make the necessary differences to your life.  See the situation change and where you can now benefit and where before there was no hope.  An interesting time for you and boredom is no longer on the agenda.

23 Oct-21 Nov

A passing fancy will evolve into something permanent.  It will be a giggle to start with, but will gather momentum in the process.  See everything come together at once and begin to believe in your true destiny.  Now is not the time to be faint hearted, but to really appreciate the true experience.  Never will you be so amazed and so happy.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org