01 September 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for September 2018

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you begin to see the new light of reasoning and fully accept the radical changes being made for you, you will begin to thank those around you for having made those decisions.  In a few months’ time you will be able to co-ordinate everything to your liking and where you had been bashing your head against a brick wall, this will no longer be the case.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Your patience has finally proved to be a God-send and where at last you can reap all that you have sown and become fully recognised and appreciated for it.  No longer do you have to kowtow to those who feel they have the experience over you, when in fact they never did.  You have in fact opened a whole hornets’ nest of problems of which top management themselves have to clear up.  You will be long gone in your new profession to need worry ever again.

23 Oct-21 Nov

It is time you saw the light for what it is, which is to brighten up your life as never before.  A whole series of events are happening, which will make you realise you are on the right path and where your true happiness now lies.  By being frank and open, will get you the results you have been looking for, by being sheepish, will always produce a negative result.  Remain positive and see the shift happen!

22 Nov-21 Dec

It is now that you take the bull by the horns and run with it.  No longer can you afford to remain stuck in the mud and do nothing.  What are you afraid of?  You have lived this sorry state of affairs for long enough.  Now we are embracing a new start, where finally you stand to gain and have control over many more things than you thought you had power over?  Trust your instincts and know you will come out on top no matter what happens!

22 Dec-19 Jan

This path can feel lonely if you let it.  The next few days will see enormous upliftment and surprises you never thought possible before.  All has taken its time and that is why you feel left out and all at sea without a paddle.  The direction to your life is certainly there and will be shown to you, so that you are able to believe in your destiny once again.  Feeling secure is what you need.  This again will be shown to you.  Feel the enormous power, which is all around you and where you will never doubt again.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you begin to trust in your new life and see the path ahead as being straight and uncomplicated, you will be able to reflect in a better way.  A new avenue of business will be presented to you and one which you cannot afford to ignore, as it will give you the new lifeline you so richly deserve.  Feel the freedom all around you and know that you are just entering a new era of productivity.  You won’t regret it!

19 Feb-20 Mar

Don’t give up on the new and exciting openings being offered to you.  It will come out of the blue when you least expect it, but it has already been predicted some months ago.  The timing is right now and must be observed, so that the outcome is powerful and long lasting.  It will give you all that you have hoped would happen over many years now.  You must appreciate your role in all this, as you have to lead from the front in order for the greater impact to occur and for others besides yourself to gain.

21 Mar-19 Apr

You have been under the cosh for some time now.  That pressure is being withdrawn, so that you can finally act freely and with a renewed confidence that was not there for some time.  This is your chance to finally prove yourself once and for all and to make that name that has been missing so far.  You have the expertise so show it and make that commanding position yours at last.  You owe it to yourself to show an example, which others can follow and achieve their destiny as well!

20 Apr-20 May

As you start to take life in a more leisurely way and also to count your blessings, you will see that all your hard work is now bearing fruit and where your swift action in so many ways has actually saved the day.  The time is right for new opportunities to come your way and where you can express that important opinion, which so many people rely on as a direction in their own lives.  You are a powerful force and you are only now coming to realise the impact you make without even realising it.

21 May-20 Jun

It is necessary that you go up the social ladder and where your views are shared in a much better way, which will allow for you a better standing in the community that was not there before.  Those around you who have always admired you, will see that you are well received and accepted for who you are and not what you represent.  You are the heart and soul of so many people’s lives and this standing will give them the opportunity to advance you in so many ways.  You have arrived at last.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As your work becomes lighter over the next coming weeks and you start to enjoy a good earned rest, you will be reminded at how far you have come.  Those bosses, who oversee all that you do, are more than impressed and are now singling you out for a more advanced position.  It will give you the necessary status you so richly deserve and where life actually gets better from here on in.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Start to see the value of your life and not keep thinking you are of no use and that nothing is going to change for the better.  A new position of some stature is there for you, which will see you finally in your rightful place of where you have always meant to be.  It has taken its time to filter down to the right time, but it is here to stay and where you can make a name for yourself at long last.  All your experience has not been wasted.  It has just been waiting for the right time to occur.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk