31 December 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for January 2020

22 Dec-19 Jan

All that you have ever hoped and prayed for is already on its way.  A dramatic entrance of what seemed almost impossible presents itself in a most extraordinary way. Your surprise will be the same as everybody else’s, so enjoyment on a massive scale becomes possible.  Rejoice as never before. You have truly earned it!

20 Jan-18 Feb

Stop beating yourself up, You are doing just fine and there will be a whole lot of other surprises along the way.  It is your time to enjoy life and not feel so hard done by all the time, which is simply not the case.  Start to be kind to yourself and see just how good that feels.  Situations are getting better all the time.

19 Feb-20 Mar

It is only now that you come into your own and be truly recognised for the person you truly are. There are no misconceptions here. You are the person, who changes situations on a massive scale.  It is only now that you truly recognise your destiny and you will be amazed at how well it transforms everything you ever believed in.

21 Mar-19 Apr

As you come to the point of really understanding yourself and your current motives for what is right for you, don’t underestimate all those people who have helped you to get to where you are today and where appreciation is now required if you wish to be helped once again. Kindly don’t think people’s generosity of spirit is your exclusive right. That simply is not the case.  Show your appreciation and do it now!

20 Apr-20 May

As situations open up for you in a dramatic way, you will be well pleased and satisfied at how well you have performed in such a short space of time.  You have truly lifted the lid up on so many aspects that people are now fondly talking about you. Your rewards are on the way and well deserved.

21 May-20 Jun

The beginning of great changes has already happened and continues to do so inspite that you thought many things had actually gone wrong.  What has happened is the better thing has come out of the chaos and the new beginnings become possible, where before they could not.  Learn to trust your instincts more and you will then see the better results coming your way.  All is on track this month and where you will be well pleased.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you step into the future you will see that it is both bright and hospitable.  No longer will you need to worry yourself about matters which are beyond your control. Situations move smoothly and rewardingly for you and where finally you can expect the upper hand in all that you do and perceive around you. Keep the faith. It will reward you.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As the hopes and then the dreams finally materialise. You will be so pleased that you took this course of action and where you will see the rewards beyond your wildest imaginations bear the fruits of your labours.  You are being sought after in different arenas, all to your liking and where finally you can and will make that expansive name for yourself. You haven’t seen anything yet!

23 Aug-22 Sep

It is make your mind up time and where you have so far been resting on your laurels. Now is when you have to make that necessary move if you are to benefit from what is in store for you.  If you deliberate further, you will miss this golden opportunity for personal and professional advancement.  This opportunity will not come around again for at least another ten years, so there is no more time to waste.

23 Sep-22 Oct

A great seizure of money is about to befall you and where your surprise will be the lift off of so many important and necessary decisions that you now need to do.  Utilise this gift out of the blue wisely if you are to thrive continuously from now on.  Many will gain by your wise moves, so fear not and enjoy this gift which is due to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you have been gently reminded to take matters more slowly and easily for your own benefit, it is now that you have to make the necessary arrangements, which are there already for you, so that you can extend your life and not shorten it by continuously over doing it.  You owe it to yourself to be sensible and enjoy life in ways not thought possible before. You can take your hand off the tiller and still thrive. You just chose not to do so!

22 Nov-21 Dec

Everybody experiences loneliness as you are going through just now. Know that this will pass and others, who truly love you will be there to carry you forward as never before.  It is at times like these that you know who your true friends are and who has your best interest at heart.  They are the ones who truly care and will see that you thrive once again.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

11 December 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2019

22 Nov-21 Dec

Everything appears all change for you this month.  It will feel as if the ground beneath you is shifting in front of your very eyes.  This is all necessary to allow for the bigger positive vibrational energies to come forward to give you a safer, more relaxed transition.  All that you have ever worked for is now manifesting in a positive way and where you will find all aspects to your complete satisfaction.

22 Dec-19 Jan

This month will be quite exhausting but equally exhilarating beyond your wildest dreams.  It will be the makings of you and, where out of complete darkness, the light of true miracles is noticed.  These are the steppingstones to great and wonderful things and you are at the very heart of this amazing adventure.  Never doubt in your power or in your abilities to achieve, where so many have already failed.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you appear out of the shadows of uncertainty, you will be reminded that you have been there before and recovered.  This scenario is similar, but where the achievements are seen by all who matter and where your reputation begins to grow exponentially.  So well done to you!

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

You are on very safe ground even if you don’t think you are.  All that has happened has been for an important reason and where you now come out on top, which nobody can deny.  See yourself in an unusual spotlight and where total trust in your ability is seen by so many.  They, like you, will be impressed. Your greatest hours to come.

20 Apr-20 May

As you approach the end of this year, you will be able to see the many increasing achievements that you have manifested throughout this difficult, but exciting time.  You are being recognised by the elite for your enormous contribution and where you can now stand with your head held high, where the greater good has been accomplished by you in the service of so many.

21 May-20 Jun

The mystery of the last few months has had an enormous strain on you and others, who surround you.  Gone are the annoying souls, whose wish was to bring you down.  You have conquered your own demons and have risen to the challenges that were always asked of you.  You can know that all you have done for so many is being recognised and finally accepted.

21 Jun-22 Jul

All that has been troubling you is finally coming to an end and those around you are making the necessary improved headway.  They are now getting the important relief, which was their right all this time.  Your continuous support, which held those suffering, see you in a different light and where much appreciation is now given.  Your prayers have been answered.

23 Jul-22 Aug

With every passing day a new and important revelation is given to you.  It is now that you truly come into your own and where full recognition on a global scale becomes forthcoming.  You have been denied for far too long. That important breakthrough has been recognised by the masses and the money spinners, who feel they hold everybody in the palm of their hands.  This new and important recognition will give you the prestige you have been working for your entire life.  You won’t now be denied!

23 Aug-22 Sep

It is now or never.  You have to take that important plunge if you are to succeed where so many others have failed.  There has to be an almighty stance made for the masses to wake up and understand what you have been fighting for.  This is not about you, but about mankind finding out that they too have a voice and they need to be heard, if change is to be manifested.  Your guidance in all this will win the day through!

23 Sep-22 Oct

Stop covering up for those who you support.  They have not appreciated all your hard work and efforts.  The truth in all this will come out and they will end up with egg on their faces.  The true acknowledgement will be given to you in time, but only when you recognise that you are the true instrument who can deliver, while all the others are only interested in half measures.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The system you are involved in is not working and, try as you may to make it happen, it will not budge.  The entire fiasco has to be demolished and started up again.  This way, the better structure will allow for long term success and peace of mind.  If you want to succeed, then matters must be put right and not left to chance here, which has already happened.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

12 November 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2019

23 Oct-21 Nov

As this month stares you in the face, you will feel very overwhelmed with outstanding issues, many of which all appear to need dealing with at the same time.  Know that you will miraculously get things done in quite a short time, much to your amazement and relief.  The bigger projects need dealing with carefully but are not to be hurried, as they will require expert help in getting matters finalised.  So be kind to yourself and only do what is absolutely necessary right now!

22 Nov-21 Dec

As circumstances begin to change for you in a different way to what you have been used to.  You will be pleasantly surprised and also thankful in an odd sort to way.  Everything will appear upside down but still in place making you wonder what is actually happening here.  The planetary changes are bringing chaos into order, but done in an extraordinary way that will start to see the Universal energies working for you and for all to see and wonder at!

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t ever take life for granted for there are upsets along the way, which must be dealt with to stop matters going array.   You have left too many things undone, so now is the time to stop the rot and get matters sorted out before you are over your head.  Help will be on hand, but you must still take the initiative to allow for a peaceful transition.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Stop fighting with yourself and begin to relax.  All that you have invested has not been lost or is scuppered in anyway.  All now is effortlessly being put into place for your benefit and for the benefit of those close to you.  The changes that you have made recently will bear the fruits that you had hoped for and where finally peace of mind can be restored.

20 Apr-20 May

As you begin to take that giant step up the corporate ladder, you will begin to see the enormous benefits that you will come to enjoy.  Never forget with improved status comes responsibility, which you will take in your stride and thoroughly relish in.  It is what you have been praying for but now have fully earned.  See that with your benefits that others are also brought into the equation, for nothing is ever achieved fully alone.

21 May-20 Jun

It is a simple task, yet to you it appears a mountain.  Look at the situation again and begin to see more clearly that the problem is only half of what you thought it would be and therefore not the worry you have been concerned about these past few weeks.  With gentle application on your part the entire situation can and will be resolved, giving you finally peace of mind and where you can look at life in a happier way.

21 Jun-22 Jul

The pressure on you is mounting and where you feel enough is enough.  The entire business that you are involved in is far too big for the number of staff that are involved at this time.  A new strategy is being formulated for the entire organisation to adhere to and where breathing space for many is an absolute necessity.  See that you get the necessary respite that is so important for your welfare.  You will come out on top again.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The many difficulties that appear around you are already starting to ebb away and where you can see the road ahead is actually paved with gold and all to your liking, but complete amusement.  The new project will play out nicely into your hands and where actual spin off will occur giving you the necessary lift off you have been craving for.  It is not a question of giving up but recognising that all that is right and good is now yours with full recognition.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you continue to go from strength to strength a new important impetus starts to take over and where you can see the fruits of your labours being appreciated for the first time in a long while. You are being favourably talked about and so your reputation is growing exponentially.  Many things have been promised to you, but it is only now that you will see those benefits coming your way.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Stop worrying about money.  All appears in short supply right now, but a necessary unexpected windfall is due to you and you won’t be so much surprised as more relieved.  Nevertheless, it will go some way into closing that enormous deficit and where you can begin to plan ahead once again.  That all important trip away is still there for you, so chin up and be happy!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

11 October 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2019

23 Sep-22 Oct

Breakthroughs, which don’t normally happen to you, are now on the horizon to happen and where you will be well pleased as to their outcome.  There is no need to bash your head against a brick wall any longer, as the light is now visibly being shown to you at the end of your tunnel.  Those decisions you were reluctant to make can now be taken to establish a new and productive way of life you have not imaged before. All is to your liking, so well done and enjoy now what comes to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The fruits of your labour now come to pass and where you can see all those prayers are finally being answered with no questions asked.  This is very much a turning point in your life and where the gathering of productive momentum has already started and where you can see situations are already changing, giving you the upper hand once again in a very short space of time.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The move you have been dreading is very much on and you can fight against it all you like – it will happen anyway.  It brings to you new beginnings and where a greater trust in your security is established bringing about peace of mind after many months of struggle and fear of the unknown.  This is what you have been longing for and there is nothing to fear, as your destiny is now assured and even you will be able to see that before too long now.  Chin up.  This is not about being brave but in realising that a higher power has your best interests at heart.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you ponder to change roles economically, you must realise that all you have done so far has been to your benefit and you no longer have to rely on your hard work to get you there.  You are on the crest of a wave, where everything now comes to you, almost effortlessly and where you alone can and do appreciate this new set of circumstances being afforded to you.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Something in your life has to go.  It has been dragging you down now for months and you refused to acknowledge its presence in your life.  If you wish to rise to the very top of your life, then you must get rid of all negative issues, which are still there holding matters up.  You have put up with this nonsense for a long time now and it will destroy you if you are not prepared to make the necessary changes to resolve issues in order for you to survive and thrive.

20 Apr-20 May

Now is the time to forget the past and to start thinking of a new beginning, where the green light of approval is there for the taking and where you will not feel any regrets.  Only relief that it is finally over and you can take your rightful place in society once again.  This has not been an easy ride for you, but it becomes easier by the day, as you will currently see.  Don’t stop the momentum. Just enjoy the ride and know that life can be happy once more as you will soon see.

21 May-20 Jun

Everything in your life is all change but not frightening.  It has to happen in order for you to be fully recognised and appreciated for the very hard and effective work that you have already done.  Now is the time to reap the rewards of your hard labour and where you have a greater understanding of your talents and expertise.  All now are singing your praises and where you will now stand centre stage and be given the many accolades that you so richly deserve – so well done indeed!

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you begin to see the many breakthroughs coming your way, a kind of promotion will be given to you.  Yes, it will mean extra responsibilities but, on these occasions, you are able to delegate instead of putting in all the hard work yourself.  You are now being fully recognised and appreciated and where you can see that what you say carries weight and merit.  You have achieved where others have failed and this has been noticed, so be very pleased with yourself.  You deserve it all.

23 Jul-22 Aug

You still believe nothing is going to happen for you of any great significance and that you are constantly working at the coalface with little to nothing to show for it.  The changes coming your way are there, even if they appear subtle and of no importance.  The massive changes are already in place and this you will easily see and acknowledge soon enough.  A new person of substance will be calling on you and where you will be asked to deal with a special project, which you will feel is beyond you, when in fact it is not.  All is given to you to enlighten you in a different way of seeing and believing.  You will be over the moon with the results coming your way.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now that you have the whip hand in everything, do not think this achievement has come as a result of all your own hard work, but as a direct result of a collective force, who have put their backs into it to bring about this remarkable achievement. Acknowledge this breakthrough with the others, as they deserve this achievement as much as you do.  Their loyalty towards you has kept everything going and productive, so joint congratulations are required all round.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk