20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
As you begin to see yourself as great and where all your hard work
now has paid off for you, you will feel very uplifted as if life has turned a
massive corner for you and where you can express yourself in ways not thought
possible before. Start to enjoy those
little treats, you have earned them after all!
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
What feels like a difficult
month for you has actually turned out pretty well, as the next few weeks will
prove. You are really on top of things and no longer in the pits of
despair. See that bright light you are
entering into and see that it will be long-lasting and effective for what is to
come. You will be surprised and highly
delighted as your name now is fully recognised by all those who matter!
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Catching up on what is very important is your next strategy. It is necessary as more upheavals will set
you back, so you must keep on top of things in order to maintain the progress
already achieved. In the end you will
have that job satisfaction and be recognised as a high achiever.
20 Apr-20 May
Now, as that important project gets underway, so you will be able
to head that team to bring about a satisfactory conclusion. Notice how many things actually fall into
your lap, almost effortlessly, to your complete satisfaction and where you will
no longer have any doubts in your hard work and dedication to detail.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
The system you are currently working on will not fail you. I appreciate you have your doubts but begin
to see the pattern of life changing, where you will begin to stay on top for
all time. The planetary vibrational
energies are to your liking and will facilitate the necessary changes you will
need to undertake. All is there for you
in place already. You just need to trust
a little more to appreciate the help being given to you.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
The time has come for you to speak your mind. You have been uncertain about situations for
a very long time but had seen no point in voicing it. Now is that time to voice it and to see the
outcome change for you for the better.
You are a vital part of this team of operatives and your opinion does
actually count, you are well thought after and respected. There is not time like the present to deal
with this infuriating matter.
23 Jul-22 Aug
23 Jul-22 Aug
Now you are in
a position to call the shots for the first time in ages and it will be to your
advantage to take up this opportunity to advance your career in ways not
available to you before. You will be
acclaimed as big in your own right and a bolt out of the blue will see that
your name is now established as never before.
Know that you are being noticed for the first time in this big way, so
take full advantage of it, which is now necessary.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
Do not worry about a deep concern, which surrounds you now. The warning has come in at the right time and
so the situation becomes saved for you.
Know that the right support system is already in place and where you
will see the guiding hand always there to alleviate any anxieties that you
might have.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
Everything that
you have been praying for these last few months will start to unfold and give
you the long-term satisfaction that had so far eluded you. That breakthrough for your happiness is there
in front of you. The mist is clearing so
that you are able to see this fully for yourself. Well done for keeping the faith.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
Now, as you begin to settle down for a more peaceful and contented
life, the hazards having already gone some time ago. You will not feel that life is no longer
worth living, just a feeling that you can begin to pamper yourself for the
first time in ages and no one will be there to stop you. To actually get off that tread mill is
glorious and needs to be savoured for all time.
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
What has been seen as an impossible task ahead is now being
revealed that the circumstances around it are not so bad as was first
envisaged. You will be able to get on
top of this situation and have the necessary time still to spare to indulge in
what you actually enjoy most. Things are
moving in mysterious ways and you will be pleasantly surprised about the
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
Now, as life forces you to
make the necessary decisions you always dread, you will find that all goes like
clockwork with minimum effort on your part as all will become self-regulating
and the hard tasks have already been dealt with on previous occasions. Now you can begin to believe in yourself and
the glorious successful outcome, which is already there for you. Breathe that sigh of relief and know that a
higher power has already sorted out all your worries ahead of time. You are now home free!
INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see