Mustafa's Death Mask
A clairvoyant's approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers's 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
19 Feb-20 Mar
This is the moment of truth and when everything at last comes into play and you can see the generous openings coming into your life, your patience as ever rewarded and financial settlements will be the order of the day. So start to see life as easier and not the chore it has been over many years. You are being tipped for bigger and greater things.
21 Mar-19 Apr
Now a plan of action on your part must be put into place to secure your long term future. Ignore the warnings given to you and you will ultimately reap what you sow. It's time you really thought about your destiny and begin to see things not in black and white but more in the right way of doing things, which is not always your way.
20 Apr-20 May
Trust in what you are doing and stop dithering. You know what is right and proper. You have been down this road before and it has worked out for you, so begin to see a turn about as the planetary aspects are favourable for you and go with your instinct. It won't let you down. A big decision you need to make will prove sound.
21 May-20 Jun
Now is the time to go softly, softly. You cannot move events any quicker than they are prepared to go. You are not in control and it is the special forces around you which will prove the outcome. Trust in what is right and see your path open up in a much better way. You owe it to yourself to be patient. Your reward will come.
21 Jun-22 Jul
All the hard work that you have put in over these past months, so begin to see the pattern emerge where you can benefit. It is starting to take shape. You cannot doubt any longer the writing is already on the wall. A big shift to your life style becomes possible. It's been staring you in the face. It's only now that you realise it.
23 Jul-22 Aug
All that disappointment and frustration you have had to endured will start to ebb away and a new found occupation will be presented to you whereby you can fulfil your destiny in a practical way. The way was barred to you as the timing was not in your favour. Start to see the breakthrough occur and be pleased and not frustrated anymore.
23 Aug-22 Sep
Semi-retirement becomes possible if you handle the situation right. You thought you would never make it, but can at last see how it can be afforded. What proved to be a headache and dilemma has now proved not to be. A new income from a different source will be very welcomed indeed. Do what your heart urges you to do. It's never too late.
23 Sep-22 Oct
As the going gets better and better for you, so immediate changes must occur and it is vital that you see what needs to be done and not wait until matters are on top of you. Swift action will be rewarded by swift recompense and the whole thing is on going. See you lifted up in so many ways and be thankful. It never comes easy.
23 Oct-21 Nov
Stop busting a gut. The work will still be there long after you are gone. Learn to pace yourself. Begin to see how much better you operate. It's all about getting practical advice and guidance so that situations don't get on top of you. Make necessary time for yourself and see that you are able to manage in a better way. You won't be sorry.
22 Nov-21 Dec
What must be let go of in your life is no longer required. It's been a long hard ordeal to come to this point. Relief is already on your mind. Face the music and let go. A new opportunity for advancement on a number of issues will be brought to you, a reward of finally having peace in your mind. You have climbed a mighty hurdle.
22 Dec-19 Jan
Now as everything falls into place and you take your rightful place in society, so your enthusiasm and confidence must grow. All assurity has already been given. You have to justify nothing, only to enjoy the journey with hope and upliftment in your heart – the life now sweet and pure. Your existence proved to you on a number of issues. It is the making of you.
20 Jan-18 Feb
A systematic work plan, which will stand you in good stead, must be put into operation. You have been in disarray for sometime and have not been prepared to act on it, so your life is the same way. Start to act in a positive vein. Be guided in the way of a better life and not one that is haphazard and uncomfortable all the time.
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