01 January 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for January 2019

22 Dec-19 Jan

As you begin to march through January with a determined step of anticipation, you won’t be disappointed.  All that you have striven for comes in, in bucket loads much to your amazement and amusement.  None could have deserved this more and the long-awaited recognition will become a normal happening in your career.  Be happy and rejoice for this is the beginning of your new life.

20 Jan-18 Feb

The planets now turn to your every need and where you felt heart broken a few weeks ago, this will no longer be the case and a new-found love will become self-evident in a very short time.  Give yourself this much needed healing time and where you will be able to face that new love with enjoyed joie de vivre once again.

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

The situation you are under at this time will blow away and you will be rendered victorious in all senses.  The wake-up call to another has now occurred, so that all you have given with extreme dedication can now bring in the fruits of your labours.  Well done for your diligence at this time.  You will gain from it.

20 Apr-20 May

A lifechanging experience has just recently happened, allowing you to see the light of reason and where you were hitting your head against a brick wall getting nowhere.  Now you can.  You are beginning to see that all things are dealt with in the right time and not before.  With this reasoning you can now see the important shift, which is occurring making and putting everything right for you at long last.

21 May-20 Jun

The parting of the ways from a destructive situation is now necessary, so that you can remain on firm ground and where peace of mind to you is fully restored. The situation was hopeless and it rendered you incapable of moving on.  Now that you have broken that dead lock, your life will transform on a better footing and where you can proceed again at last.

21 Jun-22 Jul

It is high time you grasped the nettle and realised you are worth far more than you are now getting.  More opportunities are coming your way over these next few months, so the risk to you moving on becomes minimal.  You are now in a better position than at any time to make that difference in your career.  The time to move on is not that far off and where full benefit to you is given.

23 Jul-22 Aug

As you begin to strive forwards thinking is this all there is, you will be pleasantly surprised as a new and important enterprise is handed to you in your lap?  It comes out of the blue and where your praises have been sung in the right quarters, leaving those who can make a difference to you that you are the right person for that role, which will be lifechanging.  Miracles truly do happen!

23 Aug-22 Sep

Look now to yourself and see just how far you have come and learn to be thankful. Your life is now turning around for the better and where before you could not count on people’s support in your life, now you can.  Everybody loves a winner and you are it!  Start to see so many good things coming in for you and where important decisions will need to be made to give you that step up which you had been hoping for.

23 Sep-22 Oct

The decision to move on is now!  There is no more time left constantly trying to figure out if there is anything better coming to you.  What is there for you is for you to take up and be pleased?  It will have greater benefits to your life than you first thought possible. Time is literally running out.  Decisions need to be met, so that you can finally enjoy life and not worry about money issues again. 

23 Oct-21 Nov

Being brave is no longer required, being sensible now is. You are entering into an exciting phase of your life and where you will not have any regrets or problems.  The next move which you will take, will have lasting consequences and where you will be well pleased.  This really is a time for rejoicing and where belief in yourself has made all the difference.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Thinking of moving home becomes possible, where there were so many obstacles placed before you making this situation impossible.  The way has now been cleared, where you can take up this opportunity and run with it.  Never think you won’t be helped.  You certainly will be.  A windfall is heading your way, helping to make everything possible.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

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