21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
This month you will experience a considerable force of energy, so
anything you hope to achieve will be achieved this month and all to your
liking. A valuable set of interesting
factors will culminate together allowing you to go forwards as never
before. The arrangements for a career change
forthcoming and a new form of financial arrangement to come about. The sky's the limit.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
Something quite extraordinary will be given to you and you will
start to see an awakening in you. That
was not there before, as the time to see it was not possible. Start to see the bigger picture and why you
were chosen for this role in bringing salvation, not only to you but to many
others besides. You are in the driving
seat at last.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
you held most dear to you will appear to fall apart, but every cloud has its
silver lining and, from the gloom of the past year, new life is shining in your
direction. Take this golden opportunity
and run with it. Utilising all your
skills and knowhow, you will begin to see the passage of time open up for you
experiences, which were impossible but are now possible and thriving.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
Everything appears upside down and not going forwards at all. The situation that you are in will turn again
for you allowing you the necessary leeway to advance with what appears against
the odds, but with amazingly favourable results. Everything that you are in now
will prove successful. You just need to
hold your nerve and see the results coming in fast and furiously.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
Why wait any
longer for your advancement when you have lost faith already? See the new opportunity coming your way,
which will see you up and running again.
The new beginning fruitful in every way, as a new lease of life is being
given to you. Now is the time to set the
record straight and where you can advance in ways not thought possible before.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
A position of authority and acclaim will be on offer to you. It would be wise to take it and start to see
your destiny unfold in front of your very eyes.
All that you once thought of as hopeless and helpless begins to change
for you and the position has your name on it already. Be pleased and start to see a bigger
responsibility being given to you and learn to love it.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
As you make
peace with yourself finally, accept that you cannot know everything all the
time, even if you profess to do so. It
is time to take a drastic look at your lifestyle and begin to see where
important changes need to be addressed, if you are to make any impact at all in
your life just now. To be at peace needs
another mind-set and this will make sense to you now!
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
All that you
have hoped for is to be yours and more besides.
The burden of life will be no more, as the rescue package is already in
place and all situations are now changing at a rapid rate. Hold on to your hat and begin to see the
amazing advances to your life, which were never in your mind, but were always
in your destiny to achieve.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
As drastic changes begin to show you how your life can and will
unfold, you need to see that you have already been saved. There is no longer a need to pull back, but
to feel free that all that was on offer to you is finally being realised for
all time. The Universe is for providing
all this for you and know that you have been saved.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
You need to understand that to be great takes time and patience. This you have weathered your entire life and
so it is now that you are made aware, as others are, of your success and
continuing advancement. You are on a
roll that nobody is able to achieve. You
will see it for yourself, as proof after proof is given to you for your
satisfaction alone.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Allow yourself this important respite, as you need to stand still
for a time. All has been fast moving and
so a stillness to readjust your life is required, so that you are able to
fulfil the next important chapters that are coming in. Everything will come to you at once, so a new
strategy needs to be enforced to safeguard your position to accommodate all
your needs. Life can only get better.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
Having gone
through a sticky patch of uncertainty, the situation has now turned around
completely, so that you are able to make the necessary right decisions for
personal and professional advancement in your life. All that has been promised is now there for
you to enjoy and to be further fulfilled for all time. The necessary inroads are already in progress
and you will be smiling now.
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see