01 July 2012

Clairvoyant Horoscope for July 2012

21 Jun-22 Jul

Changes are colossal at this time with huge planetary aspects moving to change both business and emotional lives.  It comes in as a disruptive force to make you see where your lives are meant to be and to kick-start you into making those necessary decisions that you should have made ages ago. Ignoring these changes leaves your lives stagnant on so many fronts for years.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Your life moves you from your comfort zone to areas with great potential, especially where your creative forces now come into their own.  Your talents can no longer be ignored, as the forces are with you to enhance all that you do and say.  Feel mighty and begin to act like it.  Many will see a power within you that they were not able to see before.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Be pleased with what you have done with your life so far.  A sense now that you can and will go further is growing within you. The planetary forces will produce a new confidence, so that you can go that extra mile and make a name for yourself.  Do not ignore this precious time to make that necessary impact.  You owe it to yourself to do so.

23 Sep-22 Oct

One more step for mankind.  You are in a good mood to advance now in so many ways.  That reluctance that has been there for so long is now fading away, allowing you a greater impetus to change everything around you, which is worthless and to begin to start again.  This time the outlook is positive and wholesome.  You really cannot fail.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Take a grip of yourself, nothing is lost.  You only think it is.  Look carefully and see that a much better outcome is now presented to you with lasting effect.  This is the beginning of a massive turn around, where you come out on top and begin to see that all your hard work was worth the wait. The impossible does become the possible.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you begin to see those changes grow for you and your understanding of what is required has stood you in good stead, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you are being taken seriously and that your expertise is second to none.  The new beginnings of a greater strategy will be seen by so many and acknowledged for what you do best.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Time you stood up and took notice at how well you are doing and how great you truly are.  It is no accident that you are being seen in a new light and there is much satisfaction from those around you, who acknowledge your greatness.  Be happy.  Extend your own gratitude to those whose vested interest in you has never diminished.  Your time is now.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Be careful with your energy over these next two months. The time now for self-depletion is around you.  Be careful with yourself and never tax yourself more than you can allow.  A trying and testing time, so you must recognise where your strengths lie and where you have to take a back seat and let others take the lead.  This way you can overcome these immediate difficulties.

19 Feb-20 Mar

When you begin to feel great inside, so remarkable changes automatically manifest themselves – it has been a strange turning point in your life and the adjustments have needed to be made for you to step into the unknown and beyond.  It is not frightening it is challenging and very fruitful all the time.  You owe it to yourself to witness this new phenomenon and acknowledge its wisdom.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Be happy and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  What has seemed an impossible time has in fact been more fruitful than you realise, as many new and important aspects to your life have now emerged and taken root, which was not possible before.  Start to see a broader recovery than you expected and know you are on the right track.

20 Apr-20 May

Be patient.  You are already there.  The tide turning in your favour and you will be able to see significant differences taking place to rescue so many things for you, not only now but in the future as well.  New contacts will please you to make the necessary jump from one problem to a lifeline of much satisfaction.  See yourself happy and contented once again.

21 May-20 Jun

It’s time you moved on.  Dissatisfaction is all around you and will continue for years.  You are in a planetary void, which holds this position as you remain entrenched in this aspect.  A shift of energy to occur, which will benefit you when you start to look at life in a different way.  You hold the reins, so make that decision and release yourself from the status quo.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

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