31 January 2020

Clairvoyant Horoscope for February 2020

20 Jan-18 Feb

As this month continues to go by, you will find that you are becoming mentally stronger and more positive in your outlook.  This is necessary to overcome the various challenges, which you will face and where you can make those decisions to sort out the situations that you still have outstanding.  Leaving the past behind gives you the opportunity to embrace what is both new and exciting. Something you have wanted for some time now, so go for it!

19 Feb-20 Mar

21 Mar-19 Apr

As we go forwards with rapid ascent, you will be well pleased that you stuck to your game plan.  Many have tried to steer you off course, but your resilience into doing what is right has been your standard bearer and nobody can deny the results you have been getting.  This allows for your belief system to kick in and to know just how great you truly are!

20 Apr-20 May

The change of plans that have been occurring are to your benefit and not to your detriment, as you have been thinking just recently.  Hold your course and start to see the many proofs coming your way that you have instructed with that procedure. All have now benefitted from it.  You cannot deny your accolades as will be given to you in due course.  Know that everything is turning around just fine, as the Higher Intelligence has instructed.

21 May-20 Jun

Everything comes to pass in time and it is just that time that you are currently experiencing.  It has been a long hard slog, but one which you are only just beginning to benefit from.  This is your time to shine and to feel acknowledged by so many people, who also have your best interest at heart.  The new openings which are being presented to you, will all be to your liking and your comfort, so be happy in the way it has been presented. You know it was the better way!

21 Jun-22 Jul

As you start to get more recognised, so more rewards start coming your way and where you begin to take the lead over so many will be your master stroke of working and organising.  This is your time to truly shine and to be assessed for a more important role. Something you could not have imagined ever.  You deserve it all.

23 Jul-22 Aug

It is at this time that you are being truly noticed and where advanced recognition in various ways starts to come to you.  This is your time to take centre stage and to see just how far you have come.  Nobody is in any doubt as to your extensive abilities now!  Look to the new and informed interests in what you do and how you truly operate. It is a sight for sore eyes.  You are in the limelight now for the first time, so start to get used to it. You have finally made it!

23 Aug-22 Sep

Nothing is for nothing or so you continue to say. What is now happening is for you to take this next step of your valued achievement and to put it all to good use.  Everybody expects you to deliver, but without asking for anything for at this time it is not necessary. The acclaim will be payment enough and the spin off from it will satisfy all your immediate needs.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Stop thinking of what others think of you. You are the one with the knowledge, who is way up front to what anybody else has to say or to do.  Those who continue to put you down are no friends of yours and it is high time you put a stop to this injustice.  Start to put your strength into what is right and good and leave these insults behind.  Those people need you more than you know. It is high time you valued yourself and not exposed yourself to being bullied anymore!

23 Oct-21 Nov

As you go from strength to strength and nothing now can phase you, you will realise that so many people have stood by you to accomplish this dream.  Take note they have asked for nothing yet, have given willingly and try to acknowledge their generosity of heart, which was freely given as a mark of respect and gratitude for all that you have done for them over time.  All have done well in this giving situation.

22 Nov-21 Dec

As you take this giant leap of faith you won’t regret it, as all has been already calculated that nothing untoward can happen and it is for you now to achieve a higher acclaim than what you thought possible before.  The changeover is happening quicker than you think, with all aspects completely in control so that you will not have to worry at all.  Trust in the process and enjoy the ride.

22 Dec-19 Jan

Everything that has already been stated is now on its way for your fame and fortune. It has been a long journey of both interest and accomplishments. Now it is your time to shine and to be truly noticed as never before.  The statements from so many will be to your growing interests and where many people will want to know you. You could be overwhelmed with the response.  Trust as always in your abilities, which are growing by the day and well done indeed.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk

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