11 October 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2019

23 Sep-22 Oct

Breakthroughs, which don’t normally happen to you, are now on the horizon to happen and where you will be well pleased as to their outcome.  There is no need to bash your head against a brick wall any longer, as the light is now visibly being shown to you at the end of your tunnel.  Those decisions you were reluctant to make can now be taken to establish a new and productive way of life you have not imaged before. All is to your liking, so well done and enjoy now what comes to you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The fruits of your labour now come to pass and where you can see all those prayers are finally being answered with no questions asked.  This is very much a turning point in your life and where the gathering of productive momentum has already started and where you can see situations are already changing, giving you the upper hand once again in a very short space of time.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The move you have been dreading is very much on and you can fight against it all you like – it will happen anyway.  It brings to you new beginnings and where a greater trust in your security is established bringing about peace of mind after many months of struggle and fear of the unknown.  This is what you have been longing for and there is nothing to fear, as your destiny is now assured and even you will be able to see that before too long now.  Chin up.  This is not about being brave but in realising that a higher power has your best interests at heart.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you ponder to change roles economically, you must realise that all you have done so far has been to your benefit and you no longer have to rely on your hard work to get you there.  You are on the crest of a wave, where everything now comes to you, almost effortlessly and where you alone can and do appreciate this new set of circumstances being afforded to you.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Something in your life has to go.  It has been dragging you down now for months and you refused to acknowledge its presence in your life.  If you wish to rise to the very top of your life, then you must get rid of all negative issues, which are still there holding matters up.  You have put up with this nonsense for a long time now and it will destroy you if you are not prepared to make the necessary changes to resolve issues in order for you to survive and thrive.

20 Apr-20 May

Now is the time to forget the past and to start thinking of a new beginning, where the green light of approval is there for the taking and where you will not feel any regrets.  Only relief that it is finally over and you can take your rightful place in society once again.  This has not been an easy ride for you, but it becomes easier by the day, as you will currently see.  Don’t stop the momentum. Just enjoy the ride and know that life can be happy once more as you will soon see.

21 May-20 Jun

Everything in your life is all change but not frightening.  It has to happen in order for you to be fully recognised and appreciated for the very hard and effective work that you have already done.  Now is the time to reap the rewards of your hard labour and where you have a greater understanding of your talents and expertise.  All now are singing your praises and where you will now stand centre stage and be given the many accolades that you so richly deserve – so well done indeed!

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you begin to see the many breakthroughs coming your way, a kind of promotion will be given to you.  Yes, it will mean extra responsibilities but, on these occasions, you are able to delegate instead of putting in all the hard work yourself.  You are now being fully recognised and appreciated and where you can see that what you say carries weight and merit.  You have achieved where others have failed and this has been noticed, so be very pleased with yourself.  You deserve it all.

23 Jul-22 Aug

You still believe nothing is going to happen for you of any great significance and that you are constantly working at the coalface with little to nothing to show for it.  The changes coming your way are there, even if they appear subtle and of no importance.  The massive changes are already in place and this you will easily see and acknowledge soon enough.  A new person of substance will be calling on you and where you will be asked to deal with a special project, which you will feel is beyond you, when in fact it is not.  All is given to you to enlighten you in a different way of seeing and believing.  You will be over the moon with the results coming your way.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Now that you have the whip hand in everything, do not think this achievement has come as a result of all your own hard work, but as a direct result of a collective force, who have put their backs into it to bring about this remarkable achievement. Acknowledge this breakthrough with the others, as they deserve this achievement as much as you do.  Their loyalty towards you has kept everything going and productive, so joint congratulations are required all round.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk