01 December 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2018

22 Nov-21 Dec

This month will be very productive into making your life much simpler, so that problems you have recently encountered will not come in again.  The restructure to you, will see your life in a progressive but practical way and where peace of mind will become self-evidential.

22 Dec-19 Jan

It is necessary that you see the very good things you already have before you and where additional situations are following on, so that security for all time is established making you a very happy person indeed.  The professionalism you are now demonstrating will give you the acknowledgement you have been waiting for and where it is fully justified.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As everything starts to come together and where you can see your future unfolding out of a most difficult but awkward time, you will be greatly relieved that your security has not been compromised in anyway.  Your diligence to detail and your optimism has really paid off.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Going off tangent where a work situation is required of you to perform will see you smiling before the year is out.  Sometimes we don’t always know the best way we are guided.  In your case the circumstances are easy as the route has already been highlighted for you.  You really come into your own now!

20 Apr-20 May

There are no more irons in the fire.  You are completely alone to get on with the task in hand.  You have already been trained for it and it is now that you must prove yourself.  Not to yourself but to others who will need to respond to your call.  The call for action is now.  Do not be afraid but continue on this path which has been chosen for you and where you will achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

21 May-20 Jun

Your complacency has been noted.  Now, you will have to catch up and make up the necessary lost time.  You will be given massive help if you apply yourself and take on the important workload and responsibly you signed up for.  Don’t be morbid.  It doesn’t suit you.  Show the others of importance what you are currently made of and you will then see their approval.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being too cautious at a time when you are at your strongest is being foolhardy.  You need to realise your vast capabilities and to demonstrate them now.  This way your advancement on a personal and professional level will be accepted and all that hard work won’t be in vain.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you start to believe in yourself far more than you have done in recent months, so a new and involved opportunity is presented to you without any strings attached, but where you can begin to excel in other ways beyond those that you have been trained to do.  Do not be afraid but delight in the fact that it is you who has been chosen and no one else.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The serious side of you, need not be shown so often right now.  A happier stance is required from you to follow a trend of upliftment, which needs to be seen by others, who depend on you to give them that lift that they so rightly deserve.  It will make you feel more relaxed and positive that you are doing what is not only right for you but for others as well.  Learn to be happy.  You are already being appreciated.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The very good news you have been waiting for arrives well on time.  You will have restored faith in Mankind to deliver what you so richly desired.  The coming together of intelligent minds is what fascinates you and where you are able to accomplish a higher degree of intellect from those who aspire to the higher elements.  A fun time ahead and where you won’t be disappointed.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Watch yourself carefully now, as many opportunities are about to arrive on your doorstep all at once.  This is what you have been asking for.  To be recognised and to show everyone what you are truly made of.  This is your chance to prove your worth and you won’t disappoint anybody and that includes those who are closest to you.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

01 November 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for November 2018

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you begin to see your life change dramatically but for the better all around, you will have wished that you had made that decision earlier. It is not that you have postponed your happiness, merely delayed it for a later time. Now, as you begin to see your happiness unfold in ways not thought possible before, you can at last restructure it in a more manageable way. Learn to be happy and to really enjoy this life. You have earned it!

22 Nov-21 Dec

A pick-me-up is needed. You are feeling so down in the dumps that it is time that you treated yourself to that special something you have been going on about for some time. Your life is starting to take an upward turn and you will certainly feel more optimistic by the end of the month, where you can see your achievements taking root and where you are able to finally benefit from all that hard work.

22 Dec-19 Jan

You have not let yourself down or anyone else come to that. It is only in your imagination that you feel situations should go faster than they actually are. Start to see a massive wave of interest in your home-made project and where you will resonate with so many people worldwide. The proof is coming to you and you won’t feel disappointed. Life only gets better from here on in!

20 Jan-18 Feb

Don’t be shy to make that special offer to a very close person, who has been waiting on the side-lines for an active response to their suggestion. You need to wake up to the vibrational energeias, which are all around you, egging you on. There is no more waiting time. A call for action is now required and there is no time left to deliberate anymore.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you become more well-known, you will have to deal with your new-found notoriety and learn to cope with it. It will not be a dauting prospect, but one that will become quite familiar to you in a very short time indeed. You have earned this accolade over a lifetime’s work and dedication and so your rewards must reflect your long terms efforts. 

21 Mar-19 Apr

Life is not a sacrifice but a route that we must all take to learn and to grow by. This is what you are experiencing now and where the necessary changes around you will not disappoint your worried outlook. Enjoy what now comes to you freely and accept the praises that are offered to you with love and gratitude. You are beginning to see matters in a different way at last.

20 Apr-20 May

There is a time to speak your mind and a time when to keep your professional lid on things. This is that time. Diplomacy must be observed here to bring about a successful conclusion to what has been a difficult and exhausting time for you all. By keeping quiet does not mean that you have lost or given in. It means that you can achieve far more later in the day when hostilities have died down and the situation can be rectified for all concerned without losing face.

21 May-20 Jun

As you begin to come into your own and where a helping hand is there for you, start to realise your role in this situation and where your efforts will have lasting repercussions for so many people. All in time will thank you for it and where your cool head has actually saved the day. Many people admire your courage and you are being spoken about favourably, so well done to you.

21 Jun-22 Jul

It is nice to know that you are wanted and appreciated and that even the higher bosses have said encouraging words towards you. Notice a form of promotion or a higher level is now offered to you. You have deserved it as you are an asset to so many people, who love what you do. They know they can always rely on your judgement. 

23 Jul-22 Aug

Don’t be disappointed as you take the high ground now and where that breakthrough has finally arrived without you even having to lift a finger.  Everything comes in at the right time and not always when we expect it. The circumstances that surround you now will benefit you and for the many years to come. It really is what you have been waiting for and good luck with it.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A new financial deal will be on offer to you. Do not think this is a ploy to look the other way or that there might be some mischief a foot. All is above board and with your interest at heart. Notice something very good coming to you, like an early Christmas stocking. You won’t be disappointed. Take it with the spirit that it has been intended for you.

23 Sep-22 Oct

As your positive attitude has not let you down, you will be able to see an even bigger solution being on offer to you. This is for your just desserts and where you can finally make a name for yourself in your field of activity. No one will be able to question you now but take all that you have said on face value.  Well done for keeping the faith and for keeping going.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

01 October 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for October 2018

23 Sep-22 Oct

This month will see you in a hive of activity and where you won’t know if you are coming or going.  This is to ensure you that situations are in motion to allow for special growth for your personal advancement.  All this you have been praying for, for a very long time now.  See your life almost spring back into action and where important decisions by you will have to be met and honoured for you to get the important results you have been craving for!

23 Oct-21 Nov

You have finally made it and now you are well on the way to make a name for yourself as never before. Understanding your own weaknesses has allowed you to compensate in other ways and so guaranteeing your progress is not your imagination any longer.  Start to see startling results, where you can at last trust in your abilities to succeed as never before.  Well done indeed – you do deserve it.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The breakthrough you have been craving for, yet have been scared to acknowledge in case it did not turn out how it was supposed to, is now on record as has finally succeeded against the odds.  All now becomes justifiable with regards to what you have been going through.  This breakthrough will stand the test of time and you won’t be disappointed.  You are now in a position to make the necessary arrangements for your future at long last.

22 Dec-19 Jan

The pendulum of success and truth is upon you now, bringing in the necessary revenue you have been so seriously craving for.  There is no substitute for success on this level and for you to be able to experience it is a privilege that few can enjoy.  Gratitude is not necessary, as it is a God-given right for the hard work and dedication that has been undertaken over a lifetime of service and dedication.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you start to see your circumstances change for the better, you will be highly delighted to share this exciting news.  What was a stalemate situation has now opened up with different opportunities and where you can advance in ways not thought possible before.  Now is not a learning curve, but a time to enjoy your personal advancement and make a difference to other people’s lives.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you see your elevation coming in from the strangest of circumstances, you will recognise those who are willing to help you reach that extra status.  This will bring a smile to your face and others besides who wish this for you.  You are being admired from afar, but this admiration is all worthwhile to bring about your swift recovery in so many ways, which is now.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Moving home is not possible at this time.  It would be wise to wait until after the New Year, when your circumstances are more favourable to allow for this event to occur.  If you ignore this advice, you will find the financial strain on you too great that you will have to give up the challenge and try another day.  Look seriously at your finances and see that the situations around you are not great.  All will change at the right time.

20 Apr-20 May

As the planetary aspects are aligning themselves in your favour, a new and extensive proposition is now more favourable than a year ago.  You will begin to see everything fall nicely into place and where the grand opening will be to your liking and others besides.  It will make you and not break you, so well done indeed for waiting.  You deserve the very best.

