20 Jan-18 Feb
As this period ends with a close of some inspiring and important work, you will be very pleased that you stuck it out and completed all that was asked of you. It now leaves the time ahead free and necessary for other tasks to be exercised and where you can see a greater accomplishment laid out before you.
19 Feb-20 Mar
21 Mar-19 Apr
It is now that the hard work begins and where time spent on yourself will not come easily. You will need to focus on a more worthwhile concept and where your attention towards another is vitally important as never before. It will give you joy as well as inspiration to be that better person you had always hoped you would be. Now is that chance to prove yourself as never before.
20 Apr-20 May
As the wind blows in change, so you will see changes in your life in a better way. The various ideas coming into your mind, so that you are in a position to make those necessary inroads for change, will become possible. There will not be any hard feelings, only a massive sense of achievement, where all comes right for you in the end. Now is the time for real living and not just existing. You have already done that!
21 May-20 Jun
The new plans for expansion are almost there for you. This time you have got it all right and where you will begin to see your future unfold for you and where strength and peace of mind will be your saving grace. All now is of value to you. You have got rid of the old ideas and are welcoming in the new. It has taken its time to develop, but you are assured now that this is really it. There are no more failures, so well done!
21 Jun-22 Jul
As the new arm of advancement finally reaches out to you, you will be both pleased but surprised at the same time. It has been a long time in the waiting, but circumstances beyond anybody’s control hindered all progress. It is only now that the way has become clear, so that you can at last progress forwards. You will enjoy this new role and thrive in many different ways. This is an absolute Godsend.
23 Jul-22 Aug
Do not think you have been forgotten or even left behind. The new path is already there ahead of you, you just haven’t realized it just yet. See the bigger picture being offered to you and where you will be left in charge and to your own devices, as trust and integrity are placed on your shoulders. You are already known as a person of quality and so those who now enter into your life realize that they have that assured situation with you.
23 Aug-22 Sep
This is the right time to discuss marriage plans, either between two people or the idea of a professional undertaking. The timing regarding the planetary alignment is perfect for this personal and professional undertaking. It is a gelling of minds and where the successful outcome is both guaranteed and expansive. There is no delay, just a fusion of all things that are good and wholesome coming together now!
23 Sep-22 Oct
As this period of your life takes on a dramatic climax, you will feel both betrayed and bewildered. This does not mean the end of an important friendship, but a shifting of important ideas that must be met and approved of. No longer can your life be placed on hold. The Universal shift is important, even imperative, that you are no longer beholding to those who no longer want or appreciate you. You are being pushed out for good reason and that is to finally accept a greater life for yourself. You will not be sorry!
23 Oct-21 Nov
As you start to climb back into society with a gentle push, it will exhilarate you and allow you that reason to be both alive, wanted and appreciated once more. Allow the past to swim over you and to see a better future coming your way, which has long been overdue. A face from the past will surprise and delight you all at the same time. A new start becomes established.
22 Nov-21 Dec
Now is that time to forgive yourself once and for all. These past few months have seen you feeling disapproved of. That was not your fault, but the fault of those who do not understand your delicate ways of dealing with situations that are beyond their control and comprehension. Your way of dealing with unsavory matters is a task few people have the skills for, you have those skills, so do not feel ashamed, but proud of yourself for your expertise.
22 Dec-19 Jan
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk