01 September 2013

Clairvoyant Horoscope for September 2013

23 Aug-22 Sep

A brightness and a vigour you have not thought possible is there for you.  You are entering another exciting phase in your life, where challenges are of paramount importance to your wellbeing and must be taken up to obtain full benefit.  A new contract of employment, which will see you fast tracked to do other things – don’t delay, the opportunity has a short window only.

23 Sep-22 Oct

With much going on in the romantic aspects of your life, you are feeling like the cat has got the cream and why not.  You deserve all good and wonderful things coming to you.  The planets are in alignment to allow for all these motions to happen.  A strong offering of commitment will come to you and there need not be any hesitation on your part to accept.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Be calm and remain still.  Know that you are safe always business wise.  What has come to pass was not of your choosing or your fault, but unfortunate circumstances had invoked a deal which should have come to you, but was turned away at the last minute.  There will be another deal more in keeping with what you have to offer, which will save the day.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As monumental pressure begins to hit you hard, you are in no position to object.  All has culminated out of a period of mistrust and bad management.  A clean slate needs to be obtained by you and others to relieve yourselves of this burden, which is unacceptable in today’s climate.  Break away from tradition and begin a new and different phase, which is recognised and accepted by all.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Look now to your increasing talents and wise words and perception.  Your strong gifts will be required at the appointed time, where you will be asked to deliver and without hesitation.  Words of wisdom are needed to facilitate a cause, which is now out of control and is in need of a master stroke of genius to alleviate all suffering.  Being a part of a powerful team of operatives is required.

20 Jan-18 Feb

When you go too far then damage is done and another bail out is required for you and others to pull through this ordeal.  It is on a knife edge and no amount of bargaining will be able to relieve the problems that you are now in.  Sense another way out that must be considered in order to return balance, where at this time there is none.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you wait for the appointed time of full rise to your status, then all will have to entertain you in ways you never thought possible before.  It is customary to appease these people, who have in the past even done you harm, to show there are no hard feelings.  You rise steadily above them for all time.  A new commission of authority and expertise awaits you now!

21 Mar-19 Apr

Feeling sad and forlorn is not needed.  It is better to have achieved something than nothing at all.  Start to see the bigger picture, not from your perspective any longer but from a world that is now out of step with you.  Remember what you once were and could have done far more, but ego was the greater character and so your downfall is by your own will.

20 Apr-20 May

Time is now necessary to begin again and to start to see the world with fresh ideas and a fresh mind.  For too long you have remained entrenched by what the world has had to offer you and not looked at your own talents, which are more far-reaching and can offer a greater scope for management and working.  Start to think big and to readjust your life.

21 May-20 Jun

No more time to look over your shoulder and think what if?  The time has fully run out and a new way of life beckons you.  The luxury of good living has eluded you for so long and a rebalance is required to bring in all your needs almost at once.  You have deserved it in your own way and so must allow for it to happen.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being successful is not always what it is cracked up to be.  Your time will come soon enough, where you will be fully recognised for all your talents and nobody will be in any doubt of them, least of all you.   All exams will be accomplished in your own time and with a result that is not only pleasing, but equally satisfying to you.

23 Jul-22 Aug

It is high time that you are noticed for your talents and expertise.  What has been holding you back are the planetary changes, which have not yet been in your favour.  As a new genius type of work is released by you, you will be able to start to see your own rise from nothing to somebody in a short time indeed.  A new trend is coming.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org