01 November 2013

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2013


23 Oct-21 Nov

Feeling sentimental will not aid you in your present career.  It really is time to move on and think again.  There have been a number of mistakes and also the wrong people whom you have trusted have all contributed to your present situation.  You really can turn matters around for yourself if you start now!   A career where your heart is fully involved and you won’t go wrong.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Making a break from the past will be beneficial to you now.  More and more you are being pushed into the future with new hopes and aspirations that is necessary for your growth and wellbeing.  Start now and see the impetus in your life change almost overnight.  You won’t have any regrets and it will give you the determination to succeed where before there was none.

22 Dec-19 Jan

No time to loaf around.  All is at a very fast pace indeed as the new contract awaits your approval.  It’s just what has been ordered all that time ago and you will see that it comes at a high standard, but to no personal cost to you.  Situations are indeed looking up at last and you will feel the strength within you grow beyond your wildest dreams.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t be in too much of a hurry to walk down the aisle.  There are still many complicated issues to perform.  Nothing is as straightforward as it seems and a closer look is necessary for your dreams to be fulfilled.  A contract of some importance will be presented to you and will need to be taken up immediately.  It paves the way to much happiness and personal satisfaction.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As situations begin to go fast around you, as the momentum gathers you will be well pleased.  All that has been promised comes to fruition.  The passing of time is swift indeed, so all aspects of your life must be ready to go forwards as the path is there already and beckons you on.  It might sound mysterious, but in fact it is sound and honest. 

21 Mar-19 Apr

Many feelings of insecurity will keep following you until you realise that you must make amends for past problems.  Ignoring them won’t do.  They must be addressed head on.  It is to your wellbeing that needs to be addressed, where peace of mind can at last be restored.  All this is in your hands only and time is now running out if you wish happiness to come in.

20 Apr-20 May

Many decisions will need to be made and adhered to.  Time has already run out and so the major instructions that you already know about will need to be addressed.  The impetus to go on regardless is not a fool hardy operation, but an imperative one as the planetary changes are now there in your favour to make that difference in your life.  Peace to be restored.

21 May-20 Jun

Never be afraid to step into the unknown.  It is a fool that does not realise that we are always helped and nothing is ever left to chance.  Take this opportunity to grow in strength and maturity.  Trust again, where before it was only half-heartedly given.  Nothing is ever measured by half values, but by commitment to a higher force to make those changes that really count.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As the wind blows fairly in your direction, be well pleased with the results that have come in swift and decisive.  You will be seen with much approval and it will raise your status to a new level.  Breathe the fresh air of success and know you are truly blessed in many things now possible.  Enter a new phase in your life; you have already earned it.

23 Jul-22 Aug

To be optimistic is not a bad thing and it is high time you felt this good about what you do and what you already know.   Time for great things has been knocking on your door for some time now, but fruition of it has always been held back.  See a new life emerge and where you will feel more accomplished than at any time in your life.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As your progression becomes more noticeable, especially worldwide, it will meet with your approval and satisfaction.  Massive changes around your life must take place and so decisions, which were once swept under the carpet, will resurface and this time there is no turning back for success to be yours.  The new criteria will excite you and it will be the culmination of a lifetimes work.

23 Sep-22 Oct

There is no point in looking back on the past.  It’s the future that is opening up for you, where you will lead a project to your satisfaction.   You will have much impute on a personal and professional level.  It’s to your credit that it has come in at a time when changes were not in your favour, but situations have changed.  You can come into your own.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

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