18 October 2008

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Many changes happening now so you had better wake up to the idea so not to be caught off balance. Good news from a loved one will see you in a frazzle. You have got time to get things going again so worry not here. Life becomes a breeze – you have waited long enough for it so learn to enjoy it the moment is now!
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Why do you need to climb that corporate ladder so fast? Try to take matters more in your stride. The opportunities for advancement are not going to diminish and time is not running out. Advancement comes in at the right time and not your time, so lighten up and be at peace. You need to change things around financially to put you on safer ground.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Putting up with a lot seems to be your lot in life at the moment. The crucial break in events is now, so that you can feel more grounded than you have done in a long time. The focus is on positive thinking. All now owed to you is coming. Put fears on the back burner. They are not needed anymore. Life is for living.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
When time seems to stretch and not a lot gets done, that is because the Universe is in retrograde and it needs linear time to bring it back on track, which is why you need to find yourself as you have gone off course with your life and need to return to base, where you can re-evaluate and start again in a better way.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Being angry with yourself does not solve any problems. All that you have wished for is en route. How can you still keep on doubting? Notice the little incidents of proof already given and wake up to the big idea about to hit you. You asked for it. You will have it. Delights all around are there for you so learn to enjoy it all.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
What you need is a shake up. You have not been listening to you inner voice which has been spurring you on to make that vital decision in your life now. If you don’t wish to miss the boat then act accordingly. This chance may never come around again. Be positive and see the results. You won’t be disappointed.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
All is not lost. The tide has to turn in order for the important events coming into your life now take effect. It will come in like a bolt out of the blue and you will re-emerge smelling of roses. See your life transform and the better outcome now emerged. You will be right on track again and feel much better for it. Peace at last.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
You cannot hope to hold onto what is no longer right in your life. See the problems you have had just holding onto it. Let is go and finally see the better plan for your life emerge. It has taken you a long time to figure it out, so learn from the experience and take the cool road. You know it makes sense.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Peace be with you now. All that hostility, which was self inflicted, is now going away so that you can re-emerge the stronger victor. It has been a long cruel event, but now that everything favourable enters your chart, peace of mind prevails. Like lightening you will strike a happier chord in your life and begin to dictate issues again from a position of strength.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
So many choices now in your life you don’t know which ones to choose from. Those aspects of your life worth saving and are hard to come by are the ones you need to cherish the most as they carry the heavier burden to secure your life. Those who love you are the ones you need to think very carefully about when making those choices.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Stop soul searching quite so much as you will drag yourself into the ground. Nothing that happens which is a negative decision on your part will destroy what you hope to achieve. You need to follow your right path and your heart will eventually dictate these issues. So stop prevaricating. Get on with the job in hand. It’s to your advantage in the long run.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Stop running. Walk a while. Let life catch you up. You are always striving for what seems the impossible right now. When you stop to see what you actually have you will notice it’s quite a lot already. Be satisfied. Appreciate what life has given you. It is a great deal. Notice it and begin to take it all in. You know it makes sense.

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Going through troubled waters at this time, do not despair as all will clear away from you and your life will take on an easier path. It is no good going from one crisis to another. Just think positively and see it all unfold bit by bit. It is not a long haul now. You can bounce back and this is what you will do!
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Be very pleased with yourself, you have at last made it. That heavy load of anxiety ebbing away now as you emerge from all that fracas that has surrounded your peace of mind. See you mightier in your mind and more able to take on the challenges of your life - a brave person indeed. Happy hour is the order of the day you deserve it.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Very important issues surround you now. Don’t be too hasty to make changes in your life. There will be a twist in procedures and you might regret later what you hastily decide to do now. Bide your time and see the true you emerge and be in a better position to get it right this time. There are no faults just mishaps. All is rectifiable.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Keep on going. You know you will make it in the end. Those worry lines a thing of the past. You have bided your time. See the hard work pay off dividends and witness the great upliftment coming into your life from now on. Yes, it will happen. The green light is on and that means you. See the course change for the better.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Hurry, hurry you must slow down or be in fear of a break down. All around you is transforming at an alarming rate. It is your strength that is needed not your depletion to carry you through. You must remain focussed on all points and have the determination to make a difference to your life. Be at peace, pace yourself - you need it now.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Being in the fast lane is never easy, but it is exciting and it commands a person who is special and agile enough to take on the vast changes of life. This is not a despairing zone, but a part of your life never lived before. Take it in your stride. It is all coming to you. Be not agitated, the path has not changed.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Being too careful in your life strangles your growth and you can never make up the deficit. Start to learn to take a chance in life and see a whole new world open up for you. It is high time you trusted your instincts and allowed yourself to fully bloom and grow. You know you deserve it, stop beating yourself all the time. Be happy.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
You get yourself into so many pickles. Try and make a stand in your life and see the difference standing up for yourself makes. All around is chaos and confusion. Make your point of view and see the situations change. You will be amazed at the power you have. A turn of events will see you happier than you have been in a long time.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Toing and froing all the time, you must be getting dizzy. Please slow down, take stock and see already the progress you have made. Life really is to enjoy and not to be burnt out. See what you have in your life and see all around the benefits that have already come your way. Be at peace and be grateful. You are still climbing.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Never a good time to change your mind especially when you are not sure about things. See how the pace of your life changes so that better things can come your way. Then you will be able to make a much more informed decision and be glad that you did. What was once hassle is no more. You can’t see it but you will soon.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Be at peace little one and don’t allow those tears of dismay to get the better of you. Leave what was an intolerable situation leave your mind completely and see the rescue package coming in. You will be jumping for joy in a few months time as life gets easier and easier for you from now on. The hurt and pain a thing of the past.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
An expensive time ahead - be careful not to over do it as big bills are heading your way. Save a little and be able to reap rewards later on and be glad of it. That new outfit will come in, but at a greatly reduced price. See you gain all around. Be blessed with the new changes and see the differences to your life.

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
All appears doom and gloom around you and you can’t see the wood for the trees. Take heart you have not lost the plot, help is at hand to guide you through this maze of indifference. The stumbling block is now being eased and you will emerge the victor. Do not shy away from the responsibilities around you and the positive will come in.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Very happy, very buoyant, life is taking an upward turn. Look to your finances they are a little tight right now. By the end of this month a sharp release in finances will see you up and running again. Your personal life is going from strength to strength and you will be in a commanding position to make the changes you have always wanted to.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Stop feeling sorry for yourself the world is not against you. Life is hard but it can be great also. It depends how you look at it. All will reveal itself by the end of this month and you will come out on top again. Keep the faith and see the turn around of events. A smiling face soon enough. Get passionate. It suits you.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Being number one is not all that it is cracked up to be. By taking a back seat at times enables you to appreciate where others are coming from, then you can take a leaf out of their book. Learn wisdom and grow. It won’t let you down. The world out there owes you nothing, but now you can put something back and grow yourself.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Far away places all being possible now. Accept the future and see what your heart tells you is right. No one can stop the chain of events about to come to you. There will be some confusion as to how it all came about, but much laughter and satisfaction to you is now possible. Learn to take it in your stride.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Please be patient with yourself. You now need to feel the shift in planetary energies to enable you to go forwards in a way not thought possible before. Your mind set that has been stagnant is being freed so you can see a brighter more positive future. Don’t feel you are in a rut. It is just the transition time before you can move on.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Contacts, promotions are the name of the game. See you soar to dizzy heights and become accustomed to your new found position. It won’t be easy, there is much work to be done, but the new status will enable you to reflect on what was and is to be no more. Enjoy it. It is yours. The planetary shift in energies makes all things possible.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Be mindful of the trust in others. Do not be put down by unhealthy competition. You must learn to trust in yourself. Your instincts have not let you down. The decisions you have in your head must now be implemented, otherwise you fall short of your target date. The rush to complete everything on time will reap its own rewards.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Go in peace. All your hard earned efforts will come to bring you the happiness you so crave for. It is coming and begin to believe again in what is and not what might have been. Only you can be the judge of your own achievements and they are indeed many. So a brighten up your spirits and see your salvation as never before!
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Shock over shock, what more can you bear. What seemed like the solution to all things appears to be diminishing before your very eyes. Do not give up the hope it will turn around for you, but it has to be done in a more practical way so your life can be sustained not allowing mayhem to come in. A trip away short, but happy.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Opportunities missed will see you ranting and raving. Now is not the time to be judgemental about yourself. The time is for reflection so a positive stance can be achieved. Learn from mistakes and grow. You know it makes sense. Show courage and conviction. Learn to appreciate when good things comes to you out of the blue. It will make a difference to you life.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Be at liberty to speak your mind. You have bitten your tongue for long enough by putting up with problems other people seem to put on you. You are no longer the skivvy act according to your rank. Be stronger minded. As there are many changes around you and you feel as if you are on shifting sands you need to make your position clear.

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask

Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
It has been a disappointing month so far, but better is yet to come. Certain decisions you were hesitating in taking will now become possible and you will see your way clear to making some expensive purchases in the next few weeks. It will be a grab it and hold month, take the chance and hold onto it. Your dreams are about to be answered.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Don’t be down in the dumps, life isn’t all bad and some very healthy news is coming, be yourself and see the new horizons open up for you, you need it now more then anything and this will be your big chance to make a difference to your life. So look to the end of this month and see that smile come back to your face.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Be patient you are not there yet. All is in the balance and you can’t get what you desire until the moon in your ascent has reached its position. So look to the East and see that aspect growing stronger all the time. You destiny is fruitful and you will see the start of that very soon now. There is no need to hope, just believe.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
So many worries, so many sorrows. Stop looking backwards all the time and begin to look forwards. The past is not there to haunt you but to guide you through the future. Decisions you make now will be able to influence the rest of your life and there is much benefit to come out of it. So do not moan any more, begin to see and enjoy the new horizon.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Many opportunities missed and forgotten about. Start to rethink your life; you can now make those necessary changes to sort out your life and to make a difference to someone close to you right now. You know deep in your heart that life really does matter to you and to those close to you show them your appreciation now and you too can benefit.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
It’s all go go this time of the year for you. Slow down a bit, take a breather, all will get sorted out before the due date. You are in a catch up mode; there will be time enough for full completion and time to enjoy all that hard work that you have put in. The sun now passing over your chart will see those revelations take root and grow.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
A surprise visit will not be quite what you expected, however it will allow old scores to be healed and rectified. Take this opportunity to re-establish yourself and to come out feeling stronger and more positive then at anytime before. Take an interest in what is going on, it will be to your benefit and long term problems will be able to fade almost over night.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Sometimes you win, sometime you don’t. You think you have lost when in fact you have won and hands down at that. Don’t undermine yourself all the time and begin to see the very good things coming your way. Soon you won’t be at all surprised; you will just begin to accept it gracefully. It is your right after all. Heaven sent and won’t you know it!
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
It may happen, it may not, stop wondering about matters and begin to see the whole picture. See the start of the new beginnings without strings attached; just good honest magic beginning to work its way into your life. Surprises are not your forte but cast iron success is. Notice it when it comes in, it could knock you sideways. Be content at last.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
The upset you are feeling is only temporary and you will begin to see that all that heartache was for nothing. Let the gloom pass you by and begin to experience a new you. One which is now more confident then before and begin to see why you had to experience that pain in order to go forwards in a much better way than ever before.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Feeling down, feeling rejected, no not you. You bounce back no matter what the load is on you. Remember your internal fighting spirit it has never let you down. Now you are master of your own destiny you can really make a difference not only to your life but to so many around you. Love is really in the air for you now, so don’t you forget it.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
A peace offering is coming your way. You have earned it a hundred times over and now you will see the benefits of long term hardship finally coming to you. No one deserves it better and it will lift you as never before and all around will see you for who you are - an angel in every respect. See the showering of gifts long overdue, but worth it.

