01 July 2019

Clairvoyant Horoscope for July 2019

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you start to see your future rise before you, you can thank your lucky stars for all the hard work that you have endured this past year.  All efforts now are on track for that promotion and where you can continue to excel in ways not thought possible before.  So well done to you!

23 Jul-22 Aug

Major decisions will be asked of you as you decide to pursue opportunities which you thought were beyond your reach, even your control.  There have been words spoken in your favour, which allows for these opportunities to be explored and even exploited for your benefit.  Your belief in yourself has now paid off and so the die is cast for you to perform your greatest performance of all.

23 Aug-22 Sep

You enter into a very profitable and remarkable phase of your life and where hard work and effort is what is required now to get you up to that important role that you have been asking for. It is in your best interest to keep going regardless of what obstacles are out there, so that you can break through and finally reach that important goal.  It is your right to have!

23 Sep-22 Oct

All that you have wished for is on its way to you, the planetary aspects are all in your favour and where deep-seated issues no longer apply.  You are well on the way to succeed, which seems against the odds but where circumstances have remarkably changed allowing you to now go forwards.  Enjoy the ride.  You will love it.

23 Oct-21 Nov

A change of heart will see you distraught and upset.  This is only a temporary situation but must be gone through to allow the better life to be given to you.  So, chin up take the strain and come out of it smelling of roses.  You won’t be disappointed in the long run.

22 Nov-21 Dec

Everything appears stagnating but in fact is not.  The winds of change are all around you and where you will now be able to see a clearer more concise picture than you ever did before.  All is actually coming together nicely and where those long-term plans were currently quashed, they can be reborn but in a better more satisfactory way.

22 Dec-19 Jan

An eclipse of a special kind not seen before is now entering your sphere and where much activity to your liking will see you smiling forever more.  It is the way it is being delivered to you which is unusual and where you will never have to doubt again.  This is where true happiness begins and where it is always long lasting.

20 Jan-18 Feb

A mistake it seemed was made.  It was not to your liking and you feel hard done by.  This actually is not the case for it needed this situation to occur to break up the dead lock, which was holding you back and where you were put into an impossible situation.  Now the way has been cleared and so you are able to go forwards unhindered and untroubled, so well done.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Start to see how miraculously everything starts to fall into place for you and where your wildest expectations are being delivered for the sole purpose to allow for you full growth and expansion on a level not dreamed of before.  Delivery of so many good things will see you both surprised and delighted and where trust once again is endorsed.

21 Mar-19 Apr

A change of scene for you is necessary, either a holiday or even a change of venue on the job front.  The circumstances around you are stagnating your growth and so a new plan of action is necessary to start over again but in a better more forceful and practical way.  You owe it to yourself to see that those practical issues are no longer there and a need of a break to allow for a more clear-thinking programme is to your benefit and peace of mind.  You won’t be disappointed.

20 Apr-20 May

Open up your heart and embrace all that is good around you.  You cannot afford any longer to take anything for granted in case it is removed from you.  So, stop moping around and begin to see that all you have is right and wholesome for you and in fact you are much better off now than you have been in months.  Be of good cheer.  All is right for you.

21 May-20 Jun

Taking time out now to enjoy yourself is important if you are to stay on track.  If you overload yourself, everything around you will start to crumble and so you will lose all that you have worked so hard for and gained.  Rest is not taking your eye off the ball but is necessary to keep up your strength, so that you can continue at this amazing pace you have set yourself and where much growth is still possible.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

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