01 March 2015

Clairvoyant Horoscope for March 2015

19 Feb-20 Mar

The start of brighter things to come, which are already in the pipeline are not only for your survival, but for your entire life.  There is a big breakthrough about to come in, which will not only surprise you, but show you the way forwards to a better more interesting life in general.  You have waited long enough for it and so it will emerge.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Changes to many things are now in the pipeline with your approval, which is already happening and a swifter recovery than usual is forecasted.  Notice how pleased you will be in a few weeks time and where the shift of energies is now in your favour, which before was not.  Try to pace yourself to bring about swift satisfaction on all counts.

20 Apr-20 May

Look now to your future, which has been planned long ago and can only now be realised.  It has been an uphill struggle, but you have managed to keep your composure and begin to see the many and varied benefits coming your way.  Start to think of a quiet nest egg for you and your partner, which will see the focus of independence from servitude start to take effect.

21 May-20 Jun

As you begin to take the plunge and believe again in your own destiny, you will not be disappointed.  Drastic decisions need to be made in the next couple of weeks to secure the contract now on offer to you.  There is no more time to deliberate, but to act according to the law, which will enable you to transform your lives forever more.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being brave is not what this is about, being sensible and to know your own limitations, is very much what you need to know.  Trying harder does not necessarily bring in positive results, but being wise is!  Know that you can learn to perform another day and where the preparations will be justified for the results that will come your way.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you begin to anchor yourself to a greater plan of working and delivery, you will begin to turn heads with your ideas and plans of action.  The world really is your oyster and nobody can prevent that happening.  The gathering of momentum on various projects in the pipeline will come to fruition and where you can hold centre stage all on your own.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Stop moaning about what was to happen and begin to see the greater picture of how it is actually happening, which is far better than you first envisaged.  New plans for a successful move and business opportunity is about to unfold and, where you will be able to decide the outcome on so many issues.  You won’t be able to believe your luck.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Life is not here to stop you doing anything, but to show you what can be accomplish in a very short time. Scrap last year’s plans and begin afresh, the reasons will be shown to you and where you will impose your authority on issues not thought possible before.  Your wealth of experience will justify you being the victor, where the odds were stacked up against you.

23 Oct-21 Nov

No more immediate worries or concerns, the path is now opening up for you and the blockages are completely removed.  You will need to make another offer of purchase and see that this time the contract is correct and to your approval.  New important decisions concerning your welfare will not prove difficult, but give you peace of mind.  A more stable life is being offered to you.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Any worries that you might have had over finances will be short lived, as the new important work will bring in amazing relief to you, you did not think possible before.  It is high time you took your investments to another company, which will guarantee results without the constant dread of being let down.  Another plan of action will see your financial turmoil over, once and for all.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel appearing brighter than ever before, it is not an illusion, but a safeguard of things that are already coming, which will secure your future for all time.  Gone are the heavy days of headaches and heartaches, you are in another phase of life, where productivity is high on the agenda with helping hands all along the way.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Stand by your original decision to deliver, sway and you lose the impetus to go forwards in a commanding way.  Progress has already been made and is above your expectations and you will be able to see results that were not possible before.  You do not need to stand on ceremony, but deliver what is right and proper and no more.  Justification is no longer required – prompt action is!

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

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