21 May-20 Jun

All that you had feared was lost is, in fact, rescued in a different way.  By pushing the agenda too hard in a way that you thought was right, had only snarled things up making matters far worse than before.  By taking your hand off the tiller, you will find that the circumstances that you feared were against you, are now working in your favour once again. Sometimes you just need to trust to fate to work out the greater plan.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Thinking situations through methodically can utilise some important timing, but the long-term solutions are often found, and the better outcome becomes possible.  Don’t ignore your gut instincts all the time and begin to see how matters work out for you better than you could have dreamed it up for yourself.  Now the time for that change has occurred and you won’t be disappointed.  Help miraculously is always there.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Now don’t make heavy weather of it.  What you are fighting for and striving for has not gone away.  Circumstances have been on hold for some time and the situations are now coming together to give you that hard earned breakthrough that you have been asking for. Learn to believe in yourself more than you actually do and know that others can see in you a special person with talents they could only dream of.  You are getting there now!

23 Aug-22 Sep

A surprise occasion, which has been gift wrapped with you in mind, is on its way to you.  This idea has been in place in the minds of so many but was not possible before.  That has all changed and so the surprise becomes possible and, with you in mind, as the perfect candidate to lavish it on.  You won’t be disappointed.  You will make many people happy who love you.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

01 September 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for September 2018

23 Aug-22 Sep

As you begin to see the new light of reasoning and fully accept the radical changes being made for you, you will begin to thank those around you for having made those decisions.  In a few months’ time you will be able to co-ordinate everything to your liking and where you had been bashing your head against a brick wall, this will no longer be the case.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Your patience has finally proved to be a God-send and where at last you can reap all that you have sown and become fully recognised and appreciated for it.  No longer do you have to kowtow to those who feel they have the experience over you, when in fact they never did.  You have in fact opened a whole hornets’ nest of problems of which top management themselves have to clear up.  You will be long gone in your new profession to need worry ever again.

23 Oct-21 Nov

It is time you saw the light for what it is, which is to brighten up your life as never before.  A whole series of events are happening, which will make you realise you are on the right path and where your true happiness now lies.  By being frank and open, will get you the results you have been looking for, by being sheepish, will always produce a negative result.  Remain positive and see the shift happen!

22 Nov-21 Dec

It is now that you take the bull by the horns and run with it.  No longer can you afford to remain stuck in the mud and do nothing.  What are you afraid of?  You have lived this sorry state of affairs for long enough.  Now we are embracing a new start, where finally you stand to gain and have control over many more things than you thought you had power over?  Trust your instincts and know you will come out on top no matter what happens!

22 Dec-19 Jan

This path can feel lonely if you let it.  The next few days will see enormous upliftment and surprises you never thought possible before.  All has taken its time and that is why you feel left out and all at sea without a paddle.  The direction to your life is certainly there and will be shown to you, so that you are able to believe in your destiny once again.  Feeling secure is what you need.  This again will be shown to you.  Feel the enormous power, which is all around you and where you will never doubt again.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As you begin to trust in your new life and see the path ahead as being straight and uncomplicated, you will be able to reflect in a better way.  A new avenue of business will be presented to you and one which you cannot afford to ignore, as it will give you the new lifeline you so richly deserve.  Feel the freedom all around you and know that you are just entering a new era of productivity.  You won’t regret it!

19 Feb-20 Mar

Don’t give up on the new and exciting openings being offered to you.  It will come out of the blue when you least expect it, but it has already been predicted some months ago.  The timing is right now and must be observed, so that the outcome is powerful and long lasting.  It will give you all that you have hoped would happen over many years now.  You must appreciate your role in all this, as you have to lead from the front in order for the greater impact to occur and for others besides yourself to gain.

21 Mar-19 Apr

You have been under the cosh for some time now.  That pressure is being withdrawn, so that you can finally act freely and with a renewed confidence that was not there for some time.  This is your chance to finally prove yourself once and for all and to make that name that has been missing so far.  You have the expertise so show it and make that commanding position yours at last.  You owe it to yourself to show an example, which others can follow and achieve their destiny as well!

20 Apr-20 May

As you start to take life in a more leisurely way and also to count your blessings, you will see that all your hard work is now bearing fruit and where your swift action in so many ways has actually saved the day.  The time is right for new opportunities to come your way and where you can express that important opinion, which so many people rely on as a direction in their own lives.  You are a powerful force and you are only now coming to realise the impact you make without even realising it.

21 May-20 Jun

It is necessary that you go up the social ladder and where your views are shared in a much better way, which will allow for you a better standing in the community that was not there before.  Those around you who have always admired you, will see that you are well received and accepted for who you are and not what you represent.  You are the heart and soul of so many people’s lives and this standing will give them the opportunity to advance you in so many ways.  You have arrived at last.

21 Jun-22 Jul

As your work becomes lighter over the next coming weeks and you start to enjoy a good earned rest, you will be reminded at how far you have come.  Those bosses, who oversee all that you do, are more than impressed and are now singling you out for a more advanced position.  It will give you the necessary status you so richly deserve and where life actually gets better from here on in.

23 Jul-22 Aug

Start to see the value of your life and not keep thinking you are of no use and that nothing is going to change for the better.  A new position of some stature is there for you, which will see you finally in your rightful place of where you have always meant to be.  It has taken its time to filter down to the right time, but it is here to stay and where you can make a name for yourself at long last.  All your experience has not been wasted.  It has just been waiting for the right time to occur.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

12 August 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for August 2018

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you go through these next weeks, you will notice that openings after openings will present themselves to you.  There will be one exceptional situation which will present, that will have you dancing for joy and where at last you can see your future opening up for you in many ways.  This is a certainty that must be followed up and where all mental energy will be in place to accommodate the tasks ahead.

23 Aug-22 Sep

As the light shines brightly along your new path of exploration, you will be dumfounded as to how far you have come and how much further you still have to go.  The path is clear ahead and it only beckons your appreciation for what you have learnt and achieved so far.  This is all about self-recognition and it is a monumental achievement on your part to see success around every corner from now on.  See the many accolades being given to you.  It is high time and you so deserve it.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Now the turning point to your life fully emerges giving you the go-ahead and where obstacles that were in your pathway are no more.  This is the breakthrough you have been waiting for and where you will from now on be totally in command.  It is you alone who call the shots, and all will bow to your expertise as never before.  Never again will you have been taken for granted.  You are being recognised in so many ways, so well done to you!

23 Oct-21 Nov

This month will see you making some drastic decisions of which you feel you can no longer put off.  It is high time you followed your instincts and called the other person’s bluff.  You will find they are all hot air and those feeble promises have not stood the test of time.  See you march forward once again and where there is genuine love, so that person will follow you regardless.  You cannot afford to waste your life anymore.  Take the courage and go for it and see the salvation to you coming in at long last.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you begin to organise your life in a totally different way, so amazing solutions, not thought possible before, begin to open up for you, making life more pleasurable and more manageable than ever before.  If you are able to take on more staff where your career is concerned, do it now.  You won’t regret it and it will confirm that your business is going from strength to strength.  A very busy and joyous month for you, so be happy.  You have arrived.

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you continue to go from strength to strength, earth shattering news will see you hoisted up as never before, taking you out of the stuck position and into the glorious light as never before seen by you or anyone else for that matter.  This is the stuff that dreams are made of and where you will not ever deny your greatness.  The world beckons you now.  It is a time to get used to what has not been familiar to you but is now happening with a will of its own.  You have to see it to believe it and you will.  So, fasten your seat belts and learn to be taken on a ride that will transform your life for all time.

20 Jan-18 Feb

These next few weeks will not only be life changing but it will establish you in ways not thought possible before.  You now have the mental and physical strength to be able to deal with all the situations coming to you.  At last you are able to appreciate what was always intended for you to accomplish and where you will have no doubt that this is your destiny for all time.  Have a happy face.  You deserve all that is now coming to you to make your life easier and more fulfilling as never before.

19 Feb-20 Mar

This month will see you standing tall and really appreciating life as never before. You will remember your greatest asset is yourself and you will be able to see how valued you are by so many.  This will be a bit overwhelming at times, but it does give you an indication of how much you mean to so many people.  See a rise in status happening, which you had not dreamed of before and where you will be centre stage as situations unfold in your life for the better.  A turnaround of events will see you climbing as never before.  You deserve this accolade, so take it in the spirit it is offered.

21 Mar-19 Apr

That breakthrough moment is already upon us and it has seemed as if it would never happen, but now it has.  Keep positive and see your life change around for the better in so many ways.  This is not a rehearsal but the real thing and where you will be honoured for past achievements.  It is your right to excel and where all the hard work that you have done over a lifetime is now being given to you with full recognition.  Enjoy this time.  You have truly earned it!

20 Apr-20 May

As you begin to trust your instincts once again, you will be given the green light to proceed in a project that has been daggling in your face for some time.  The timing is exactly right and where that masterstroke of genius is given to you to proceed down this new path of excellence and where you are in a position to shine as never before.  Do not be afraid.  This is an easy task for you to perform and excel in.  You will soon be the talk of the town and well done indeed.

21 May-20 Jun

With the planetary changes now in your favour, it will seem that everything you touch will simply turn to gold.  It is high time you accepted that you are an achiever and that when the timing is right, which it is now, so everything falls nicely into place with minimum effort on your part.  A new and exciting partnership is about to begin and where you will see the lasting physical and financial rewards being offered to you.  This is not a pipedream, but a reality!

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you come to terms with how your life is unfolding right now and where you are in a position to make that name for yourself, you will have no regrets.  There is colossal backing for you with this career move, so that you can stand head and shoulders above the rest knowing you have made it and all who are there welcome your achievements as never before.  Know you are well-liked and respected and all have indirectly a vested interest in your success.  The chance to excel is now and enjoy every minute of it.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

01 July 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for July 2018

21 Jun-22 Jul

This month will see you quite excited, as you are going places to increase your career prospects.  All will be very enlightening and extremely progressive for you.  This is the start of a major launch and where you can see just what a powerful position you are now in.  Trust in your instincts.  They won’t let you down.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As new and important prospects arrive at your door, you will be both amused and satisfied as to the results.  All is going according to plan and where your valuable time will not be in vain.  Look now to your laurels.  You will be a very busy soul before this month is out and pleased that you are.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Start to see the bigger picture that you are entering into and don’t feel bogged down with rigmarole which always affects your equilibrium.  This is the time for massive expansion and where a new portfolio will be necessary to enhance what you do.  This life is sweet already.

23 Sep-22 Oct

An exhausting time is planned and where you will need to take extra care that you always remain on top.  Now is when everything comes together for your complete satisfaction and where you alone must rely on what is important and what is no longer relevant in your life right now.

23 Oct-21 Nov

The time is passing very quickly and there will be important decisions that you will need to make for your future happiness.  There is no more time for deliberation.  You have to bite the bullet and exercise your right to have this happiness, otherwise it will be lost for all time.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you approach the halfway mark this month, you will see that you are very much in demand and where another plan of action will need to be thought out for the expansion plan that is now set all around you.  Do not be afraid.  This is your destiny.  Embrace it for what it is worth and succeed as never before.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A change of strategy will be to your liking, as the much-needed funds start arriving at your door.  This is a time which you will relish and appreciate, all the hard efforts being made on your behalf.  A complete turnabout of funds will see you in a mighty place indeed and where you are in a perfect position to be able to cope as never before.  This is the start of something very big and where you are an integral part of it.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Open up your mind to the many possibilities coming your way.  You have never been shy in the past, so what will change now.  See your life open up beyond your wildest dreams and where you will always feel secure and protected as never before.  Newfound friends are coming along the way, which will increase your confidence as never before.

19 Feb-20 Mar

As you become ever busier and your work schedule takes up a life of its own, remember to balance out work and much needed rest, so that your happiness and wellbeing is always assured.  You are at the tipping point of greatness and this will not be an illusion, but a firm reality.  Just wait and see.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Now is the time for you to concentrate on domestic issues, which have sadly been ignored for some time.  You will not be able to go forwards with your life until these issues are finally sorted out.  There is no more time to lose if you wish to progress with your life in general.  The old issues must be sorted out and pushed away, then you will be in a better position to progress.  Ignore this advice and see you fall back.

20 Apr-20 May

Coming to terms with a loss is never easy.  This is the start of a new practical experience you did not know you could manage, but manage you will.  Feel the planetary vibrational energies now sorting so many issues out and where you will no longer feel like drowning, but actually floating and making enormous headway – a revelation in itself.

21 May-20 Jun

Going forwards is never easy for you, especially when it is under your own steam.  The help that is being afforded to you now will see you in a better place than you ever would have imagined.  This is not a lonely road.  There are so many souls willing and able to help you on this journey of personal and professional discovery.

01 June 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for June 2018

21 May-20 Jun

The purpose this month is to progress at a rapid pace, so that you are able to achieve all that is already outlined for you to do and where there will not be any interference in obtaining your objective.  The powers that be have already organised safe passage for this to happen and where your achievement highs become great indeed.  Trust in your own instincts and go for it!

21 Jun-22 Jul

Now is not the time to prevaricate as to what might have been, but to see the very positive outcomes being afforded to you that are already coming in.  You are on the crest of a wave and so are empowered to take your next steps forwards with ease.  Never doubt yourself or those who truly love you to make that necessary difference in your life.  The breakthroughs are all around you.  Acknowledge them and thank God at how well you are really doing.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you begin to learn and master your craft of expertise, it is high time that you realised that this is not going away and the opportunities for personal and professional advancement are already proving themselves to you.  You are not a five-minute wonder, but a person who has professional power and where your input really does make a difference.  See the very positive feedback being given to you in a couple of weeks’ time.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A week has just gone past and you can now see the substantial difference to your life and those around you.  It is high time that you acknowledged your own breakthroughs here and where you can comfortably pat yourself on the back that so many things are now looking up.  A move of home or career is forecasted, as the need to move on ever increases for you.  You cannot stop the planetary energies getting under your skin until you decide which course of action you want to go down.   The new path will be shown to you.

23 Sep-22 Oct

How rapidly matters change for you and where finally you can see yourself in charge and where your life turns around almost on a sixpence.  That will be both pleasing and satisfying to you and others besides.  The enormous breakthrough will not come as a surprise as you have already been requesting this for some time.  It is the timing that has taken its toll on you, as certain circumstances were still not in place to accommodate this breakthrough.  This was not your fault, but of extraordinary pressures brought to bear on others.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Don’t give up on the trust when so many issues are at stake and you are almost there in grabbing what is so rightfully yours.  Notice how everything is turning for you and coming to full circle.  It is your right to have and enjoy and all that has been promised is coming your way.  You are literally at touching distance and where you will be in seventh heaven very soon now!

22 Nov-21 Dec

By finally making peace with yourself and others allows for the logjam of ignorance to be swept away and a new and peaceful understanding is formed.  You really cannot afford any longer to dig your heels in and expect satisfactory results.  The pressure is now on you to change the status quo and begin a happier more contented life once again.  Ignore this advice and suffer the consequences of your actions.  Remember you are in charge here and hold the power others do not!

22 Dec-19 Jan

As your personal and professional power increases on a daily basis, you will notice your whole life changing, as if you are on the crest of a wave and can’t stop the process of unlimited change and progression.  Being lifted up is one thing, recognising it as a daily occurrence is something else.  Your whole being and body matrix are now changing and where it needs to, to bring out that power that is all around you now.  Notice the subtle changes being brought to you out of the blue and where full contentment is your right to have!

20 Jan-18 Feb

It is no good ignoring what others have been saying for years.  You cannot afford to stick your head in the sand and expect glorious results coming to you.  What is needed is a total overhaul of your life, something you are not prepared to do.  Full satisfaction and an easier life with laughter can then be afforded to you.  So, stop being a fuddy duddy.  You know they all love you and start to see the bigger picture and stop putting barriers up so that people can help you.

19 Feb-20 Mar

You don’t need to see this as an impossible task, but more of life’s experiences and where the outcome is already forecast so that a full and eventful life is there for all time.  The going through it can often be rough, but the road is now getting easier and where you will see a greater input to your life being given to you.  The necessary changes are for your benefit and others besides and where you will come out on top every time.  See the enormous lift off being given to you and where peace of mind is a valuable thing.

21 Mar-19 Apr

The planets have sent you a little helper, who will be able to deal with many of life’s problems for you. This is necessary, so that you can find your way again and where the path becomes laid out and you won’t need to worry.  The necessary changes will all be to your liking and where you will start to feel more in control once again.  So, brighten up.  You are on the rise and all will go smoothly according to plan.  Start to see the very good news coming your way and where your life’s path takes a turn for the better.

20 Apr-20 May

By behaving optimistically, you start to change the vibrational energies working for your benefit.  It is a well-known fact that your thoughts are powerful elements and cannot be discarded at any time.  Focus on the new and involved structure, which is there before you and see just how easily it all starts to pan out.  The colossal involvement will become a piece of cake in time.  You are already at that turning point and so instinctively you will be guided through it. 

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk