A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from her 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

Mustafa's Death Mask
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Why do you need to climb that corporate ladder so fast? Try to take matters more in your stride. The opportunities for advancement are not going to diminish and time is not running out. Advancement comes in at the right time and not your time, so lighten up and be at peace. You need to change things around financially to put you on safer ground.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Putting up with a lot seems to be your lot in life at the moment. The crucial break in events is now, so that you can feel more grounded than you have done in a long time. The focus is on positive thinking. All now owed to you is coming. Put fears on the back burner. They are not needed anymore. Life is for living.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
When time seems to stretch and not a lot gets done, that is because the Universe is in retrograde and it needs linear time to bring it back on track, which is why you need to find yourself as you have gone off course with your life and need to return to base, where you can re-evaluate and start again in a better way.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Being angry with yourself does not solve any problems. All that you have wished for is en route. How can you still keep on doubting? Notice the little incidents of proof already given and wake up to the big idea about to hit you. You asked for it. You will have it. Delights all around are there for you so learn to enjoy it all.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
What you need is a shake up. You have not been listening to you inner voice which has been spurring you on to make that vital decision in your life now. If you don’t wish to miss the boat then act accordingly. This chance may never come around again. Be positive and see the results. You won’t be disappointed.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
All is not lost. The tide has to turn in order for the important events coming into your life now take effect. It will come in like a bolt out of the blue and you will re-emerge smelling of roses. See your life transform and the better outcome now emerged. You will be right on track again and feel much better for it. Peace at last.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
You cannot hope to hold onto what is no longer right in your life. See the problems you have had just holding onto it. Let is go and finally see the better plan for your life emerge. It has taken you a long time to figure it out, so learn from the experience and take the cool road. You know it makes sense.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Peace be with you now. All that hostility, which was self inflicted, is now going away so that you can re-emerge the stronger victor. It has been a long cruel event, but now that everything favourable enters your chart, peace of mind prevails. Like lightening you will strike a happier chord in your life and begin to dictate issues again from a position of strength.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
So many choices now in your life you don’t know which ones to choose from. Those aspects of your life worth saving and are hard to come by are the ones you need to cherish the most as they carry the heavier burden to secure your life. Those who love you are the ones you need to think very carefully about when making those choices.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Stop soul searching quite so much as you will drag yourself into the ground. Nothing that happens which is a negative decision on your part will destroy what you hope to achieve. You need to follow your right path and your heart will eventually dictate these issues. So stop prevaricating. Get on with the job in hand. It’s to your advantage in the long run.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Stop running. Walk a while. Let life catch you up. You are always striving for what seems the impossible right now. When you stop to see what you actually have you will notice it’s quite a lot already. Be satisfied. Appreciate what life has given you. It is a great deal. Notice it and begin to take it all in. You know it makes sense.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Many changes happening now so you had better wake up to the idea so not to be caught off balance. Good news from a loved one will see you in a frazzle. You have got time to get things going again so worry not here. Life becomes a breeze – you have waited long enough for it so learn to enjoy it the moment is now!
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