01 December 2017

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2017

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you start to find your feet and expand into your new lifestyle, matters from the past will keep coming up.  This is not the time for any regrets but where long term solutions are being found to cover any anxieties you might have.  You will still be going forwards and where in time you will relish and appreciate what you have now got.

22 Dec-19 Jan

20 Jan-18 Feb

A new career that you thought was marvellous appears to have gone terribly wrong.  This is not the case, as the teething troubles are not under your control and where a master plan is at work to create a new strategy, which will allow for all colleagues a better chance to get on.   You are able to see what the real problems are and where you are not being singled out for blame or obstruction.  See the many miracles now coming in to save the day!

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

It is now that the enormous turn around to your life begins.  What has appeared to be a difficult year has in fact been a slow, but continuous progress of which you cannot deny.  Start to appreciate all that has already come your way and where you are able to make that difference not only to your life, but to the lives of so many others.  You are being held in high regard so be pleased, you have already earned it.

20 Apr-20 May

This is the time to take full advantage of the many offers coming into you and where you can make that necessary impact you have always wanted to do in your life.  There has been an enormous impact in your performance and where you have influenced people in the right and proper way.  See the necessary feedback being given to you and with much gratitude from all sides.

21 May-20 Jun

You have already asked yourself that question.  Are you able to stand up to the plate and take your rightful place in society that seems to have eluded you for so long?  You have the many skills and attributes to make a difference to your life and where you are able to trust your own instincts in ways not thought possible before.  See your rise in so many ways and be thankful that it has come in at the right time for you now!

21 Jun-22 Jul

What you are longing for is just around the corner with the timing perfect in every way.  It really is decision time and where you can fully let go of the past and start in earnest to enjoy this new life forever more.
 You have earned it and you deserve it all.  Start to see your happiness coming out in abundance and where your heart will rise substantially in so many ways.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you start to make significant progress and see your life path opening out for you in ways not thought possible before, it will show you that you have been right all along and now the many breakthroughs have your name on it to make you that household name you have always aspired to.  Know you are already much admired and respected in your field of excellence.  Proof of this is already being given to you and well done indeed.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Don’t feel that life is at all difficult when you have made so many achievements in this past year.  You are being recognised for your worth, even if words have not recently been expressed.  Your new system of working is in operation and is being appreciated, even if you have not heard the results so far.  Trust in your abilities to succeed.  This is only the beginning of great things coming your way – you will be well pleased.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As your battle appears long and hard, your influence in so many people’s lives have already paid off with dividends.  You have already left a legacy of excellence behind you and where you will be much sought after for your new adventure coming in sooner than you know it.  This is not the time for complacency, but to enjoy the new and important chapters of your life to come.

23 Oct-21 Nov

What you thought of as being a disappointing start, is now moving along quite nicely and where you are able to have the upper hand in all things.  See amazing situations falling into your lap and where you never thought you could have so much fun is now all around you.  Know that you are so loved and appreciated in all that you do.  These really are exciting times.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see http://spiritualists-guidance.blogspot.co.uk

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