01 February 2016

Clairvoyant Horoscope for February 2016

20 Jan-18 Feb

It is now that you see your destiny unfold as never before.  The stuck situation that you found yourself in is unravelling as we speak and a better outcome, business and relationship wise can come about.  There is no need to feel despondent in anyway.  See the good news follow on.  That business deal is about to be released and you can be confident it will all go well.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Have faith in your abilities to succeed, as you outshine all your rivals and establish a precedent that is yours alone.  No longer do you need to bow and scrape to others, who have held you in contempt.  That is no longer the case.  An upsurge of work and finance is yours for all time.  A positive shift in policies will see you riding high in a very short time indeed.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Make the most of this month’s activities and advantages, as you need to make hay while it lasts.  An upsurge in cooperation to establish you further afield is forecasted and you will be in demand for ongoing work once again.  Start to see more lucrative deals being given to you, which you will turn into gold soon enough.  All is in motion now!

20 Apr-20 May

This month will see you smiling as never before, as the new vital opportunities start to come in and allow balance to be brought to your life.  Never will you have felt so happy and content as you will be then.  The need to be in charge will not be necessary, as the life will just be smooth running to allow for this to happen naturally.

21 May-20 Jun

Open up your hearts, embrace the new beginnings and see that life blood being given to you.  The problems of the past are now fading away into oblivion and a better start in general becomes possible.  Never think the woes from the past were there to destroy you.  They were there to prevent you getting ahead of yourself and to learn to see another way is possible and far better in every way.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Hold onto your hat as you are now going places.  The old life no longer is being accepted; the new life has the possibility of better things to come, whereby you can profit by it.  Begin to see that you have the control of your life as never before.  See for yourself where you alone can make that difference and where you are no longer beholding to another for your livelihood, but to yourself alone.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Take the bit by the teeth and start to dictate policy as only you know how.  The turning point has certainly happened.  The future is rosy and profitable.  All will stand up and applaud you for your efforts and foresight and begin to believe in you as never before.  You are the shining star of the future.  New and important openings are with you in mind.  Never fear your future, embrace it as never before.

23 Aug-22 Sep

That important decision you need to undertake is now, for the opportunities to remain successful and ongoing.  The road lighter and troublesome free.  This passage of time is going faster with every day and a new delivery of ideas and openings are occurring with continued regularity.  Start to see the bigger picture and trust in your own instincts that this really is the turning point for all good things to occur and happen.

23 Sep-22 Oct

There are no regrets now anymore.  That essential lift up from the misery of the past has finally left you, leaving you free to make up your own mind and forge ahead with no obstacles in front of you.  Remember you have already overcome much and now the way is clear for that smooth transition.  Have no fear; just embrace what is rightfully yours.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The way is open to make that new life and to expect the best that can be offered to you.  The sacrifice is no more, embrace the good life and learn to trust again in your abilities to survive and thrive on your own merit.  The day is fast coming for romance you have not encountered before and restored faith in humanity can finally be achieved.  Well done for your patience and steadfastness in this cause.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Why wait any longer?  The power is in your hands to make the necessary decisions for your future happiness and contentment.  No longer do you need to rely on the charity of others to make this all possible.  You have the strength, determination and good fortune to make it all happen by yourself.  You won’t regret your transition, which starts now!

22 Dec-19 Jan

The openings, which were once barred to you, are now wide open and bursting with life and excitement.  This is your year, where swift action and productivity is the name of the game.  Never will you have felt so well, so enthusiastic, that it will make your hair curl with excitement.  Trust now in the Higher Intelligence to bring it all in for you and where you will have no regrets, only positive outcomes and energy.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

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