JUNE 2009

Mustafa’s Death Mask
A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled from Jenny Ayers’s 4000 years old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
Cancer 21 Jun-22 Jul
Many troubles seem to be around you and you appear swamped under a pile of work with nothing seeming to go right. Don’t despair. There are planetary changes around so a rollercoaster feeling is what you are experiencing. All will slow up and a brighter outlook is there for you. Hold in there, you will be absolutely fine in a couple of weeks.
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Feeling out on a limb? Not sure whether you are doing the right thing? Search your conscience. Is this really what you want or are you just kidding yourself? Take time out for you and see what is really out there. You might find you will change your mind before it is too late. Everything that seems familiar does not make it always right.
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
It is a topsy-turvy world out there right now and you feel jetlagged to say the least. Try to put matters in order around you and begin to feel more grounded. A major development to occur in your life so you had better be ready for it – everything to be up to date now for the coming good news. You are almost there now.
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Stop crying over spilt beer. The situation is not dead and buried. There is new hope out there. You just can’t see it right now. Be patient, what seemed hopeless some months ago is now being released and a new framework to your life is now approaching. It will be what you have been waiting for. So hold in there. You won’t be sorry.
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Being pulled from pillar to post is making you feel rather dizzy and out of sorts. Allow the planetary aspects to settle and you will start to feel less bruised and more with it. Now is the time for making those necessary adjustments to your life, which will hold you in good stead as you’ll be up and running again in a very short time.
Sagittarius 22 Nov-21 Dec
Now as there is all change in your life, so you need to be prepared to raise the anti. What once was, is no more and it can’t be repeated. What is necessary in your life to make it get up and go is now approaching and must be faced with joy and much hope. You have earned it, so well done to you.
Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan
This is the moment you have been waiting for. Yes, it has taken long enough but you won’t be disappointed. You’ll be ahead of the game in all aspects, a complete new lease of life is there for you. So with the go ahead, do not think twice just go for it. The turning point for all to see and a great feeling of achievement.
Aquarius 20 Jan-18 Feb
Now you face your greatest hour. It has been a long hard slog and you have finally made it through what seemed impossible odds. Achievement never comes easy to you but it has finally. Do not waste the experience, enjoy every moment you have committed to it and now the victory is yours. Don’t look back on the past. It’s the future which beckons you.
Pisces 19 Feb-20 Mar
Hurray, your time has come at last and all is much joy and pleasure. You will not be able to believe it, but believe it you will. All the sacrifice and sheer hard work has now paid off and you’ll be in seventh heaven from now on. Tired and wilted you most certainly are, but joyous and elated is certainly how you will feel.
Aries 21 Mar-19 Apr
Every time you have tried your best and been bashed down. For what you may well ask? As situations are now changing at a remarkable rate you will be able to see the salvation for all your hard labours bearing fruit at every level. Don’t be disappointed. Keep the faith. You have now made it. Success is sweeter through the turmoil, even you know that!
Taurus 20 Apr-20 May
We are almost there. Those trying times just recently have been long and arduous. Now the breakthrough has arrived and you will see many sing your praises. It is never easy to say, “I was right all along” as you are a humble person, but your heart spoke to you and you knew if you stuck it out you would win in the end!
Gemini 21 May-20 Jun
Those new beginnings are here to stay. So put away those worry lines of yours and see those promises being fulfilled. You have had to bite your tongue so many times. It has now paid off. So keep a cool head and enjoy what is so rightfully yours. An offer you can’t refuse will see you happier than you have been in a long time.
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