As you enter into an economic phase, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how well you are actually doing and how much you can achieve in this time period. The adjustment will not prove difficult for you, as you will be able to see soon enough.
23 Oct-21 Nov
Now is the time for a massive clear out of many things and issues, which are no longer relative to your life and wellbeing. This is necessary, so that you can take full advantage of the many good things now coming your way and where you will need to prioritise what is relevant and what now is of no further use. All this will be to your liking and peace of mind.
22 Nov-21 Dec
As you start to embrace the new beginning being thrust upon you, you will be able to see the relevance of it all and where you can make that necessary impact you have so long talked about. Decisions on a high level will be asked of you, which will not faze you but will excite you all at the same time. This is your time to make an impact. See that you do!
22 Dec-19 Jan
20 Jan-18 Feb
A quiet time is envisaged, which will help you to recover from the onslaught of work you have been currently engaged in. This will allow for your delicate batteries to recover their strength and fortitude. All now is adjusting nicely, so that you can feel free once again of the constraints of hard labour.
19 Feb-20 Mar
21 Mar-19 Apr
The master of your mind is you. You need now to focus on what is important in your life and how you have already taken unfair advantage of others, who have contributed to your life and where necessary recognition has not be forthcoming. You owe it to yourself and others to show appreciation when matters have been given so generously and where you have ultimately benefitted from it. Do the right thing if you wish to receive again!
20 Apr-20 May
The time for that new and interesting project is now and where the planetary situation urges you to take full advantage of what is there on the table for you to achieve by. All has been a struggle before, but the constraints have been lifted giving you a clear chance to do what you have longed to do these many months. Do not delay. Take this matter up now to accept the full advantages coming to you.
21 May-20 Jun
All that you have been praying for comes easily. The constraints that were blocking your progress have miraculously disappeared. This will allow you to take on this next big project which has been staring you in the face these past few months. Having the faith, as you have had, allows for many difficulties to be swept away and where now you have a clear run to accomplish your dream. You deserve it.
21 Jun-22 Jul
A longing to express yourself in ways not thought possible before is being given to you. All those in favour of your impending rise now salute you and you will be given the opportunity to excel once again. Take up this opportunity at your earliest convenience and see that you can smile once more, as others are already doing to you right now.
23 Jul-22 Aug
As you are given this challenge that nobody else is willing to take it on, do not be afraid as you already have the skills to succeed, where others do not. Your expertise over a long period of time together with your natural talents will always find a way to achieve over others. Rejoice as you will see the accolades and fruits of your labour, which nobody can deny.
23 Aug-22 Sep
All those misgivings, which you had before, pale now into insignificance. You have achieved a great milestone and it is for you alone to recognise that fact. Never doubt in your ability. It is far greater than you can imagine, as these last few months have now proven to you. You can still go further and make that necessary name for yourself. It is all up to you believe you are great and great you will become!
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