23 Aug-22 Sep
The planetary
aspects are in full force around you and this will give you the impetus to walk
in a different direction to what you have been recently doing. It will be for
your own good and where full productivity will be the dream you have been
waiting for and where life will start to expand in more ways, so that you can
become successful as never before.
23 Sep-22 Oct
When trusting
your own instincts have not let you down, you must proceed along this path with
the same agenda. Do not trust anybody other than your instincts and you will be
able to release the fear that has been fostered upon you, which is both
unnecessary and counterproductive. You had the green light some time ago and
you must proceed, not with caution, but with total faith.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
All that has been promised to you some time ago is there for your
pleasure and advancement. You need to make that next big decision so that you
can blow the lid off your personal establishment and bring about new direction,
which is possible. All will be mesmerised by your prowess and diligence of mind
to bring about a successful bid for new business, which now awaits you.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
Do not fear
the challenges set before you, as they are what you have already asked for in
order for you to personally advance in ways you have dreamed about. Timing is
now perfect, as so many things will land in your lap and where effort is but an
easy task to bring about true success. Know there is a Higher Intelligence
steering it all in for you.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
Open up your
heart and smell the sweet scent of success. You are beginning to ride high and
this impetus is unstoppable. You start to literally cruise forwards in life.
Never have you felt so at home with so many things coming to you so easily. It
will frighten you at first. Until the strangeness feels more comfortable to
your mind, there will be nothing to worry about.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
The necessary changes that will be forced on you will see it as
despair in your life. Look again and start to see where you were saved and how
you will be able to forge ahead with rebuilding your life in a better more
secure way. Nothing has been left to chance and happiness is afforded to you.
All that has been left behind, you did not need anyway.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
Being thankful to all those who have saved you is not necessary, as
this is justification for long term dedication and a strong will to survive. Now
you can fully claim victory. It will stand you in good stead with an
establishment that you will meet and succeed with. This is not a dream, but a
reality and you will from now on decide your path of excellence.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Being honest with yourself is never easy, as you don’t ever see
yourself as others do and that is your main problem. With life, one has to give
first in order to receive what you feel is justifiable to you. The turnaround
of events will overtake you and you will be carried off on a different course
of living, where adjustments will be made to help you survive.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
Keep going,
all is well and adjusted to your liking. What you first feared will not happen
– a greater outcome is there for all to see. You have been saved and all your
hard work is now proving profitable. Lasting happiness with much contentment is
there for you for all time. You can now make that new decision with a clarity
of mind that it will happen.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
Remain positive as the new instruction for your welfare is
announced. All your fears are no longer valid, as the
massive changeover is already occurring, bringing you lasting happiness and
peace of mind you have not enjoyed for a long time. Financial woes will be of a
better standing, whereby you are able to rebuild once again. Remember you are looked after even though you
seldom recognise it!
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
What is being delivered to you on a plate will see your success
rise substantially, then you will be able to see a more positive outlook. Finances will no longer prove to be a problem
to you. Your determination to succeed in this new venture will be automatic,
but it is not required as your skills are already in place, which are the
driving force for success anyway.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
A career
change is about to befall you with lasting benefits. It will see you head a
team of experts you did not think possible. The swift transition will be the
driving force that steers you on, allows you to maintain your dignity, which
has seen many dips lately. All will spur
you on so that world acclaim is there for you, if you wish to pursue it.
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email
jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org