01 February 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant's approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

20 Jan-18 Feb
Now as you begin to change your life and lifestyle you will be able to see the obvious advantages for doing so.  It has taken you a very long time to see that a move is now possible and what you once dreaded will never happen.  Take the bit by the teeth and act now.  You really cannot afford any more delays.

19 Feb-20 Mar
It is high time you realised your worth and stop thinking about petty nuances all the time.  You have fully outgrown the cradle.  Learn to stand up for yourself and take charge once again.  The growing impetus to move at a pace much harder than you think you can cope with will not impede your working arrangements.  It is all a learning curve and very well deserved.

21 Mar-19 Apr
This mighty changeover had to come in – in the nick of time.  You stand now on the precipice to make this decision and you cannot fail.  It must be dealt with in a precise manner and with planetary help to guide you through this maze you can feel assured it will turn out alright.  It has to come in to take you further in your career and your life.

20 Apr-20 May
That opportunity you threw away because it seemed too difficult to handle will rear its head again.  You will be in a better condition to deal with it effectively and with more panache then you thought possible.  Learn to open up your horizons and believe in your own personal advancement.  You can do it and thrive.  See that I am right!  It is your destiny.

21 May-20 Jun
The greater the effort the greater the prize, it is now that you must start to take that leap of faith and by acting quickly you are able to clinch that all important deal.  You are at this time ahead of your rivals and in a magnificent position to help matters, not only for yourself but for those around you.  You are the hero this time.

21 Jun-22 Jul
It can be said that it is often lonely out there in front, but the accolades to you will come in as the situation now is able to turn full circle and all your hard work and efforts will have paid off handsomely.  So feel the power now within your grasp as success finally arrives at your doorstep.  Never again will you feel lonely again.

23 Jul-22 Aug
The next move in your life is critical as far as timing is concerned.  You want to make a good and lasting impression.  This will be obtained by careful management on your part.  Get all projects up to date and then you will be in a position to expand on a journey of personal challenges and commitment.  Take control so nothing can stop this next venture.

23 Aug-22 Sep
You keep biting away at the cherry with no obvious benefit to you or to others.  Rethink this schedule.  It is alright, but it isn't serving the bigger picture.  Look at your marketing strategy and then the penny will drop.  See it from the customers view point and not your own.  It is not about free bits and pieces, but a positive deal that will eventually clinch it.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Now all that hard work has finally paid off and what seemed like an impossible task now comes to you in a different and more open way.  Not how you expected it at all, but far better.  So aren't you pleased that you didn't go over the top and relaxed a bit more.  The plan to go ahead with glowing repercussions – you can deliver the product.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Stop fighting with the bank balance.  It won't show the money is any more or any less then when you last saw it.  The difficulties that you are experiencing are only short term and funds will be released once the new moon comes in.  A quicker turn around becomes possible and a happier person you will be.  Know that you can do no more and must see this through.

22 Nov-21 Dec
Open up your mind to bigger and better projects.  You are still entrenched in the old way of working and delivering.  It must be said that a new strategy will be shown to you and you will be short-sighted not to take up this offer of help when you are approached.  It will need some careful planning, but nothing that you are not capable of achieving singlehandedly.

22 Dec-19 Jan
Now the explosion of thought and advantages come to you.  No more are you in this state of influx and uncertainty.  The new way of life will be shown to you so that you can no longer doubt or even dismiss its objective – a one man crusade of immense advantages.  You alone can and must stand tall as you are now in your element and cannot be denied.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 07919-08-22-41 or email spiritualists@gmail.com.  For spiritual guidance see http://www.spiritualist-guidance.org/

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