23 Jul-22 Aug
As you start to establish your career in a more positive way, you will actually be pleasantly surprised at how far you have already come and achieved. The month is bright with more opportunities than you could ever have imagined before. Now the entree for your established career is being formed and glorified. Take heart you are no longer a beginner but a long-term achiever.
23 Aug-22 Sep
The situations are proving to be more positive than expected a few months ago, so lighten up and see the many benefits coming your way. The hard and extensive work you have put in are now showing dividends in a remarkable way without interference from outside sources. You are now on the up and relish in this new confidence you are currently enjoying.
23 Sep-22 Oct
A major move of some significance is heading your way and you must take up this very generous offer as it won’t come around again. It is your diligence and single mindedness of not wanting to give up, which has stood you in such good stead. All that praying has brought about this situation, whereby you can finally see that future ahead of you.
23 Oct-21 Nov
Every day might seem gloomy to you when in fact it is not. You have achieved far more then even you can imagine. Many people are now taking note at what you have been able to do in recent months. So well done and know that there are more accolades to come. Some interesting work is now coming your way where you can excel even further.
22 Nov-21 Dec
An offer, where there will be financial remuneration, is about to befall you. It will have significant interest not only to you but to those whom you serve in your domestic life. This will enable you to be uplifted and where you can see yourself in a commanding position once again. Don’t despair. The much needed turn around is already in place.
22 Dec-19 Jan
20 Jan-18 Feb
As you find that you are a captivated audience to a certain group of people, you will see that you are all on the same wavelength and where you will no longer feel an outsider in your own life. This time has been a difficult and trying time, but that situation is almost over and where much needed freedom is being given back to you now. A happier more peaceful life is envisaged.
19 Feb-20 Mar
21 Mar-19 Apr
As you continue to climb to the top of your pinnacle of expression of life remember, those who have supported you all this time and who have not been given the necessary accolades that you give yourself. The time has come where future support will not be so readily available to you, if you do not cherish those who have already sacrificed so much so that you can succeed. Remember you are not alone in this world. We all need one another to succeed and grow.
20 Apr-20 May
As you continue to delve into the unknown, know that you are not alone and where the planetary advisors are constantly by your side influencing you on a massive scale, so that full protection is yours for all time. That influence is special and will guide you to where you need to be and where happiness on a strange but important basis comes to you now. This new lease of life is important for your salvation, as you will be able to see soon enough.
21 May-20 Jun
It is time to take stock of what you now have and where you have too much and items are no longer relevant in your life, it is time to discard them to make way for new and more interesting things. The clear out is much overdue, but it becomes necessary for the new growth to come in as this is the perfect timing for it to happen. So be sensible and remove all things that no longer fit into your life and start to move on. You won’t regret it.
21 Jun-22 Jul
Important work of a different nature will present itself to you. It will be more in keeping with your character and where you will feel that you are able to accomplish in a better way. The path that you are on is only temporary, as the better direction now presents itself and you won’t be disappointed. It is not about taking a chance, but to understand what the better thing in your life is. Your instincts have not let you down.
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jenny@ourlivingproof.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.ourlivingproof.co.uk
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