19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
This month will see startling revelations where whatever you touch
will simply turn to gold. Now is the
time for a major uplift of finances and wellbeing and where at last you are
fully recognised for all your hard work and efforts. The time has come where
you can finally reap all that is so rightfully yours. Start to see your name
being held in high esteem, as you become more humble.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Start to think big if you want to achieve those high accolades that
have been promised to you. It is high
time that your long term achievements were recognised and with the right
people. This is going to happen and where this fresh start will pay dividends
on so many aspects. Your time to shine is now and you have already earned this.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
Never think that you have been overlooked for promotion. What is
needed is for the circumstances around you to change, which they are doing and
where you will be in a better position to make that necessary impact, which was
not possible before. Your skills and gifts are being recognised and so the die
is cast for a very exciting month and career ahead. Always trust in your
abilities, they won’t let you down.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
As major opportunities are now approaching you, you need to be at
your very best to establish a precedent for your working and domestic life. All
the hardship that had surrounded you for these many months are now fading away
and where at last you are able to see above the parapet to where you have
always meant to be. The good news is now coming.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
Enjoy your life as never before. You are starting to be comfortable
in your new found role and relishing it as never before. The life from here on
gives you the necessary stability you have always craved for and now you can
fully appreciate it as your right to have. More challenges with changes will no
longer faze you. You are stronger now!
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
Full steam ahead in these next coming months will see you reap all
that you have sown. The difficult start to the New Year will start to see you
smiling once again. Know that life is worth living inspite of the various ups and
downs. A turnaround of events not seen before will see you make up all the
deficits that you have been so worried about. The time to thrive is now, so
keep going. Your optimism is paying off.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
Be at peace. There is no point in crying over spilt milk. You have
had a minor setback, which will in fact see you gain far more than you have
actually lost. The Universe works in mysterious ways and when you find you have
lost, you actually have gained, strange but true. Start to see the bigger
picture and see how situations have miraculously turned around for you and more
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
Knowing you have won is not enough. You really want to make
absolutely sure that everything is above board and going for you. You are being
hailed in ways not thought possible before and where your reputation becomes a
sounding board for others to follow. Know you are well respected and thought of
and where your wishes are coming true. Take these next few weeks off when you
get the opportunity. The rest is what you now need.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
The impossible becomes possible if you keep your faith intact. This
appears an ordeal of the highest proportions, when in fact it is quite
straightforward and where an announcement soon enough will be given and where
you will feel more relaxed than at any other time in a long while. Start to see
your life changing in ways not even dreamed of. This is where you start to take
control of your life and learn to live again.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
Being careful with your money is not going to make it stretch any
further. Start to see money in a
different way, as an object of energy where the energy you put in, so you can
take it out. All is a balancing act, the
more energy/effort given out, the more comes back to you and so balance is
always maintained. Your needs are always
provided for and when you least expect it. Worry not you will always have
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
As you enter
another phase of fame and fortune, all is being steered nicely for you, almost
effortlessly. The time for worrying is no more and this will start to become
second nature for you. Your hard work and dedication is now beginning to pay
off in ways not thought possible before and where you can begin to rely on this
process of personal and professional achievement. The skies really are the
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
That hard slog you put yourself through in recent months is now
paying off and the opportunities from the past, which you thought were there
and did not exactly materialise, are now coming for you. Start to rejoice in your newfound fame and be
content that it happened at the right time, when you were in fact ready for it. It is well deserved now!
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email
jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk