A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
All appears doom and gloom around you and you can’t see the wood for the trees. Take heart you have not lost the plot, help is at hand to guide you through this maze of indifference. The stumbling block is now being eased and you will emerge the victor. Do not shy away from the responsibilities around you and the positive will come in.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Very happy, very buoyant, life is taking an upward turn. Look to your finances they are a little tight right now. By the end of this month a sharp release in finances will see you up and running again. Your personal life is going from strength to strength and you will be in a commanding position to make the changes you have always wanted to.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Stop feeling sorry for yourself the world is not against you. Life is hard but it can be great also. It depends how you look at it. All will reveal itself by the end of this month and you will come out on top again. Keep the faith and see the turn around of events. A smiling face soon enough. Get passionate. It suits you.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Being number one is not all that it is cracked up to be. By taking a back seat at times enables you to appreciate where others are coming from, then you can take a leaf out of their book. Learn wisdom and grow. It won’t let you down. The world out there owes you nothing, but now you can put something back and grow yourself.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Far away places all being possible now. Accept the future and see what your heart tells you is right. No one can stop the chain of events about to come to you. There will be some confusion as to how it all came about, but much laughter and satisfaction to you is now possible. Learn to take it in your stride.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Please be patient with yourself. You now need to feel the shift in planetary energies to enable you to go forwards in a way not thought possible before. Your mind set that has been stagnant is being freed so you can see a brighter more positive future. Don’t feel you are in a rut. It is just the transition time before you can move on.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Contacts, promotions are the name of the game. See you soar to dizzy heights and become accustomed to your new found position. It won’t be easy, there is much work to be done, but the new status will enable you to reflect on what was and is to be no more. Enjoy it. It is yours. The planetary shift in energies makes all things possible.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Be mindful of the trust in others. Do not be put down by unhealthy competition. You must learn to trust in yourself. Your instincts have not let you down. The decisions you have in your head must now be implemented, otherwise you fall short of your target date. The rush to complete everything on time will reap its own rewards.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
Go in peace. All your hard earned efforts will come to bring you the happiness you so crave for. It is coming and begin to believe again in what is and not what might have been. Only you can be the judge of your own achievements and they are indeed many. So a brighten up your spirits and see your salvation as never before!
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Shock over shock, what more can you bear. What seemed like the solution to all things appears to be diminishing before your very eyes. Do not give up the hope it will turn around for you, but it has to be done in a more practical way so your life can be sustained not allowing mayhem to come in. A trip away short, but happy.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Opportunities missed will see you ranting and raving. Now is not the time to be judgemental about yourself. The time is for reflection so a positive stance can be achieved. Learn from mistakes and grow. You know it makes sense. Show courage and conviction. Learn to appreciate when good things comes to you out of the blue. It will make a difference to you life.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Be at liberty to speak your mind. You have bitten your tongue for long enough by putting up with problems other people seem to put on you. You are no longer the skivvy act according to your rank. Be stronger minded. As there are many changes around you and you feel as if you are on shifting sands you need to make your position clear.
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