02 April 2021

Clairvoyant Horoscope for April 2021

21 Mar-19 Apr

 As you continue to strive ever forwards this month, you will notice an upsurge of energy being given to you, which will allow you to complete all outstanding business.  This will make you feel more alert and able to cope with the other daunting situations you begin to face.  All will come right in the end!


20 Apr-20 May

 Expect new opportunities coming your way and begin to see the bigger picture, where you continue to make the necessary progress, which has become your trademark recently.  So many people rely on your generosity of spirit and they will not be disappointed again.  Look to your expertise to get you out of a difficult situation.  You will be riding high again.

21 May-20 Jun

 As this month appears to drag for you, you feel it will not liven up as you had hoped it would, see a sudden burst of activity, which will take your breath away and you will be in demand once again.  Good times are ahead.  You will be able to count your blessings.  Be happy that it turned out this way there are no more hardships.

21 Jun-22 Jul

 A new opening of some significance is already in place for you.  It will come out of the blue and will be as a direct reflection on what you have previously done.  Recommendations of the highest quality have been discussed already, so the die is cast.  You will be over the moon with your new position.  The challenges will be the right ones for you.

23 Jul-22 Aug

 No more disappointments as the new position will be entirely to your liking.  It goes beyond anything you have ever imagined before and it will allow you to be stretched in ways that are all achievable and to your complete satisfaction.  Go for the highest offer being awarded to you, as you entirely deserve it and have already been recognised for it.

23 Aug-22 Sep

 An expensive month for you will see you not going without and there will be more money allowing for further expenditure, which will be the case in a few months’ time.  It is necessary to establish yourself and for others to see that you are able to manage in spite of the tremendous pressures you find yourself in.  Do not despair, a very productive month.

23 Sep-22 Oct

 As you appear to be going from one situation to another and nothing seems to be worthwhile, a new and invigorating event will appear, much to your amazement and where you can find your feet once again.  The difficulty is not in you personally, but how you have positioned yourself, which makes you so vulnerable to other people’s remarks and criticisms.  This event takes you completely away from these problems.

23 Oct-21 Nov

 An avalanche of work is now heading your way and where you must take care to guard yourself from extreme exhaustion.  You are able to handle all events, but you need to do it at a pace that is manageable to you and others.  Do not overdo it, otherwise you will not be able to complete the tasks to the highest of standards you already have set yourself to do.

22 Nov-21 Dec

 It is now that you take the lead in all matters.  You have been playing a waiting game for this situation to arise.  Having already taken the lead a month ago, this will seem an easier task then before and you will be able to accomplish a higher level of satisfaction, which to you will seem natural, to others a dream they cannot obtain.  Trust in your instincts and achieve what others can only dream about.

22 Dec-19 Jan

 The wake-up call to take you to the next level up is well within your control and jurisdiction.  An amazing feat of achievement will see you launched in ways not thought possible before.  It will be the makings of you, as you have not gone unnoticed now for months at a time.  The new evaluation will see you poised higher than ever at all possible.  Know you are being looked after and nothing can upset your equilibrium. 

20 Jan-18 Feb

 Take this important time to reflect on all your achievements and to see the next step forwards in acquiring a new lease of life with direction and purpose.  All is now ready for you to take this next step into the unknown and to know all will be well in spite of any trepidations you might already have.

19 Feb-20 Mar

 Uncovering your strengths has never been easy for you.  This is the time when you will be asked to go that extra mile and where you can achieve a whole lot more satisfaction.  A windfall of some significance is already making its way to you.  You will not be disappointed, but gratified it came to you at last.  Know all that you do is witnessed by the Universal Intelligence and is therefore to your benefit.


FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk


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