01 December 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2020


22 Nov-21 Dec

 As you go through this month with a happier note, you will begin to see how all your preparation in recent months has now developed fruit. You can hold your head up high, as all that hard work has stood you in good stead for all the benefits you are now receiving and there is more to come, so well done!  A very cheerful time, which you will be well surprised.

22 Dec-19 Jan

 Where everything appears messed up at times, this time all is being straighten out for your benefit and lasting happiness.  A good time for celebrations, in spite of the difficulties incurred by so many.  This is not a time to feel gloomy but positive, so that you can see all those very good things around you.  Know you are truly blessed and where there are special treats to come.

20 Jan-18 Feb

 A time for forgiveness is now necessary, so that you can begin to hold your head up high again.  By leaving the past behind, allows you to embrace the new beginnings being offered to you and more besides.  This time is a time for adventure and where you will be able to meet those challenges head on and you won’t be disappointed, so be brave and go for it.  You owe it to yourself to do so!

19 Feb-20 Mar

 This is not a time to be cautious but to be optimistic, as those happy times are here to stay and where you will be able to trust your instincts in ways not thought possible before.  There will be some major decisions to make, which will see you riding high and where dreams really do come true.  Celebrations are on the way and where you can comfortably say you have arrived.

21 Mar-19 Apr

 The doom and glooms from the past have no bearing now on what is to come.  You have turned a massive corner and where expenses you were worried about are not as bad as you first imagined.  This is a time for sheer contentment on your part and where you play an active role in another’s happiness.

20 Apr-20 May

 Going out and about for your own amusement is necessary provided you look to those safeguards.  This time is to re-establish yourself in ways that were not possible before and where you will take an active interest in another close to you, which will prove dividends in the long term.  See their happy face and you will be as touched as they are.

21 May-20 Jun

 The time for redecoration has come.  You have managed to survive this long without doing much so far.  Now the necessity for a better establishment is required and where you will see the enormous benefit to your life and the lives of others, who seek your guidance and approval.  It will not prove to be too difficult and you will actually enjoy it once you get started, so bite the bullet and go for it!

21 Jun-22 Jul

 A shock surprise will keep you enthralled and where you will see your life going from despair to a better quality once again.  The situation you are currently in is but temporary and so the better thing can be established, which will give you the long-term security you are craving for.  It is on its way and be grateful when it does come in again.

23 Jul-22 Aug

 As you continue to go from strength to strength, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how much you are sought after.  This will give you the confidence in yourself, which has been grossly lacking and where you can begin to safeguard a position of both strength and reassurance that you are both wanted and admired for the long term.  This new beginning is your just desserts, so be happy!

23 Aug-22 Sep

 As a new and important door begins to open up for you, so you will be able to see the reasoning behind what has already transpired, where you thought you were all at sea without a paddle.  This in fact was not the case, as the safeguards were already in place to establish your future, even if you could not see them at the time.  Time for rejoicing is on the way.

23 Sep-22 Oct

 A call for action is on its way to you and where at last you can feel saved from the total doom that you have been in for months at a time.  The action will be necessary to secure your future as never before.  This will allow for personal freedom and advancement in a professional way, which was not possible before.  The life is bright and cheerful.  You have waited a long time for this and now it is offered to you, so do not delay.

23 Oct-21 Nov

 The rescue package that you have been praying for has arrived on time to allow you to feel safe once again.  The Christmas cheer will be felt by the entire family and where you can begin to hold your head up again with pride and conviction.  Learn to enjoy it all and be thankful that you are so very much thought of.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk