21 May-20 Jun
As this month goes by you will notice some very interesting subject matters that were not there before, which will set you on a new road of personal and professional discovery. This is a time to be bold and to accept your destiny in all this. You have been praying for it and now that dream becomes your reality. Be pleased it has finally arrived.
21 Jun-22 Jul
Once again you find yourself in a dilemma of which you need to choose which is the better, job satisfaction or money. The two don‘t necessarily go together. Trust your gut instinct and you will end up making the right decision. In your case both money and job satisfaction are combined. Be happy that you made the right decision at last.
23 Jul-22 Aug
You are now riding high, and you will find that you are in constant demand for your expertise and where you can comfortably be assured that you are always sought after. The new challenges coming to you will allow for future growth and increased knowledge again. You have been calling out for this and all is being granted to you now. See a contract of some substance being offered to you. Do not deliberate, sign it!
23 Aug-22 Sep
A mishap at work will see you seething with anger and disappointment. Start to see the bigger picture and how everything will eventually turn out in your favour. This will give you the necessary raise up where you will be noticed far more than you are at present. You know what they say, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” This is very true in your case.
23 Sep-22 Oct
As you begin to sever the knots from the past and now begin channelling all your energies into going forwards, you will say to yourself, “Why didn’t I do this months ago.” The answer is that you were not ready at that time. You certainly are now. Seize this next opportunity and you will see a whole world opening up for you as never before.
23 Oct-21 Nov
Everything seems to be going against you. This is not the case. You need to make certain decisions which you are not sure of yet, which are there to secure your future as never before. You have to show interest in yourself and your own future and to allow the new planetary changes to influence you in the right and proper way. Do not be afraid there is nothing to fear.
22 Nov-21 Dec
Why make things so complicated for yourself when all in fact is straight forward and without a single hitch. The road is strong and true. It must be walked by you to realise your destiny in ways not thought possible before. Acting before it is too late is of importance here, before the tide turns and all your full benefits will not be achieved. Lighten up. This is your new beginning and an absolute joy it will be.
22 Dec-19 Jan
20 Jan-18 Feb
Nobody is testing your integrity or competence but questioning the way you handle matters of a delicate nature. All now is standing in your favor, so do not upset the apple cart destroying everything you have achieved so far. This time spent doing the right thing will bring in dividends to you, which you could not possibly have known before.
19 Feb-20 Mar
21 Mar-19 Apr
Knowing that you have taken on a massive responsibility, will see you start to grow into the role and where job satisfaction is being shown to you. Normal day to day work will never feel the same again. So, start to enjoy this new way of life and begin to see how you actually can grow into the role. You will not regret it.
20 Apr-20 May
As you begin to measure up in your life and where there are no regrets, only peace and happiness. A lasting calm comes over you suggesting that you can go it alone and not feel unhappy about it anymore. Relying on yourself has never been your strong point. It will be now. See how resilient you have become and where your gut instinct is second nature to you now!
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY, you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk