JULY 2009

Mustafa’s Death Mask
A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Now that there is much upheaval with the planetary system, a new and involved way of working will come about. This will allow you long term satisfaction and a feeling that at last you are able to express yourself in a way not thought of possible before. You will feel more empowered with your life as never before. So start to believe and see the results.
Now that there is much upheaval with the planetary system, a new and involved way of working will come about. This will allow you long term satisfaction and a feeling that at last you are able to express yourself in a way not thought of possible before. You will feel more empowered with your life as never before. So start to believe and see the results.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Stop pussy footing with your life, it is not standing still. It is now a wake up call to get yourself up and motivated. Circumstances that were once bothering you will just fall away nicely, allowing you a clean canvass for your life to get up and running again. Take this chance and go for it. You know you deserve it and see the benefits.
Stop pussy footing with your life, it is not standing still. It is now a wake up call to get yourself up and motivated. Circumstances that were once bothering you will just fall away nicely, allowing you a clean canvass for your life to get up and running again. Take this chance and go for it. You know you deserve it and see the benefits.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Now that your strength has returned and you are starting to feel more grounded than at any time in your life, you will see a pattern emerge which, if you let it, can start to change your life. It’s a life experience you will never forget and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Start to trust your own instincts and prove it to yourself.
Now that your strength has returned and you are starting to feel more grounded than at any time in your life, you will see a pattern emerge which, if you let it, can start to change your life. It’s a life experience you will never forget and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Start to trust your own instincts and prove it to yourself.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
You are much too tense at the moment to allow anything really good to come into your life. The more you worry the more matters will slip away. Be patient and learn to trust in a high power to steer you where you are meant to be. A new start is coming, so be more at peace and allow circumstances to come your way.
You are much too tense at the moment to allow anything really good to come into your life. The more you worry the more matters will slip away. Be patient and learn to trust in a high power to steer you where you are meant to be. A new start is coming, so be more at peace and allow circumstances to come your way.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
It is because you are intelligent that you are able to see situations that others cannot. So begin to see why you are so blessed and give others a chance to catch up. They need to see it from their prospective and can’t always see it from yours. Show leadership and patience and learn to be gentle on yourself. You know it makes sense.
It is because you are intelligent that you are able to see situations that others cannot. So begin to see why you are so blessed and give others a chance to catch up. They need to see it from their prospective and can’t always see it from yours. Show leadership and patience and learn to be gentle on yourself. You know it makes sense.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
Those difficult days are over and you are now constantly in the light of much assurity and calm. Major decisions coming up will turn your world upside down and so be content and learn to be flattered by the process. All is exactly as it is meant to be with no short cuts or mishaps. The World now really is your oyster. Learn to enjoy it.
Those difficult days are over and you are now constantly in the light of much assurity and calm. Major decisions coming up will turn your world upside down and so be content and learn to be flattered by the process. All is exactly as it is meant to be with no short cuts or mishaps. The World now really is your oyster. Learn to enjoy it.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Be prepared for radical changes to your life. You can’t stop them. It’s only now will you be able to appreciate them. What you have wanted for far too long is on its way to you. Brace yourself for the challenges. It’s what you have been asking for all this time. Be a support to others so that you can obtain maximum benefit to you.
Be prepared for radical changes to your life. You can’t stop them. It’s only now will you be able to appreciate them. What you have wanted for far too long is on its way to you. Brace yourself for the challenges. It’s what you have been asking for all this time. Be a support to others so that you can obtain maximum benefit to you.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
It’s no mean feat that you have survived this long. Now, as everything turns full circle for you and you are in your comfort zone, you will be expected to perform at the highest level possible. All your achievements are being realised at the same time and to keep you in very good stead. Now everybody will want to know you. You have made it at last.
It’s no mean feat that you have survived this long. Now, as everything turns full circle for you and you are in your comfort zone, you will be expected to perform at the highest level possible. All your achievements are being realised at the same time and to keep you in very good stead. Now everybody will want to know you. You have made it at last.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
It’s a shame that you keep beating yourself over the head. Can you not see that all is out there for you, but you refuse to take that vital step forwards for fear of falling? Deep emotional issues still hold you back and you must learn to trust when something good comes your way so that full appreciation can make that next step easier.
It’s a shame that you keep beating yourself over the head. Can you not see that all is out there for you, but you refuse to take that vital step forwards for fear of falling? Deep emotional issues still hold you back and you must learn to trust when something good comes your way so that full appreciation can make that next step easier.
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
You fear you have lost your way and that golden opportunity that was on offer is now dead and buried. It is only a temporary hiccup and it will return to you when the timing is right and you are more prepared to take on those challenges that you didn’t feel were right for you before. Nothing is lost. All will return to you.
You fear you have lost your way and that golden opportunity that was on offer is now dead and buried. It is only a temporary hiccup and it will return to you when the timing is right and you are more prepared to take on those challenges that you didn’t feel were right for you before. Nothing is lost. All will return to you.
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Promises, promises and nothing seems to be going right for you. All is up in the air and you don’t know whether you are coming or going. Be at peace little one and allow matters to change in a more positive way, so that you can see the reason why it took so long. It will be to your benefit in the long run.
Promises, promises and nothing seems to be going right for you. All is up in the air and you don’t know whether you are coming or going. Be at peace little one and allow matters to change in a more positive way, so that you can see the reason why it took so long. It will be to your benefit in the long run.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Now that you are entering a most fascinating time in your life, you will be asked to respond and respond you will. What seemed impossible some months ago can at last be realised and new firm commitments on a number of issues are already set up. So be very pleased with yourself. You have finally arrived. What seemed the impossible is now here – enjoy it!
Now that you are entering a most fascinating time in your life, you will be asked to respond and respond you will. What seemed impossible some months ago can at last be realised and new firm commitments on a number of issues are already set up. So be very pleased with yourself. You have finally arrived. What seemed the impossible is now here – enjoy it!
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