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa’s Death Mask

Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
An opportunist month for you. A feeling of being elated and wanting to be free to be yourself. It has been a long hard struggle and because you are beginning to sense change, so changes are happening. There will be a move of house or job. This is very important. You must seize this chance with all haste. Family and friends gather around you they will encourage you to go forwards. Have courage speak your mind and act on it. You have nothing to loose.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Many changes around you, gifts from heaven. Take time out to enjoy what has been a long ordeal. The mystery of ‘what if’ is no longer. Calculated decisions will bring you out of the doldrums and into more productive life. Children, young people gather around to bask in your glory. You are the leader of men, don’t forget it. The money situation appears a struggle, but is lessening considerably, the tide now turning in your favour. Live up to your expectations. You are already there.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Much happiness coming your way, a breakthrough in relations which had stunted your growth. Now you can see and enjoy all that hard earned effort. Feel more at peace. Allow happiness to follow its natural path. A stranger you will meet who will have significance for you in your life, an added bonus. Do not feel pressurised over money. It will all calm down as budgeting is futile for you at present.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
You are going through an energetic time. Now is the time to throw caution to the wind, pick up those pieces that ail you, throw them away and continue to make peace with yourself. All that was and is not needed, is over. Be yourself and embrace the new for that is coming your way. A healthier, happier life style with much aplomb and confidence. You owe it to yourself now to be the best and to have the best.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
It is catch-up time for you now. All those rotten things you have put aside to do later, well later is almost over. Catch up. Put into effect and feel very pleased you finally did it. Don’t be put off that it all appears difficult and, “Why should I anyway”. Give yourself a break and the rewards will multiply and you won’t even need to raise a further finger. The vast changes around you will be as good as a rest.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
You are treading on dangerous ground now going overboard with far too many things. A change in life style is heading your way, but first you must put in order what still is left to do. You cannot fight these important issues, but you can make your peace and allow the forces of good overthrow that unsettling influence that still plagues your peace and sanity. You will come out feeling on top and in control again. So get going. You have no time to loose.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Deep in thought and contemplation. You will emerge the victor. Shadows of despair seem to bristle your equilibrium. This is only temporary. The next change of events is startling. The new start and avenue to take is there, so grasp what life has now on offer for you and run with it. The stars are very much in your favour and willing you to win at all costs. Be brave and see it through. You won’t be disappointed at all!
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
It’s all change from here on and it is virtually unstoppable. You have craved and wanted this for a long time, so finally it has arrived. You will be pleased you had the courage and perseverance to last this long. Your extreme patience has paid off. The outcome is solid and true. No more having to make the next move. You can take a back seat and enjoy the ride. Gratitude by a person is now on offer. Accept it humbly. It is all yours.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
You are heading for a disaster if you don’t take stock of what is controlling you. You are caught up in an entanglement which will loosen once you learn to speak your mind. No longer are you the soft touch. You are a force to be reckoned with. Many will have to take you at your word and think the better of it. To be at everyone’s beck and call is not appreciated by the masses. Take back your power and act accordingly.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
It is a hay day from here on in. You have amassed a lot of talent and know it. It is time to put it all to good use. A challenge coming your way will see you happy and pleased. Mountain of problems all start to ease off and you can finally fix that important date. No regrets or interruptions, all is coming to full fruition. You are in the driving seat, so make that important decision and take what comes. You won’t be disappointed.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Shadows draw close as you face your darkest hour. Mayhem and upheaval surrounds you as you feel all has sunk around you. The breakthrough you have been waiting for finally arrives. Sparkle you always do, but with these ever trying times there hasn’t been much sparkle about. As the turn of events turns fully in your favour you can finally give up all that misery. You have turned that mighty corner. Your faith never left you and so you are truly rewarded.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Now is not the time for sobbing but time for action and commitment to the cause. You have stepped back from making certain decisions in your life because you always felt vulnerable. Now with the advent of certain planetary changes your stars are well aspected and will allow you to make those decisions in a way you never thought possible before. It is not about courage anymore. That has worn you out. It is about new commitment to live your life as never before.