01 December 2018

Clairvoyant Horoscope for December 2018

22 Nov-21 Dec

This month will be very productive into making your life much simpler, so that problems you have recently encountered will not come in again.  The restructure to you, will see your life in a progressive but practical way and where peace of mind will become self-evidential.

22 Dec-19 Jan

It is necessary that you see the very good things you already have before you and where additional situations are following on, so that security for all time is established making you a very happy person indeed.  The professionalism you are now demonstrating will give you the acknowledgement you have been waiting for and where it is fully justified.

20 Jan-18 Feb

As everything starts to come together and where you can see your future unfolding out of a most difficult but awkward time, you will be greatly relieved that your security has not been compromised in anyway.  Your diligence to detail and your optimism has really paid off.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

Going off tangent where a work situation is required of you to perform will see you smiling before the year is out.  Sometimes we don’t always know the best way we are guided.  In your case the circumstances are easy as the route has already been highlighted for you.  You really come into your own now!

20 Apr-20 May

There are no more irons in the fire.  You are completely alone to get on with the task in hand.  You have already been trained for it and it is now that you must prove yourself.  Not to yourself but to others who will need to respond to your call.  The call for action is now.  Do not be afraid but continue on this path which has been chosen for you and where you will achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

21 May-20 Jun

Your complacency has been noted.  Now, you will have to catch up and make up the necessary lost time.  You will be given massive help if you apply yourself and take on the important workload and responsibly you signed up for.  Don’t be morbid.  It doesn’t suit you.  Show the others of importance what you are currently made of and you will then see their approval.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Being too cautious at a time when you are at your strongest is being foolhardy.  You need to realise your vast capabilities and to demonstrate them now.  This way your advancement on a personal and professional level will be accepted and all that hard work won’t be in vain.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you start to believe in yourself far more than you have done in recent months, so a new and involved opportunity is presented to you without any strings attached, but where you can begin to excel in other ways beyond those that you have been trained to do.  Do not be afraid but delight in the fact that it is you who has been chosen and no one else.

23 Aug-22 Sep

The serious side of you, need not be shown so often right now.  A happier stance is required from you to follow a trend of upliftment, which needs to be seen by others, who depend on you to give them that lift that they so rightly deserve.  It will make you feel more relaxed and positive that you are doing what is not only right for you but for others as well.  Learn to be happy.  You are already being appreciated.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The very good news you have been waiting for arrives well on time.  You will have restored faith in Mankind to deliver what you so richly desired.  The coming together of intelligent minds is what fascinates you and where you are able to accomplish a higher degree of intellect from those who aspire to the higher elements.  A fun time ahead and where you won’t be disappointed.

23 Oct-21 Nov

Watch yourself carefully now, as many opportunities are about to arrive on your doorstep all at once.  This is what you have been asking for.  To be recognised and to show everyone what you are truly made of.  This is your chance to prove your worth and you won’t disappoint anybody and that includes those who are closest to you.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

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