01 February 2012

Clairvoyant Horoscope for February 2012

20 Jan-18 Feb

Begin to see a pattern emerging whereby what you first thought of as a viable proposition seems to have dried up on you.  This has happened before, so you really should be seeing where you are going wrong and activate the pause button and start afresh.  This time with a new interest and a new outlook, then you will be able to go forwards uninterrupted.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As this New Year approached, so many decisions had to be put into place for the start of things to come.  This has happened so you can begin to see more exciting avenues coming your way completely out of the blue without any warning – the start of a wonderful rollercoaster ride, whereby you are able to activate all your skills and be fully appreciated for them.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Never think your life is on hold.  It had been moving at a fast pace.  Now it seems as if it is going nowhere.  It’s all about the stages of life where the planets spur you on and where gravity holds you in place, so allowing you to recharge wherever possible.  Continue in this way for a bit longer and you will be gently reactivated again.

20 Apr-20 May

To start up a new business now would be advisable.  The planets are in conjunction to your star sign and can activate new deals and business opportunities, which were not present a couple of years ago. You have a convenient widow of about a month to make a deal come true, so you really cannot afford to delay.  Be positive and see the outcome.

21 May-20 Jun

When you really start going and that is fast approaching, so a swift deal will be on offer to you.  See just how varied it is and how suited you are to this opportunity.  It has been a life time in the making, so as you get swept up in the euphoria of it all, be happy it came at last.  The future looks bright indeed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

That mountain you have had to climb to get you where you are today has been enormous.  However the journey has always been a memorable one and you would not have wanted to miss it.  Start to see how all this experience has stood you in good stead to what now comes in to take you onto the next step/journey of your life.  Intrigued you should be.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Decisions you made a couple of months ago are now coming into fruition.  They will take you by storm and invoke you to take on positive action.  This will be the makings of you to go from strength to strength.  A work colleague will leave for personal reasons leaving the way clear for you to enter in.  Nobody will be surprised – least of all you.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A lightning bolt of success is coming your way.  You had better be prepared for it, as it is an opportunity which has been well fought for and cannot be given up lightly.  Start to see a programme of working effectively, which will allow you scope to introduce new people to come into your life. All this is necessary to forward your career and prospects.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The time to turn over a new leaf is now.  You have tried it your way for so long now that it is becoming stale and ineffective.  The power is in your hands to make a difference with your life.  Don’t allow others to hold you back with false promises.  There will come an opportunity for personal advancement, only a fool would not to accept it.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Breathe a sigh of relief you got out of that problem.  It has been hanging over you for months.  Begin to emerge out of the furore of it all and see your own talent for what it is and that is something special. Start believing in yourself again and accept this new road which comes to you.  A fresh start really is what it says – fresh.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As your line of business acumen grows larger and larger each day, be thankful that you learnt it the hard and proper way, as it has stood you in good stead for all the goodies now heading your way.  It had been a difficult year.  Now all comes in with the best intentions and the highest of accolades.  Live the dream and then pass it on.

22 Dec-19 Jan

See all your accomplishments come home to roost.  Success that you know is coming will not disappoint you.  Begin to shine in your own right, so you will have no regrets.  The journey for you has been amazing.  The start of the new adventure even more so, so get the lift you badly need right now and see the structure to your life begin to make sense.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org